
Reaction score

Παιδια,ελατε με τους δισκους σας (cd) να τα ακουσουμε. Eιναι οντως εξαιρετικο και εχει λογο υπαρξης.

Τα εχω συνδεσει με AUDIO NOTE U.K και παιζουν σε ενα χωρο 35τμ του 4ου οροφου.
Καμιά μικρούλα θα χεις?

Reaction score

Θα πω και της κυραΒλασαινας να φτιαξει δυο ταψακια ,ενα με παστιτσιο και ενα με μουσακα για να σας φιλεψω......αααααα θα φερω και μουσταλευρια για να σας γλυκανω......φανταστικοι ακροατες~~~!!!!!!!!:143::143:
εμαι μεσαα....:136:

Αυτη ειναι συζυγος Βλαση!!!!:112:


Reaction score
Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: Re: ΤΙ ΔΕΝ ΣΑΣ ΑΡΕΣΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΜΟΥ????

εμαι μεσαα....:136:

για την μουσταλευρια η για το παστιτσιο????????????:143::143:

Reaction score
ολα μας αρεσουν (τα φαγητα και τα γλυκα...:107:) Βλαση μας!

δε λεμε οχι σε αυτα. Μπραβο στη Κυρια Βλασαινα.


Reaction score
Επειδή δεν γίνεσαι περιγραφικός, μήπως σε ενοχλεί ότι για το κόστος των συγκεκριμένων ηχείων δεν σε ικανοποιούν ορισμένα πράγματα, όπως πχ ότι δεν "δένουν" όπως θα ήθελες τα μπάσα που ακούς με το υπόλοιπο φάσμα?
Oχι δεν ειναι αυτό το πρόβλημα
Τα ηχεία παλιά ισως ειχαν κάποια προβλήματα στο δεσιμο που λες
Τα σημερινά οχι
Αν θα τα άλλαζα απλά θα τα άλλαζα με μεγαλυτερο μοντέλο ισως το duo γιατί υπάρχει και το πρόβλημα χώρου

Reaction score

Εκτός κι αν το ερώτημα όσον αφορά το συγκεκριμένο συνδυασμό συστήματος-ακουστικής αντίληψης κατόχου είναι ρητορικό...:612:
Οχι ρε φίλε το σύστημα στο βάζω σε photo ακόμα και τώρα
απο ακουστική αντίληψη επειδή εχω στον χώρο απο τα 17 και τώρα είμαι 51 κάτι εχω ακούσει ολα αυτά τα χρόνια

Reaction score

Μεγαλη διασπορα οι κορνες?
Ναι και δεν φαντάζομαι να ακούω χωρίς κόρνες πιά

Reaction score
κρίνοντας απο τον τίτλο του θέματος
είτε έχεις κάποιο παράπονο απο το σύστημα σου και δέν μπορείς να το βρείς
είτε σε τσιγκλάει να κάνεις καμια αλλαγή:142:

σίγουρα είμαι ανεπαρκής στο να κρίνω οποιονδήποτε κρίκο της αλυσίδας στο σύστημα σου.για να έχεις καταλήξει μετά απο τόσα χρόνια εκεί πάει να πεί οτι σου αρέσει η όλη φιλοσοφία.

οπότε ή κάνε κάτι με το χώρο που σίγουρα είναι ανεπαρκής-μικρός.

ή πάρε κανα pc και παίξει με pc-based audio ετσι ώστε να επεκτείνεις τις μουσικές σου γνώσεις, αν βέβαια δέν έχεις καμια συλλογή με 5000 σιντοβινύλια...

Reaction score
Eδώ γράφει τις απόψεις του ένας αυστραλός "ομοιοπαθής" του IRON:

Yesterday I got to hear the Avantgarde Uno's at Audio Connection in Sydney. You may recall that I have already heard the Avantgarde Duo's in Tivoli Hi-Fi in Melbourne. I posted my impressions in another thread.

The Uno's are $10,000 cheaper than the Duo's. The principal difference is with the midrange horn, which is smaller; and the subwoofer, which is also smaller. But the Duo's are true monsters - the flare of the midrange horn is much larger than a kitchen sink. The Uno's are more friendly for the average listening room, which is why I wanted to give them a test run.

