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Φίλα με

Στίχοι: Κώστας Μπαλαχούτης
Μουσική: Χρήστος Παπαδόπουλος
Ερμηνεία: Σταμάτης Κραουνάκης

Λες, πριν να γίνουν όλα χτες
τρέξε σ’ άλλες εποχές
που ο χρόνος σταματά

Θες να σκορπίσεις τις σκιές
της ψυχής οι εκδρομές
να ’χουν δάκρυ τη χαρά

Φίλα με, σαλπάρω και χάνομαι
Κοίτα με, πετώ να σε βρω
στην καρδιά τον πόνο να σβήσεις

Φίλα με, να δεις πως αισθάνομαι
Κοίτα με, με πόθο να ζω
Στο κορμί σημάδια ν’ αφήσεις

Εδώ, μη μιλάς για τα παλιά
είναι τόσα τα καρφιά
κι ο σεβντάς μια φυλακή

Να ξεκλειδώσεις τα κελιά
κι ύστερα σα ζωγραφιά
να φουντώσει η γιορτή

Ξεριζωμός - 2013

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It's Immaterial - Driving Away From Home
now just get in
And close the door
And put your foot down

You know, I like this suburb we're going through
And I've been around here many times before
When I was young we were gonna move out this way
For the clean air, healthy, you know
Away from the factories and the smoke
I like that shop, too
You can get anything there

So just get in
And we'll go for a ride

'Cos we'll go driving away from home
Thirty miles or more
And we'll go moving away from home
Without a care

I'll tell you what
Why don't we cross the city limit
And head on down the M62
It's only thirty nine miles
And forty five minutes to Manchester
And that's my birth-place, you know

Driving away from home
Thirty miles or more
And we'll go moving away from home
Without a care in the world

Driving away from home
Thirty miles or more
Yes, we'll go moving away from home
Without a care

Some of my friends live up North, too
If you like a longer trip
All you've got to do is put your foot hard down to the floor
And we can call on people I know in Newcastle
Or maybe even Glasgow

There's a lot of nice places to see out there
So just don't worry

Moving away from home
Without a care in the world

Driving away from home
Thirty miles or more
Yes, we'll go moving away from home
Without a care in the world

Move-em on, move-em out, move-em up
King of the road, knight of the road
It's all the same to me
I mean, after all
It's just a road

Driving away from home

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Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust
I'll be damned
Here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you happened to call
And here I sit
Hand on the telephone
Hearing a voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robin's eggs
My poetry was lousy you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the midwest
Ten years ago
I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust

Well you burst on the scene
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond
You strayed into my arms
And there you stayed
Temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes the girl on the half-shell
Would keep you unharmed

Now I see you standing
With brown leaves falling around
And snow in your hair
Now you're smiling out the window
Of that crummy hotel
Over Washington Square
Our breath comes out white clouds
Mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me
We both could have died then and there

Now you're telling me
You're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You who are so good with words
And at keeping things vague
Because I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly
Yes I loved you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust
I've already paid

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Ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός - Γιώργος Νταλάρας
ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός
θα `μαι από σήμερα και μπρος
ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός

Κι όποτε θα με συναντάς
αλλού το βλέμμα θα γυρνάς
όποτε θα με συναντάς

ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός
και η ζωή μου ένας γκρεμός

Σκότωσέ με είναι η τελευταία χάρη που σου ζητώ
Σκότωσέ με να `ρθει η νύχτα να με πάρει να σωθώ

Ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός
θα `μαι από σήμερα και μπρος
ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός

ξένος γιατί δε μ’ αγαπάς
και σαν την άμμο με σκορπάς
ξένος γιατί δε μ’ αγαπάς

Πες την αλήθεια και μην κλαις
σε κλέψαν άλλες αγκαλιές
πες την αλήθεια και μην κλαις

ξένη για μένανε κι εσύ
που `σαι η ζωή μου η μισή

Σκότωσέ με είναι η τελευταία χάρη που σου ζητώ
Σκότωσέ με να `ρθει η νύχτα να με πάρει να σωθώ

Ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός
θα `μαι από σήμερα και μπρος
ξένος για σένανε κι εχθρός



Hidden Guru
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Aronchupa : "I'm an Albatraoz"

Madames et Monsieurs
S'il vous plaît
Soyez prêt pour AronChupa et Albatraoz
C'est parti!

