McIntosh MA2275

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2-Channel Stereo Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier

Quick Facts

Our new MA2275 combines the world class performance characteristics of our highly acclaimed tube control and power amplifiers into one, compact chassis. Created to make the most of both new and venerable technology, the MA2275 relies on vacuum tubes for all signal amplification, with incredible results.

Rated at 75 watts per channel into 2, 4, or 8 ohm loads the MA2275 uses four 12AX7A's in the Preamplifier section, two 12AT7's and four KT88/6550 in the Poweramp section.

If you've been fortunate enough to spend time with a classic McIntosh amp, you know that in addition to having their own distinct look - the famous Blue Eyes power meters - they also have their own distinct sound. Mac amps have their own way of doing things, and the sound they create presents a powerful argument in favor of their approach. Their legendary Unity Coupled Output Transformer is a classic example of this. This output design uses two bifilar wound primaries - one for the plates, as is normal, and a second for the cathodes. Instead of drawing all the output power from the plates, as other tube design are wont to do, the Unity Coupled design draws from both the plates and the cathodes. This greatly reduces the output distortion - always a problem in tube designs. By mixing the secondary windings in amongst the primaries, coupling is improved - flattening the output frequency response and improving the power bandwidth.

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  • abcd
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  • Zizik
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