The Uno's that I listened to were secondhand, and equipped with the SUB225 subwoofer module (the same ones fitted to the Duo which I heard in Tivoli). The listening room was larger than Tivoli's - this one was 5.5 x 6.5 meters, whereas Tivoli's was at least a meter smaller in length and width. The dealer placed them one meter from the front wall (same as Tivoli), but because of the luxury of space, he could place them 1.5m from each side wall.

Imaging and Soundstage
If you recall from my listening notes after hearing the Duo's, I mentioned that the Duo's had the following characteristics:

- Because of the large seperation between the tweeter and the midrange horns, the speaker does not integrate well unless you are at least 3m away,
- The soundstage thrown was unnaturally tall but not very wide, like watching a TV with the wrong aspect ratio,
- The speaker had a fairly narrow dispersion but a large sweet spot which is unusual for a narrow dispersion speaker.

So now we have a smaller speaker in a bigger room, what happens to the soundstage? Well firstly, the speakers still exhibit the same tendency towards poor integration of the horns, but they are not as bad as the Duo's. This is because the midrange horn is smaller in diameter, which allows it to be placed closer to the tweeter horn. If you recall, I said that the Duo's start to gel at 4m from the speaker. The Uno's gel a good meter closer, if not more. The nearest I could sit was 2.5m (and not hear the vertical horns seperate) but it was much better at 3m, and dramatically better at 4m.

At 3m (where I did most of my listening), the soundstage height, depth, and width were realistic. In fact, the horns did a very good job of hiding the fact that they were so far apart and managed to fill the space in between like a conventional speaker. MUCH better than the Duo system I heard, which just sounded wrong.


The Duo's I heard showed flashes of brilliance - they could go down low convincingly but what I heard was either too tubby or too lean. Tivoli just did not know how to set the speaker up properly, and I left the shop thinking that I did not really hear what they could do down low. Well, Audio Connection had the settings spot on. I tried twiddling the knobs myself but could not arrive at a better sounding setting than the ones they had chosen.

Let's just say that the bass was "adequate". The precision of those subwoofer things is a joy to behold - the attack note on a drum is ferocious and quick, and as the drum decays you can hear the timbre of the instrument.

This speaker is fitted with the same subwoofer as the Duo's which I heard. At the time, I thought that the Duo's would make enough bass to keep Norpus impressed. I don't think so any more - the bass on the Uno's is accurate and fast, but not very deep and in not much quantity. It would be more than enough for all the music I listen to.

Mids and Highs

Someone else was interested in the speaker, and as I walked into the room I heard that he wanted to buy them. The hi-fi dealer explained that I had called first to make the appointment, AND that I had flown up from Melbourne - so I had first dibs on the speaker.

I saw that the Krell KPS-25 CD player was being used. Not familiar with the Krell, but it should be a good source. An Audio Note Soro SE (8W SET integrated amp) was being used. Again, I was not familiar with this amp, but I had called and asked for a SET amp to be used. So I sat down and had a listen.

Oh dear, oh dear. Alas! The mids and highs simply did not compare to my ProAc + Cary system I have at home. The woman mentioned that it sounded muffled, which it definitely did. Detail which I was used to hearing went missing. The sense of rhythm and excitement was gone, which I thought was very peculiar for a speaker as dynamic as this. Worst of all, female vocals took on a nasal tone, as if all of them had sinusitis.

I was warned that they might sound like this. As someone on Audiogon told me, "Avantgarde sell more Duo's than Uno's for a good reason".

This degree of coloration was unacceptable. After a few CD's I thanked the salesman for his time, and said that I am glad that he had already found a buyer for the speakers, as I will not be buying them.

But wait, there's more ...

The salesman went to get his boss and he came back and suggested that they hook up a different amplifier. After questioning me a bit about my system and my musical tastes, the boss suggested a Graaf valve amp. I've never heard of Graaf, but it's an Italian company, and the amp they were going to pull out was a 20W OTL monoblock. OTL's differ from SET's in that they lack an output transformer (OTL = Output TransformerLess) and instead perform impedance matching elsewhere in the amp.

