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The Ten Commandments of PC HiFi
(According To NHT)

I. Thou shalt accept the fact that thou hath been a hi-fi snob.
That thou might realize the possibility of high-rez audio from thy hard drive if thou shalt pay attention to the right things.
Thou shalt never, ever refer to this media as crappy MP3's again!
Thou shalt know a path from this dark place and it will be good.

II. Thou shalt always rip thy CD's in a lossless manner.
(Be it Apple Lossless, WMA Lossless, FLAC or Wave). This will make thy music sound heavenly.
Thou shalt use these formats that shalt keep thy music quality high,
while allowing compatibility with most of the popular playback devices and computer programs available
(except FLAC WMA Lossless, which will not allow thy media to play on Apple's 100 million and growing iPod population).
Thou shalt employ thy computer buddy if thou dost lack the knowledge of how to accomplish this task.
If one is weak, one may chose 320k MP3 as well, but shalt know this format is lossy.
Thou shalt hold NHT not liable for making any of these rules.

III. Thou shalt save thy media not only on one hard drive (thy computer's), but two.
Forever more one shalt be called your backup and thou shalt make sure
there is some backup program enabled to do so automatically because thou shalt forget.
Thou shalt also begin lusting for Terabyte hard drives, at first one, then two,
realizing thy music and movie collection will populate and multiply.

IV. Thou shalt realize PC volume control programs make music sound like crap unless thy open them all the way up.
Since thou must ultimately cohabitate with others of thy type who might not appreciate thy musical choices at full blast,
thou shalt acquire a device called NHT PVC and shalt acquire not 2, but 1, said, device and employ it at thy soonest convenience.

V. Thou shalt dispose of (in the most ecological method) thy current multimedia speakers
that thy either got free with thy computer or that thou may have purchased in a weak moment for, like, $30 a pair.
Optionally, thou might accidentally drop a NHT M-00 on these items and crush them flat before disposal of them.

VI. Thou shalt purchase a quality pair of NHT M-00 amplified speakers
(sometimes called active speakers or active monitors).
Thy friends will taunt when they hear the silly name of these speakers but will see the light when they hear them.
Thou shalt also recommend the speaker with the silly name to all their friends.

VII. Thou shalt raise thy speakers by any means possible -except trickery- off the surface of thy desktop,
even a few inches, knowing that will make the sound noticeably better in every way.

VIII. Thou shalt promise not to listen too loud, even in an enthusiastic moment,
as one could damage one's ears in the process and that is bad.

IX. Thou shalt consider a compact subwoofer to enhance thy listening experience.
Thou shalt also consider a quality pair of in-ear monitors and in thy process
thou shalt dispose of original earphones that came with thy PC because they are crap.
Thou shalt avoid noise canceling on-ear type of headphones in favor of the in-ear monitors
because thou shalt look less stupid having earphones larger than thy playback device.

X. Thou shalt tell others of these truths,
and shalt enthusiastically convert at least one more person to the path of PC HiFi,
and shalt make PC HiFi a permanent part of thy vocabulary.


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Οχι, δεν πρόκειται για... χούμορ... :137:
It's the iPhone Portable Amplifier Ladies & Gents!!!
Τώρα και σε... κόρνα... :142:


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Αφιερωμένη σε όσους τους λείπει το άρωμα του βινυλίου...
Και της εποχής...


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Ιστορία Γενικής Παθολογίας High End Αδων...

Monday, Jan 14, 1957

A new neurosis has been discovered: Audiophilia (excessive passion for hi-fi sound and equipment).

The discoverer: Dr. Henry Angus Bowes (an audio fan himself) is clinical director in psychiatry at St. Anne's Hospital for veterans,
at St. Anne de Bellevue, Que.
Tweet by tweet and woof by woof, at a research meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Psychiatrist Bowes spelled out
how audiophiliacs behave:

-- Most of them are middleaged, male and intelligent, drawn largely from professions requiring highly conscientious performance
(the church, accountancy, medicine --especially psychiatry).
-- They are often single (or if married, childless).
-- They rarely play any musical instrument well themselves.
-- The hi-fi devotee "is very frequently of compulsive personality, and tends to go through rituals in the playing of his recordings".

What distinguishes the psychopathological addict from the enthusiastic follower of this (or any other) hobby?
"His tendency to become preoccupied with, and dependent upon, the bizarre recorded sounds…
... combined with the urgency of the need and the final insufficiency of all attempts to satisfy it...
The sound is turned up and up until it reaches the physical level of pain...
One addict said he would not be satisfied until he could hear the drop of saliva from the French horns".

Those who are not well organized emotionally "will treat their hi-fi set as the emotionally immature treat a car,
as an expression of aggression, as a power symbol".

To many it has a sexual connotation: addicts may be seeking a "sterile reproduction without biological bother",
and in extreme cases, a record collection becomes a "symbolic harem".

Significantly, says Psychiatrist Bowes (married, no children), an addict's wife almost always demands that the volume be turned down: "Perhaps in the male's interest in hi-fi she senses a rival, as shrill and discordant as herself".

An unconscious motive for buying expensive equipment is often a desire for revenge, said Dr. Bowes:
"One very compulsive patient, who found the sexual side of matrimony completely nauseating", was financially ruining his wealthy wife
by his extravagant purchases, while she obtained instinctual gratification elsewhere.
As he somewhat ruefully remarked: she's interested in low fidelity and high frequency".


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