Είναι κοντά η 27η Ιουλίου για την πρώτη (και τελευταία ταινια των Simpsons.Ξέρω ότι εχουμε και στο avsite οπαδούς του Homer...
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Οι φόβοι για "αρπαχτή", που συνηθως χαρακτηρίζει τέτοιους είδους προσπάθειες των αμερικανων να βγαλουν και απο την μύγα ξύγκι, επιβεβαιώνονται;Η πρώτη κριτική στο IMDB ειναι ιδιαίτερα απογοητευτική και μιλάει για μια ανέμπνευστη και εύπεπτη ταινία :
"I am a huge Simpsons fan and have been waiting for more than 15 years to see this.
You would think that Groening and his team would have taken this into account and made it to keep the hardcore fans and new fans happy.
Without giving too much away, it is like the Family Guy film in that it is just like 4 episodes stuck together, hugely disappointing.
There were a few laughs but you could get the same amount of laughs and the quality of humour from watching "Americas Funniest Home Videos". if you are a hardcore fan, you will be let down. if not then you may just like this film. "
Τα σχετικα links:
Οι φόβοι για "αρπαχτή", που συνηθως χαρακτηρίζει τέτοιους είδους προσπάθειες των αμερικανων να βγαλουν και απο την μύγα ξύγκι, επιβεβαιώνονται;Η πρώτη κριτική στο IMDB ειναι ιδιαίτερα απογοητευτική και μιλάει για μια ανέμπνευστη και εύπεπτη ταινία :
"I am a huge Simpsons fan and have been waiting for more than 15 years to see this.
You would think that Groening and his team would have taken this into account and made it to keep the hardcore fans and new fans happy.
Without giving too much away, it is like the Family Guy film in that it is just like 4 episodes stuck together, hugely disappointing.
There were a few laughs but you could get the same amount of laughs and the quality of humour from watching "Americas Funniest Home Videos". if you are a hardcore fan, you will be let down. if not then you may just like this film. "