Wow, is all I can say. NOW that's more like it! The Uno's now sounded more like what I was hoping to achieve. The nasal tone is gone. The lack of clarity was gone. Instead, what was left was a midrange and treble very close in purity to what I get at home, though not quite there. But what I got was VERY acceptable.

The attack of the notes sharpened up tremendously. I could barely believe the sound of the Japanese Drums. In other systems (like Greg's), the Jap Drums are impressive in their volume and dimension. In this system, the attack of the drums was the sharpest I have ever heard, by far. From a background of total silence, the thwack of the drumstick against the skin, the sudden rise of the notes, and the resonance of the room was clearly audible. The system does not impress because of the volume of bass, rather it impresses because of the speed of the attack.

Everything about the system improved to a now acceptable level. I still think my ProAc's have a sweeter midrange and more detailed highs, but there is nothing to complain about with this system. The sound is more laid back and probably less fatiguing.


The dynamics are phenomenal, but it is a very different sound to the other approach to dynamics - big amplifiers with inefficient speakers. This system achieved superb dynamics but still managed to sound delicate. People who are not fans would replace the word "delicate" with "lightweight". The 5 seconds of exposure I had with the Wilson Audio's (before I went out of the room so as not to interrupt the demonstration) reminded me what solid state dynamics are like - big, impressive, weighty, and with gravitas. Whether you like sound like this will depend on your taste in music. With my type of music, it sounds great.


Compared to the Avantgarde Duo's, the Uno's are in some ways a better speaker. They demand fewer room compromises and deliver sound which is very close to the Duo's. And, they are 1/3 cheaper ($10,000!). The Duo's delivered better dynamics and sounded more impressive, but you must have the right room for them.

Amplifier choice is critical with these speakers. Choose the wrong amplifier and the sound will be unacceptable.

Reaction score
Eδώ γράφει τις απόψεις του ένας αυστραλός "ομοιοπαθής" του IRON:

Yesterday I got to hear the Avantgarde Uno's at Audio Connection in Sydney. You may recall that I have already heard the Avantgarde Duo's in Tivoli Hi-Fi in Melbourne. I posted my impressions in another thread.

The Uno's are $10,000 cheaper than the Duo's. The principal difference is with the midrange horn, which is smaller; and the subwoofer, which is also smaller. But the Duo's are true monsters - the flare of the midrange horn is much larger than a kitchen sink. The Uno's are more friendly for the average listening room, which is why I wanted to give them a test run.

The Uno's that I listened to were secondhand, and equipped with the SUB225 subwoofer module (the same ones fitted to the Duo which I heard in Tivoli). The listening room was larger than Tivoli's - this one was 5.5 x 6.5 meters, whereas Tivoli's was at least a meter smaller in length and width. The dealer placed them one meter from the front wall (same as Tivoli), but because of the luxury of space, he could place them 1.5m from each side wall.

Imaging and Soundstage
If you recall from my listening notes after hearing the Duo's, I mentioned that the Duo's had the following characteristics:

- Because of the large seperation between the tweeter and the midrange horns, the speaker does not integrate well unless you are at least 3m away,
- The soundstage thrown was unnaturally tall but not very wide, like watching a TV with the wrong aspect ratio,
- The speaker had a fairly narrow dispersion but a large sweet spot which is unusual for a narrow dispersion speaker.

So now we have a smaller speaker in a bigger room, what happens to the soundstage? Well firstly, the speakers still exhibit the same tendency towards poor integration of the horns, but they are not as bad as the Duo's. This is because the midrange horn is smaller in diameter, which allows it to be placed closer to the tweeter horn. If you recall, I said that the Duo's start to gel at 4m from the speaker. The Uno's gel a good meter closer, if not more. The nearest I could sit was 2.5m (and not hear the vertical horns seperate) but it was much better at 3m, and dramatically better at 4m.

At 3m (where I did most of my listening), the soundstage height, depth, and width were realistic. In fact, the horns did a very good job of hiding the fact that they were so far apart and managed to fill the space in between like a conventional speaker. MUCH better than the Duo system I heard, which just sounded wrong.


