Anthem MRX 1120, 720, 520, AVM 60


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Καμία. ;)
Αλλά είναι watts άααλλης ποιότητος, πχιό δυνατά. Ίσα κι όμοια είναι με τα τζαπανεζάκια;

Αμάν! >:(>:(>:(
EDIT: Μη βάλω και τον Denon κι έχουμε πίκρες.

Ο pioneer 140 ονομαστικα 138 η μετρηση
Ο anthem 120 ονομαστικα 118 πραγματικα
Και οι δύο αληθεια λενε δηλαδη?
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Α οχι ο pioneer περισσοτερα
140 ονομαστκα 165 πραγματικα!!???
Χαχαχ οκ καταλαβα
Εεε παντως ο anthem ειναι μουσικος
Χχαχα suck my more musical watts
Σε λιγες μερες παραλαμβανω τους anthem μου
Αλλα ευτυχως προ τελικους
Η μηπως πικρα και εκει???
Avm 60 -- mca 525...
Φοβαμαι να ψαξω μετρησεις :o

Ελα μωρε εγω για το arc τους επελεξα
Αμαν ρε zizik βραδιατικα να μας στεναχωρησεις...παπα
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Γενικά δεν ισχύουν αυτά στους τελικούς αφού υπάρχει άφθονος χώρος για τροφοδοτικά.
Κοιμήσου ήσυχα πουλάκι μου. :D

Απλώς ήθελα να δείξω πως όλοι οι ολοκληρωμένοι έχουν παρόμοιους περιορισμούς. :)


Not in the mood Mod
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Καλά, 75 vs 115 Watts με 7 κανάλια ταυτόχρονα, πέφτει κλάμα. :p

Άντε βρε, με το καλό! :drinks:


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Έχει να κάνει με τον ελεγκτή που χρησιμοποιεί η Yamaha στους ολοκληρωμένους της, ο οποίος περιορίζει το συνολικό ρεύμα.
Διάβασα παλιότερα πως μπορεί καμιά φορά να υπερβάλλει στην αυτοπροστασία.

Μην ξεχνάμε πως αυτά είναι τεστς στα οποία ποτέ δεν θα υποβληθούν οι ενισχυτές στα σπίτια μας. Είναι όμως ένας καλός δείκτης.

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Έχει να κάνει με τον ελεγκτή που χρησιμοποιεί η Yamaha στους ολοκληρωμένους της, ο οποίος περιορίζει το συνολικό ρεύμα.
Διάβασα παλιότερα πως μπορεί καμιά φορά να υπερβάλλει στην αυτοπροστασία.

Μην ξεχνάμε πως αυτά είναι τεστς στα οποία ποτέ δεν θα υποβληθούν οι ενισχυτές στα σπίτια μας. Είναι όμως ένας καλός δείκτης.

Τι καλός δείκτης να είναι άμα έχει τόσο μεγάλη απόκλιση σε σχεδόν τον ίδιο ενισχυτή;
Και δεν νομίζω στον 2040 να περιόρισε τόσο το ρεύμα η Yamaha με τον ελεγκτή.
Εξάλλου σε δικάναλο και επτακάναλο δίνει σχεδόν τα ίδια watt.

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Πεντακάναλο και επτακάναλο εννοείς.

Ναι, είναι περίεργο.
Σωστό αυτό που λες για τον 2040, ότι έχει σχεδόν την ίδια ισχύ σε 5καναλο και 7καναλο, αλλά εγώ
εννοώ ότι 2040 και 2050 έχουν μεγάλη διαφορά στα Watt μόνο στο 5καναλο στα άλλα είναι σχεδόν τα ίδια.

2040 2Χ 169.7W ή 7X 42.3W
2050 2Χ 177.6W ή 7Χ 52,4W


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Yes, the numbers are correct. Mark Peterson, who conducts “Sound & Vision’s lab testing, offers the explanation below. Please also see “How We Test Audio” for more insights. We have also added Mark’s full lab notes, which were previously missing due to a posting error. Our regrets and apologies for that oversight.

