iOS 7


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Όλα τα νέα και αναβαθμισμένα χαρακτηριστικά για το iOS 7:

-Folders Expanded
-Notification Center
-Control Center
-iOS in the Car
-Camera, Photos
-iMessage / FaceTime blocking
-Wi-Fi Calling (FaceTime Audio)
-Auto App Updates
-Activation Lock

Αναλυτικά το iOS 7.


iOS 7 will be compatible with the following devices: iPhone 5, 4S, 4; iPad 2, 3, 4 iPad mini and the latest fifth-gen iPod touch.

Επίσημη κυκλοφορία τελικής έκδοσης το Φθινόπωρο, πιθανότατα μαζί με το νέο iPhone.


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Απάντηση: iOS 7

Όμορφο, αλλά προκαλεί για το τοξικά σχόλια...

Πήραν τα αντίστοιχα το android και απλά τα έκαναν rotate... :p


Segregation supporter
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Απάντηση: iOS 7

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trouble in my brain
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Το developer portal της Apple είναι ανενεργό από την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα, είναι θύμα των πολιτικών "ασφαλείας" που έχει η εταιρία.
Είναι προφανές ότι θα υπάρξουν καθυστερήσεις στην ανάπτυξη του iOS 7 και του νέου OS X, βέβαια με την Apple δεν μπορείς να είσαι σίγουρος υπάρχει περίπτωση για να γλυτώσει το κράξιμο να πασάρει μια beta έκδοση σαν τελική για να ικανοποιήσει στην αρχή τα θύματα.

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Απάντηση: iOS 7

Πάλι αυθαίρετα συμπεράσματα βγάζουν κάποιοι!:rolleyes:

Version DP4:
This update is recommended for all users running OS X Mavericks Developer Preview.


It may be necessary to refresh the App Store Purchases page before Developer Preview 4 will appear in the list of purchases.
Network migration from earlier versions of OS X requires the Migration Update for Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion available form the Mac Dev Center.
Network migration over Wi-Fi may fail when migrating from OS X Lion.
Migration from Windows is not supported in Developer Preview 4.
After migration from earlier versions of OS X, systems without Wi-Fi cards will reboot and display Setup Assistant. As a workaround, create a new user account.
iCloud and iCloud Keychain:
When enabling iCloud Keychain, a blank sheet may appear. Force Quit System Preferences and retry.
The Reset Keychain button in Account Details of the iCloud preferences pane is for testing purposes and will not be available in the final release.

First time iCloud setup may fail. Disabled services may be manually enabled in the iCloud preferences pane.
Duplicate iCloud accounts that cannot be deleted may be shown in Contacts preferences.
Users may be prompted repeatedly for their Mail password. To resolve this issue, delete the saved Mail password from iCloud Keychain (found in Keychain, and then reenter the password when prompted by Mail.
iCloud services may be off by default after upgrading from previous versions of OS X.
Wi-Fi network settings are not currently synchronized via iCloud Keychain
Third-Party Applications:
Adobe After Effects CS6 will not function correctly.

Screen recordings taken with Developer Preview 4 are not compatible with earlier releases of OS X.
The QuickTime Player progress bar may be nonfunctional when opening media that requires conversion prior to playback.
Aperture may exit unexpectedly when exporting an image while in full screen.
Moving a full-screen Aperture window to a secondary display may prevent the app window from being visible in subsequent attempts to use full screen.
When saving from Photoshop, ‘Save As’ may not respect selected file type.
Fusion Drive volumes created with Developer Preview 4 are not compatible with OS X version 10.8.4 or earlier.
Wi-Fi association may fail after updating to Developer Preview 4. As a workaround, remove the saved network password in the Keychain Access utility and try again.
Starting in Developer Preview 4, non-admin users will be allowed to install and update software from the Mac App Store. This functionality can be disabled with a profile that sets the “restrict-store-require-admin-to-install” key to true (boolean) in the domain.
If using VoiceOver, network settings may not be accessible in Recovery Mode.
When adding new items to an Automator workflow, the entire Automator view may disappear.
CoreAudio HAL provides a new API that allows apps to provide a hint to the auto system that they would like to optimize for low power. More information on kAudioHardwarePropertyPowerHint is available in the Technical Notes section of the Pre-Release Mac Developer Library.