Let me tell you all a story
About a mouse, name Dilory
Dilory was a mouse in a big brown house
She call herself a hoe
With the money money blow
But fuck that little mouse 'couse I'm an albatraoz

I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz

Dilory said she was a mouse
Smoked the cheese and light it out
Moneyli money money hoe
Katching katching katching kablow
Dilory was a witch, yeah a sneaky little bitch
So fuck that little mouse 'couse I'm an albatrouz

I'm an albatraoz
I'm, I'm, I'm

Madames et Monsieurs
S'il vous plaît
Soyez prêt pour AronChupa et Albatraoz
C'est parti!

I got it!

I'm an albatraoz

I'm, I'm, I'm

I got it
I'm an albatraoz
This is albatraoz


Πρώην Διοικητής ο τροπαιοφόρος
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Πού είναι ο ιδρυτής βρε παιδιά να μας πει τι ψάρια είναι αυτά στο τραπέζι! :)

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Σου άξιζε μια καλύτερη αγκαλιά - Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Δε με νοιάζει με ποιον ακούς απόψε αυτό το τραγούδι
σου άξιζε μια καλύτερη αγκαλιά
δε με νοιάζει με ποιον ακούς απόψε αυτό το τραγούδι

Γράψε μόνο ένα γράμμα
που ποτέ δε θα διαβάσω
γύρω μας βουίζει πυρκαγιά

Γράψε μόνο μια δυο λέξεις
για ανθρώπους και για τόπους
που εμείς ποτέ μαζί δε θα δούμε

Δε μ’ ακούει κανένας απόψε και τίποτα δε με βοηθάει
η κιθάρα μου έχει θυμώσει απόψε και δε μου μιλάει
πατάω σε σπασμένα γυαλιά
δε με νοιάζει με ποιον ακούς απόψε αυτό το τραγούδι

Γράψε μόνο ένα γράμμα
που ποτέ δε θα διαβάσω
γύρω μας βουίζει πυρκαγιά

Γράψε μόνο μια δυο λέξεις
για ανθρώπους και για τόπους
που εμείς ποτέ μαζί δε θα δούμε

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:welcome: Ανεμοθώρι - Αρμός

Αν θες τον κόσμο σου ν'αλλάξεις
άλλαξε πρώτα εσένανε
φτιάξε φτερά για να πετάξεις
και θα με βρεις κι εμένανε

Στο πιο ψηλό τ'ανεμοθώρι
στο πιο ακατοίκητο βουνό
εκεί οι θεοί γίνονται χρόνοι
χρόνια παλεύουν το θεριό

Θεριό είν' ο άνθρωπος,σαλεύει
μεσ'από χώμα και νερό
για να το βρει,μα το γυρεύει
το πιο αθάνατο νερό

Γίνε κι εσύ ο μετανάστης
και της ψυχής σου οδηγός
της θέλησής σου ο δυναστης
της κόλασής σου ο ναυαγός

Να βρεις τι σ' οδηγεί στη δόξα
στο θάνατο τι σε τραβά
της περιέργειας τα τόξα
σου ρίχνουν βέλη στυγερά.

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Scorpions- Is there anybody there

Open my mind let me find new vibrations
Tell me the way I must take to reach my destination
And a place where I can stay
Where is the love of my life couldn't find her
Show me the way to find myself
'Cause I'm nowhere in the darkness of these days

Is there anybody there who feels that vibration
Who whows me the way to my love
Is there anybody there with that inclination
To bring back to sun to my heart

I find myself in a state of confusion
Life's like a pantomime trick or a laser illusion
Where's a place that I can stay
Save me don't let me get lost in the ocean
I need your help everyday to control my emotions
In the darkness of these days

Is there anybody there who feels that vibration
Who shows me the way to my love
Is there anybody there with that inclination
To bring back the sun to my heart


Hidden Guru
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Curtis Mayfield & Lauryn Hill -"Here but I'm Gone"

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

Porched up in a rocking-chair
With my feet all bare
Rolling my blunt in a cigar wrap

Live an adolescent mind
Never do take the time
Waiting for my high, quiet as it's kept

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

Mama told me I was best
Argue and punch in the chest
Son, now be strong, let me take you home

I'd see in her eyes so sincere
Screaming, what got me here
Standing in the world with my mind all blown

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

I do nothing but waste all my time
Leaving the world behind
Smoking my crack just to keep me high

Around the boys I play my part rough
Keep myself tough enough
Never to cry, don't really wanna die

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

How did I get so far gone?
Where do I belong?
And where in the world did I ever go wrong?