The Duo's I heard showed flashes of brilliance - they could go down low convincingly but what I heard was either too tubby or too lean. Tivoli just did not know how to set the speaker up properly, and I left the shop thinking that I did not really hear what they could do down low. Well, Audio Connection had the settings spot on. I tried twiddling the knobs myself but could not arrive at a better sounding setting than the ones they had chosen.

Let's just say that the bass was "adequate". The precision of those subwoofer things is a joy to behold - the attack note on a drum is ferocious and quick, and as the drum decays you can hear the timbre of the instrument.

This speaker is fitted with the same subwoofer as the Duo's which I heard. At the time, I thought that the Duo's would make enough bass to keep Norpus impressed. I don't think so any more - the bass on the Uno's is accurate and fast, but not very deep and in not much quantity. It would be more than enough for all the music I listen to.

Mids and Highs

Someone else was interested in the speaker, and as I walked into the room I heard that he wanted to buy them. The hi-fi dealer explained that I had called first to make the appointment, AND that I had flown up from Melbourne - so I had first dibs on the speaker.

I saw that the Krell KPS-25 CD player was being used. Not familiar with the Krell, but it should be a good source. An Audio Note Soro SE (8W SET integrated amp) was being used. Again, I was not familiar with this amp, but I had called and asked for a SET amp to be used. So I sat down and had a listen.

Oh dear, oh dear. Alas! The mids and highs simply did not compare to my ProAc + Cary system I have at home. The woman mentioned that it sounded muffled, which it definitely did. Detail which I was used to hearing went missing. The sense of rhythm and excitement was gone, which I thought was very peculiar for a speaker as dynamic as this. Worst of all, female vocals took on a nasal tone, as if all of them had sinusitis.

I was warned that they might sound like this. As someone on Audiogon told me, "Avantgarde sell more Duo's than Uno's for a good reason".

This degree of coloration was unacceptable. After a few CD's I thanked the salesman for his time, and said that I am glad that he had already found a buyer for the speakers, as I will not be buying them.

But wait, there's more ...

The salesman went to get his boss and he came back and suggested that they hook up a different amplifier. After questioning me a bit about my system and my musical tastes, the boss suggested a Graaf valve amp. I've never heard of Graaf, but it's an Italian company, and the amp they were going to pull out was a 20W OTL monoblock. OTL's differ from SET's in that they lack an output transformer (OTL = Output TransformerLess) and instead perform impedance matching elsewhere in the amp.

Wow, is all I can say. NOW that's more like it! The Uno's now sounded more like what I was hoping to achieve. The nasal tone is gone. The lack of clarity was gone. Instead, what was left was a midrange and treble very close in purity to what I get at home, though not quite there. But what I got was VERY acceptable.

The attack of the notes sharpened up tremendously. I could barely believe the sound of the Japanese Drums. In other systems (like Greg's), the Jap Drums are impressive in their volume and dimension. In this system, the attack of the drums was the sharpest I have ever heard, by far. From a background of total silence, the thwack of the drumstick against the skin, the sudden rise of the notes, and the resonance of the room was clearly audible. The system does not impress because of the volume of bass, rather it impresses because of the speed of the attack.

Everything about the system improved to a now acceptable level. I still think my ProAc's have a sweeter midrange and more detailed highs, but there is nothing to complain about with this system. The sound is more laid back and probably less fatiguing.


The dynamics are phenomenal, but it is a very different sound to the other approach to dynamics - big amplifiers with inefficient speakers. This system achieved superb dynamics but still managed to sound delicate. People who are not fans would replace the word "delicate" with "lightweight". The 5 seconds of exposure I had with the Wilson Audio's (before I went out of the room so as not to interrupt the demonstration) reminded me what solid state dynamics are like - big, impressive, weighty, and with gravitas. Whether you like sound like this will depend on your taste in music. With my type of music, it sounds great.


Compared to the Avantgarde Duo's, the Uno's are in some ways a better speaker. They demand fewer room compromises and deliver sound which is very close to the Duo's. And, they are 1/3 cheaper ($10,000!). The Duo's delivered better dynamics and sounded more impressive, but you must have the right room for them.