One of the following Macs:

iMac (Mid-2007 or later)
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later), (17- inch, Late 2007 or later)
MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)
Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
Xserve (Early 2009)

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Απάντηση: iOS 7

Από 29/7/2013 iOS7 beta4 για developers:

Apple today released the fourth beta of iOS 7, which begins a number of improvements, changes, and bug fixes to the operating system, including a designed lockscreen, Notification Center improvements, an updated look for Safari’s bookmark menu, and more.

iOS 7 beta 4 also brings a slew of minor interface tweaks and improvements that make the fourth version of the beta feel both faster and more polished. Our forum members have noted multiple enhancements that have been bundled into the release:

Lockscreen - Slide to Unlock has been updated with a shifting highlight color and an arrow that draw attention to the area on the lockscreen. The arrow that denoted the Notification Center is now a line shape.

Mail - Swiping to delete inbox messages from the Mail app is quicker thanks to a smoother delete animation that eliminates slight lag.

Notification Center - The different sections of the Notification Center can now be switched between by swiping left and right. There is also a new notification for completed uploads.

AirPlay - There are new AirPlay icons.

Siri - Siri’s help menu now includes suggestions for question and answer queries.

Apps - The camera includes a relocated HDR button and the Reminders app now offers Search functionality.

Icons - Safari and Mail appear to have slightly tweaked gradient designs.

Folders - The fade animation for folders located in the dock has been updated to function properly.

Phone - The Call button has been slightly altered to take up less of the phone’s screen and the Answer/Decline buttons have also been updated.

Messages - Messages app now uses the first name and last initial of a contact in a chat conversation rather than the full name.

Search - The iPhone’s search functionality (initiated with a downward swipe on the screen) now includes a "Cancel" option.

Safari - Buttons for Bookmarks, Shared Links, and Reading List have been redesigned with icons rather than labels.

Screenshot API - As noted by 9to5Mac, iOS 7 Beta 4 includes a new screenshot detection API that solves an issue preventing Snapchat from detecting screenshots.

Apple TV - iOS 7 includes a feature that allows an Apple TV to be automatically set up using an iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth. (Thanks, Ethan!)

Additional features in iOS 7 beta 4 will be added here as they are discovered. Apple is likely to continue pushing regular updates for iOS 7, bringing minor performance boosts and changes ahead of the operating system’s public release, which is expected to come in the fall.

Επαθε τελικά πολύ μεγάλη ζημιά η Apple με το hack!:laugh:


trouble in my brain
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Αν είχες ασχοληθεί ποτέ με developing δεν θα γέλαγες... :tongue:
το project έμεινε αρκετές ημέρες χωρίς feedback από τους beta testers
η αξιοπιστία της Apple προς τους beta testers μειώθηκε κατά πολύ

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Απάντηση: iOS 7

Εμεινε λίγες μέρες χωρίς feedback από τους developers,αλήθεια είναι αυτό!
Συμβαίνουν αυτά και στις καλύτερες οικογένειες,άντε να πάει μια βδομάδα πίσω το project.

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Απάντηση: iOS 7

Επεκτεινε ήδη η Apple κατά 1 μήνα for free το account σε όλους τους developers!
Δεν ξέρω σε αντίστοιχο πρόβλημα τι θα έκανε η Microsoft!:sneaky:


trouble in my brain
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βρε σεις την πληρώνετε κι από πάνω....
άσε, σε αυτά είστε πολύ πίσω.....


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Έκανα την εγκατάσταση χθές στο ipad mini.
Εν' ολίγοις συμφωνώ με τα γραφώμενα του Κώστα :
Συνολικά, δεν τίθεται θέμα συζήτησης: οφείλουμε να προτείνουμε την αναβάθμιση σε iOS 7, παρά τις σοβαρές μας ενστάσεις για την αισθητική του πλευρά και την γενικότερη "ωριμότητά" του τη σχεδιαστική.


Segregation supporter
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Η πρώτη μου εντύπωση μετά από την εγκατάσταση σε iPhone και iPad: Το καλύτερο iOS μέχρι τώρα με διαφορά. Εμφανισιακά μου αρέσει πολύ περισσότερο από πριν.


trouble in my brain
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καλά βρε σεις στην Apple, τι στο καλό ελέγχετε πριν δώσετε το super ουάου λειτουργικό σας στα γνωστά θύματα???????



trouble in my brain
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έχω 2 ερωτησεις για το iOS 7
μαζική επιλογή επαφών μπορείς να κάνεις;
αν αλλάξει ο κωδικός γνωστού wi-fi spot σου ζητά κωδικό την επόμενη φορά που θα συνδεθεί ή το σβήνεις και το ρυθμίζεις από την αρχή;

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