If I took the time to replace
What my mind erased
I still feel as if I'm here but I'm gone

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Dolores O'Riordan - Ordinary Day

This is just an ordinary day
Wipe the insecurities away
I can see that the darkness will erode
Looking out the corner of my eye
I can see that the sunshine will explode
Far across the desert in the sky

Beautiful girl
Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl
Don't you throw your love around
What in the world, what in the world
Could ever come between us?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down
Won't let you down

This is the beginning of your day
Life is more intricate than it seems
Always be yourself along the way
Living through the spirit of your dreams

Beautiful girl
Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl
Don't you throw your love around
What in the world, what in the world
Could ever come between us?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down
Won't let you down
Down, down...

Beautiful girl
Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl
Don't you throw your love around
What in the world, what in the world
Could ever come between us?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down

Won't let you down
Down, down...
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One Night in Rio - Louie Austen :D

One, one night in Rio, (in Rio)
Two, two days in LA (in LA)
We had a short, a short stop in Moscow
But there was no, (no…) no time to stay (to stay, to stay, to….)

We'll had to meet this promoter in New York
So we met at the Hilton Hotel at the lobby
We said we have to leave immediately to Germany
So we hired a cab,
When I saw the cab I thought I'll faint! because this little cab
Was jut a Mitsubishi, a shifted car,
I'm used to ridin' limousines, luxury cars, with all my stuff,
a minimum one suitcase, two pairs of shoes and three backup singers
I'm used to this, I need this!

Anyway, this driver had no idea how to get to the airport,
'cause at the 14th street he took a left turn, instead of a right turn,
and I was really mad at him which us:
Hey man we have to.. to be at the airport in a few moments!
So how hard can you do that!
'cause the flight, leaves, to Berlin!

One, one fancy cocktail (in the sky)
Two, two pieces of lemon
Three, three crying babies (next to me)
And after four drinks, they wouldn't serve me no more…

Well after flying for seven hours in economy class
I was really mad, three crying babies
And no more liquor, and no sleep
So finally we arrived in Berlin
It was raining, of course
So nobody's picking us up
'cause where the hell are these guys?
But anyway, so let's go get the luggage
And we went down and, there was no luggage, there was no luggage!
So I waited half an hour for my luggage
So I went down to the counter and said: excuse me, where is my luggage?
We flew from New York to Berlin
So he looked into his computer, and he said:
Sir, it's on the way to LA (LA, LA, LA…)

I had one, one, one bedroom apartment (one bedroom apartment)
There were two, two things on my mind (my mind)
I want to go back (back), back to my luggage
I want to leave (leave), leave this place behind

Ok, I'm sitting at the airplane to Los Angeles to get my luggage back
It's quiet and next to me there is a friendly guy from Morocco or somewhere
So we talk, and I wanted to show him the pictures of my boat, and guess what?
I find out, that I forgot my wallet in the apartment, in Berlin!
And here I am, no cash, no credit cards, not wearing a suit, for four days!
Suddenly, the nice guy beside me jumps up with a pistol in his hand!
Runs to the cockpit and demands that the pilot has to go to Rio de Janeiro!

One, just one night in Rio (in Rio)
Too, too tired to complain (buagh)
Three, three stamps in my passport
For you it might sound funny (well…)
But I was in pain

All right after twenty six hours
We got rescued by the brazilian anti-terror squad
Nice guys by the way
Later at the gate, I see this BEAUTIFUL lady smiling at me
I go over there, and talk to her
And she, invites me to go to her house
Sounds like, there's a chance to shave

And is one, one night in Rio (Rio)
We had two, two glass of champagne (champagne)
And after three, three minutes of talking (hahaha)
We made love (love...), again and again (again again again…)

Aagghh, its four o'clock in the morning and I'm getting a little rest
You know what I'll say, hah it was a rough night
My cell phone rings it's my agent Steve
He's telling me he's waiting on my boat in Malibu
with all my luggage Thank God!
Ready to go to Honolulu, I could dress, go to the airport,
pick up my ticket,
because I have to go back, back to LA


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Song instead of a kiss - Alannah Myles

Song instead of a kiss, baby this is a song instead of a kiss
For all of you who ache, who long for nights like this

Song instead of a touch, darlin' this is a song instead of a touch
To all of you who wait so long and need so much

