Emotiva Reference Theater Series IPS-1 Amplifier Review

Κώστας Φ.

Truth hurts. Here's a teddy bear.
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Θα θυμάστε φαντάζομαι την Emotiva με τα εξαιρετικής ποιότητας μηχανήματα και τις "χώμα" τιμές?... Σας έχω review απο το Audioholics, για τον 7.1 IPS-1.

150 Watts x 7 into 8 Ohms
Each channel features independent 250VA, low noise toroid power transformers w/ high speed rectifiers and low ESR 105°C filter capacitors
Και τιμή....$1199.

Μένει να δούμε ποιός θα κάνει την πρώτη κίνηση να φέρει κανένα κομμάτι απο Αμερική - για να...πάρουμε θάρρος και οι υπόλοιποι. :respect:

"From its excellent sonic characteristics, to its no-nonsense build quality, fit and finish, Emotiva has once again demonstrated via the IPS-1 that you don’t have to break the bank to get quality electronics that rival many of the more well known brands at a fraction of the cost. If you’re looking for a solid sub-$2k multi-channel amplifier for bi-amplifying your stereo speakers, or for powering your sophisticated 7.1 channel home theater that won’t falter on tough power demands, save $800 bucks and buy the Emotiva IPS-1. Your ears and your wallet with certainly thank you."

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Είμουν στο τσακ να δώσω παραγγελία αλλά πήρα την ακόλουθη απάντηση.

Hello Andreas,

First off I would like to say thank you for your interest in Emotiva.

I regret though that we currently do not ship outside of the US, given the
size and weight of the products the cost of shipping is often more than the
cost of the product itself. Also, we currently do not have any distributors
in place to assist you with any questions or technical issues you may have,
so customer service becomes and issue as well.

I do thank you for your interest and I wish I had better news for you, but
we do not have the infrastructure in place to help you at this time.

My best regards,


Emotiva Sales
Emotiva Audio
106 Mission Court
Suite 101
Franklin TN 37067

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Απάντηση: Emotiva Reference Theater Series IPS-1 Amplifier Review

Δεν θα βρεθεί κανένας χριστιανός να τα αντιπροσωπεύσει και εδώ;;;

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