I believe nomenclature that has different meanings in different situations is causing confusion. In the context of our amplifier power output measurements, "continuous" refers to a repetitive 1 kHz sine wave of at least one second in duration. We apply this signal to the specified number of channels, all in phase with one another. This is opposed to "burst" tests which generally demand full output power for only a tiny fraction of a second at a time, then have a much longer period of inactivity before the next short burst comes along.
As an example, using a 1 kHz sine wave, there are by definition 1,000 cycles every second. In our continuous power tests, every one of these cycles is sent to the amplifier in a "continuous" fashion. This is a brutal test as it doesn't give the power supply section even a fraction of a second of inactivity to recharge and regain composure, but it does give insight into the ultimate capabilities of the critically important internal power supply.

In a common version of a burst test, only the first 10 cycles or so are sent to the amplifier, leaving the amplifier idling for the time it would have taken to amplify the next 90 cycles, and allowing the power supply to recover. Even though it's only a fraction of a second until the next 10-cycle burst comes along, this makes the test vastly less stringent and much larger output power numbers generally result. This is especially apparent when multiple channels are driven simultaneously. While it may be argued that burst tests can made to more closely mimic the demands of actual program material, the downside is that there is little consistency in our industry as to how long these bursts should be and how often they repeat, so it's virtually impossible to compare power output numbers derived via burst signals from different sources.

During our continuous sine output test, the Audio Precision test system ramps up the level step-by-step until 1% distortion is exceeded. The total sweep takes 10-15 seconds and maximum power is output for a second or two. This is not to say that the amplifier can output this level of "continuous" power indefinitely. Consumer products built to withstand full continuous power output for more than a matter of seconds are rare, as actual program content is highly unlikely to put such demands on them. Professional and laboratory gear is another matter and are designed for different applications with different size and price expectations.

Protection schemes have gotten vastly more complex over the last few years as more and more digital processing power has become available. If it's mentioned in the Measurement Box that protection engaged while performing our power output tests, then signal flow was interrupted by the protection scheme. In other words, the unit under test cried "uncle" and at the very least stopped amplifying the test signal, and may have powered-down completely. At one time this was the main method of protection and its action is readily apparent by the lack of sound coming from your speakers.

In the current era, however, DSP chips can be programmed to respond to less-than-dire conditions that the designer deemed as unusual, but that don't require complete shut-down for protection. This might be to meet various international thermal/safety/energy conservation requirements as well as the usual goal of self-preservation. The unit's reaction to these conditions can now be substantially less obvious. In a nod to what the auto industry labels "limphome mode", some modern AVRs will drastically reduce power output instead of shutting-down completely. This allows the consumer to finish watching their movie, albeit with drastically reduced performance, even when the AVR deems something to be amiss. Some manufacturers appear to define "amiss" as the admittedly unusual condition of having continuous in-phase sine waves applied to all channels simultaneously, such as with our power tests.

When this is the case, power output is radically reduced without any outward indication that the unit has deemed it prudent to modify its performance. This would not necessarily be perceived by the consumer as being in classic shut-down/protection mode except that the maximum volume level that could be attained would be markedly decreased. As this type of protection behavior is not consistent from model-to-model or brand-to-brand, and as there is no clear front-panel indication when it has been engaged, we can't in all fairness call-out when it might be happening so we simply publish the resulting numbers and let them speak for themselves.

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dolby atmos σημερα και στο μελλον dts-x (μετα το καλοκαιρι)


με 4700-3300-2000e θα γινει δικο σας :)

δεν γνωριζω αν ειναι τυπογραφικό λάθος αλλα στα specs ο μικρος 520 ΔΕΝ υποστηρίζει ATMOS και DTS-X.
εκτος και αν εχει βγει firmware και δεν ανανέωσαν το pdf με τα specs.

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δεν γνωριζω αν ειναι τυπογραφικό λάθος αλλα στα specs ο μικρος 520 ΔΕΝ υποστηρίζει ATMOS και DTS-X.
εκτος και αν εχει βγει firmware και δεν ανανέωσαν το pdf με τα specs.
Με 5 καναλια δεν μπορει να εχει atmos
Τα λιγότερα καναλια atmos ειναι 5.1.2
Αρα 7 και πανω:)

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