It is for those who like to cling, it is to those, to those I sing
Here is a song instead of a clutch, instead of a moon
Instead of a soothing touch in the afternoon

It is for those who like to cling, it is to those, to those I sing
Here is a song instead of a clutch, instead of a moon
Instead of a soothing touch in the afternoon


Hidden Guru
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Leonard Cohen-"Nevermind"
(Από το album "Popular Problems")

The war was lost
The treaty signed
I was not caught
I crossed the line

I was not caught
Though many tried
I live among you
Well disguised

I had to leave
My life behind
I dug some graves
You’ll never find

The story’s told
With facts and lies
I had a name
But never mind

Never mind
Never mind
The war was lost
The treaty signed

There’s truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don’t know which
So never mind

Your victory
Was so complete
That some among you
Thought to keep

A record of
Our little lives
The clothes we wore
Our spoons our knives

The games of luck
Our soldiers played
The stones we cut
The songs we made

Our law of peace
Which understands
A husband leads
A wife commands

And all of this
Expressions of
The Sweet Indifference
Some call Love

The High Indifference
Some call Fate
But we had Names
More intimate

Names so deep and
Names so true
They’re blood to me
They’re dust to you

There is no need
That this survive
There’s truth that lives
And truth that dies

Never mind
Never mind
I live the life
I left behind

There’s truth that lives...

I could not kill
The way you kill
I could not hate
I tried I failed

You turned me in
At least you tried
You side with them
Whom you despise

This was your heart
This swarm of flies
This was once your mouth
This bowl of lies

You serve them well
I’m not surprised
You’re of their kin
You’re of their kind

Never mind
Never mind
The story’s told
With facts and lies
You own the world
So never mind

Never mind
Never mind
I live the life
I left behind

I live it full
I live it wide
Through layers of time
You can’t divide

My woman’s here
My children too
Their graves are safe
From ghosts like you

In places deep
With roots entwined
I live the life I left behind
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Hidden Guru
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The Rolling Stones-"Angie"
(Από το album "Goat's Head Soup"...)

Angie, Angie
When will those clouds all disappear?
Angie, Angie
Where will it lead us from here?
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Angie, Angie
You can't say we never tried

Angie, you're beautiful
But ain't it time to say goodbye
Angie, I still love you baby
Remember all those nights we cried
All the dreams we held so close
Seemed to all go up on a smoke
Let me whisper in your ear
Angie, Angie
Where will it lead us from here? Yeah

Oh Angie don't you weep
All your kisses still taste sweet
I hate that sadness in your eyes
But Angie, ain't it time we say goodbye
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
You can't say we're satisfied
But Angie, I still love you baby
Everywhere I look I see your eyes
There ain't a woman that comes close to you
Come on baby dry your eyes
But Angie, Angie
Ain't it good to be alive

Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried.
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Hidden Guru
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Λαυρέντης Μαχαιρίτσας-"Πεθαίνω για Σένα"
(Από το album "Ενοχή των Αμνών")

Στον κόμβο Κηφισίας επάνω σου τρακάρω,
σε ώρα απελπισίας, Χριστό είδα τον χάρο.
Χτύπησε καραμπόλα και η δόλια η καρδιά μου,
τα παίζω όλα για όλα, άναψε τη φωτιά μου.

Πεθαίνω για σένα και ας είσαι απάτη
δε πα να είσαι ψέμα εγώ σε λέω αγάπη

Τι να μας πει η φυσική οι νόμοι δε μετράνε,
σε φάση μεταφυσική τα πάθη κυβερνάνε
Αν είσαι άνθος του κακού δεν ψάχνω αποδείξεις,
στην αυταπάτη ενός τρελού θα ζω μέχρι να λήξεις.

Πεθαίνω για σένα και ας είσαι απάτη
δε πα να είσαι ψέμα εγώ σε λέω αγάπη...
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The Handsome Family - "Far From Any Road"
(Από το άλμπουμ "Singing Bones")

From the dusty mesa her looming shadow grows
Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote

She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun,
And when I touched her skin, my fingers ran with blood.

In the hushing dusk, under a swollen silver moon,
I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom.

A strange hunger haunted me; the looming shadows danced.
I fell down to the thorny brush and felt a trembling hand.

When the last light warms the rocks and the rattlesnakes unfold,
Mountain cats will come to drag away your bones.

And rise with me forever across the silent sand,
And the stars will be your eyes and the wind will be my hands.

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