Amplifier choice is critical with these speakers. Choose the wrong amplifier and the sound will be unacceptable.
Bασικά αν θες να πεις κάτι πεστο, αυτό που κάνεις είναι λίγο γελοίο.

Reaction score

αυτό το ηχείο σε 15,75 τετραγωνικά μέτρα?

Εκτός από το χαμηλό το οποίο δεν ακους και που μάλλον ακούγεται καλύτερα στο δίπλα δωμάτιο, δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να έχεις σωστό integration των τριών δρόμων του ηχείου στα 2-3 μέτρα απόστασης που ακους....

Άλλαξε ηχεία ή άλλαξε χώρο.

Δεν έχει η avantgard μικρότερο μοντέλο?
Στεργιε λάθος αποψη εχεις
δεν διαφωνώ μαζί σου οτι τα ηχεία θέλουν μεγαλύτερο χώρο για να αναπτυχθούν
αλλά το χαμηλό δεν είναι το πρόβλημα μου
και η απόκριση των ηχείων είναι ομαλή
δεν υπάρχουν τρύπες στην απόκριση συχνοτητας

Reaction score
Re: Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: ΤΙ ΔΕΝ ΣΑΣ ΑΡΕΣΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΜΟΥ????

Μεγαλες εντασεις σε μικρο χωρο και με ηχεια που κατα κανονα ειναι προορισμενα για πανω απο 30 μετρα, ειναι πολυ τραβηγμενο. Επισης εχεις σκεφτει οτι ενδεχομενως να νομιζεις οτι εχεις μεγαλη εικονα?

Εγω στο ειπα και στο ξαναλεω, βαλε ετσι για πλακα για λιγες ωρες το συστημα αυτο, σε αλλον χωρο στο σπιτι σου. Βαλε κλασικη μουσικη (ασχετα αν σ αρεσει η οχι) μεγαλα ορχηστρικα εργα, και ακουσε τα σε εντασεις που σ αρεσουν. Σιγουρα καποια πραγματα θα τ ακουσεις διαφορετικα, ισως να ειναι αυτο που σου λειπει. Αν ομως εξακολουθει να μην σ αρεσει κατι τοτε το ξανασυζηταμε.
Για τον χωρο που εχω σε συνδιασμό με τα καμπανάκια του chang η ηχητική εντύπωση που έχω είναι οτι ο χώρος είναι τεράστιος
σε σχέση με τις διαστάσεις του δωματίου

Μην κολλάς στον χώρο δεν ειναι αυτό το πρόβλημα

Nick Arvanitakis

Audio Pro
Reaction score
Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: ΤΙ ΔΕΝ ΣΑΣ ΑΡΕΣΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΜΟΥ????

Μην κολλάς στον χώρο δεν ειναι αυτό το πρόβλημα

...με τό τσιγκέλι...

Μήπως δεν είναι ακουστικό το πρόβλημα?:126:

Reaction score
Αφού σου λέει το πρόβλημα του χώρου το έλυσε με τα καμπανάκια του τσάγκ!
... και με το άλλο, πως το λέει .... το παιχνίδι της acoustic revive RR-77.

Reaction score
Re: Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: ΤΙ ΔΕΝ ΣΑΣ ΑΡΕΣΕΙ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΜΟΥ????

Μην κολλάς στον χώρο δεν ειναι αυτό το πρόβλημα
κοίταξε να δείς...μπαίνεις σε ένα σάιτ και λές "τί δέν σας αρέσει στο σύστημα μου".
οπότε κατ αρχήν ψάχνουμε να βρούμε κάτι το αρνητικό.Αν το δέχεσαι οτι ο χώρος είναι το αρνητικό το δέχεσαι.αν όχι τότε κακώς το άνοιξες το θέμα.
επίσης να ξέρεις οτι το επιβαρημένο χαμηλό που ακούς ως "όγκο" χτυπάει άσχημα στα μεσαία, δηλαδή στη μουσική.
παρότι μπορεί να σου αρέσει η αίσθηση αυτή είναι σίγουρα λάθος.σε ένα μεγαλύτερο χώρο θα ακούσεις αυτό το ηχείο πιο άδειο αλλα σίγουρα καλύτερο.
αυτά τα τσανγκ τσούνγκ που λές, ακόμα και αν τα θεωρώ φύκια, σίγουρα δέν λύνουν το κατα βάσην ενεργειακό πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζεις στο δωμάτιο.
προσωπικά σε δωμάτιο έχω δύο 8άιντσα και στις υψηλές εντάσεις μου καταστρέφουν τα μεσαία.πρέπει να ζουλήξω τις χαμηλές για να ακούσω καλά...

