συνεχιαζεται με την ρολς ροις των reganarator το exact power The Sound
We have discussed the sonic benefits of clean AC many times. It is especially evident with mass market receivers. Less harshness is the most obvious thing. I suspect that is the result of high frequency noise being reduced. The benefits of eliminating the AC harmonics will be less hum. The EP15's 15 amp rating let us crank our entire system, with three Velodyne HGS-18s in the circuit, to full output with no problems at all. The voltage regulation allows a deeper bass too, since low frequencies require more power, and a sagging AC wall socket robs the bass of deep impact. What happens is that the EP15's own power supply delivers the extra current into the circuit, along with the wall's current, when the demand is there. Then, the EP15 replenishes its power supply during the aftermath of all those explosions. Conclusion
The ExactPower EP15 is a winner, big time. It gives you the 60 Hz sine waves that you are paying for but not getting from the power company, keeps it at 120 volts no matter what your subwoofers are demanding, and all at the price we were paying for fancy filters in the past. Add a balanced transformer, and you have clean, pure, balanced power. You can't ask for more. Highly recommended.
99 δεικτης αποδοσης , τα αλλα ειναι αλλου.Δυστυχως δεν κατασκευαζεται , διαβαστε πιο πανω ετρεχε 3 μεγαλα βελο:111:
το 05 με 3 χαρτια (ζιλιαρικα) στο χερι βρεθηκα με τα 3 πιο πανω μηχανακια
το 1-3 ηταν μεταχειρισμενα , αλλα στην ιδια τιμη με το exact
Που ηταν fresh out of the box.Τα ακροαστηκα και αποφασισα να μεινω με το #2 .Ειναι η παλαιοτερη συκευη στο σετ μου.
Απο τοτε πολλοι κατασκευαστες μπηκαν στο παιχνιδι.
Δυστυχως δεν εχω την ευκαιρια να βρω ενα synergistic για 240 volt