Reaction score
Σαν αντιπροσωπος της AVANTGARDE που ειναι και η αγαπημενη μου εταιρεια μαζι με την AUDIO NOTE , ηθελα να σου πω οτι το setup σου ειναι πολυ καλο και δεν βλεπω κατι που θα μπορουσε να μην ταιριαζει(θεωρητικα).

Τα AVANTGARDE οπως ολες οι κορνες ειναι ηχεια κατευθυντικα , ειναι δε ...''μεγεθυντικοι φακοι '' ως προς την ακριβεια της πληροφοριας που αναπαραγουν ,και οτι τους δωσεις θα το παρεις. Ο χωρος σου ειναι λιγο μικρος για αυτα τα ηχεια. Τα 25 τ.μ ειναι ο minimum χωρος που παιζουν ικανοποιητικα.

Ειναι απαιτητικα στα καλωδια, που τα δεχονται η τα απορριπτουν,στην καλη στηριξη των μηχανηματων, στους τυπους και μαρκες λυχνιων που χρησιμοποιουνται σε ενα λαμπατο συστημα. Γενικα ακους το καθε τι που βαζεις και ευκολα διαλεγεις αν σου κανει η οχι.

Εαν τα AVAΝTGARDE σεταριστουν σωστα, παιξουν με μικρης ισχυος μουσικα μηχανηματα, γινει και ενα ελεγχος του χωρου (ολα αυτα οπως ολοι ξερουμε θελουν το χρονο τους , υπομονη , μερακι και πολλες δοκιμες) και ''κατσουν'' στο χωρο σου , μπορει να σε απογειωσουν :126:και να μεινεις για ολη σου τη ζωη παρεα μαζι τους. Εχουν τοσα πολλα πλεονεκτηματα που ειναι δυσκολο να μην σε γοητευσουν και να μη σε βαλουν στην ...πριζα.:126: Απλα οπως ολα τα καλα ηχεια θελουν και αυτα τον καταλληλο συνδυασμο συνοδων κλπ.

Τα AVANTGARDE UNO G2, DUO OMEGA G2 και ΜΕΖΖΟ υπαρχουν σε επιδειξη στην Ηχοεκφραση με διαφορα αλλα ''καλουδια'' και κλεινοντας ενα ραντεβου, μπορουμε να τα ακουσουμε παρεα με οσους φιλους απο εδω θα το επιθυμουσαν, πινοντας βεβαιως βεβαιως... και καλο , η μαλλον εξαιρετικο καφε:126:.
Κύριε Μενδρινέ ο χώρος μου είναι μικρός αλλά μην εχεις την εντύπωση οτι τα ηχεία δεν δείχνουν την αξία τους
Η εταιρεία είναι ΜΕΓΑΛΗ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
μετά απο 30 χρόνια αναζήτησης εχω καταλήξει στα avantgard
τυχαία??? δεν νομίζω????
δεν δεχομαι την απάντηση σαν αντιπρόσωπος της εταιρείας
είσαι λάθος να γράφεις στον χώρο
αλλά απο την άλλη έχεις δίκιο σε οσα λές
Μεγάλη ηχεία απαιτητικά κλπ.κλπ

ασε τους άλλους να τα ανακαλύψουν
άσε τον καφέ κλπ.κλπ.κλπ
οποιος ακούει ακούει

ΥΓ τον Μενδρινό δεν τον ξέρω και δεν μέ ξέρει

Nick Arvanitakis

Audio Pro
Reaction score

ΥΓ τον Μενδρινό δεν τον ξέρω και δεν μέ ξέρει

Αυτό είναι σίγουρο.
Αν γνωριζόσασταν δεν θά λεγες οτι είναι λάθος που γράφει στον χώρο.

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