Kalista DreamPlay One CD player

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
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The CD-playing portion of the DreamPlay One has an exotic appearance, owing to both its distinctive shape and the materials used in its manufacture. It comprises two structures, both triangular in the broadest sense of that word, juxtaposed so that the player's overall shape is more or less that of a hexagram: the lower structure is a machined-aluminum enclosure for the electronics, while the upper structure is made of clear methacrylate, with conical steel feet at the bottoms of three gold-colored cylindrical supports, apparently machined from aluminum. Clauzel told me via e-mail that the DreamPlay One's appearance was determined in part by sonic concerns: "[T]he choice of materials and their mix makes a real difference. In particular, aluminum, methacrylate, and steel don't absorb and transmit vibrations the same way, so their combination results in a very efficient decoupling."

I was so impressed that I at once dragged my heavy-ass Sony disc player back into the room for an immediate direct comparison. Through the Sony, the tempo of Phillips's bass didn't lag, per se—it simply lacked life. The comparison suggested, correctly or not, that the DreamPlay One was able to find and preserve all of the tiny randomnesses that otherwise go unnoticed—microdetails of timing and texture that, when finally, rarely heard, tell me: That's a human being making those notes.

f I actually believed in a reviewing model that puts the sound of real music at one extreme and the worst imaginable playback system at the other, then I suppose I'd labor in fear of being made redundant, or at least of painting myself into a rhetorical corner, when faced with a product as good as the Kalista DreamPlay One. Fortunately, domestic audio—like motoring, cuisine, wine, art, and life itself—isn't so simple that it can be quantified and described along a single continuum of good to bad, or of flawed to neutral. You paid good money for this review—either that, or you're a willing and compliant deer at the salt lick our advertisers have paid us to spread out before you—and damn it all, you want more than just This sucked less than anything else I've heard. You've told me so!

Description: Two-box CD player. Analog outputs: 1 pair single-ended (RCA), 1 pair balanced (XLR). Digital outputs: 1 S/PDIF (RCA), 1 AES/EBU (XLR), 1 optical (TosLink). Specifications: none published. Output voltage, single-ended or balanced: 1.4/2.5/3.0V RMS. Output impedance, single-ended or balanced: 600 ohms.
Dimensions: DreamPlay One: 17.72" (450mm) W by 5.31" (135mm) H by 18.11" (460mm) D. Weight: 52.9 lb (24kg). Elektra power supply: 17.72" (450mm) W by 4.13" (105mm) H by 17.13" (435mm) D. Weight: 33.1 lb (15kg).



Music is our (Supernatural) friend!
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Βρε μηπως ειναι και drone που παει και αγοραζει τα cd απο το δισκαδικο; :)
Α, ναι! Αν το κάνει αυτό, μάλιστα! Να τα δώσω τα $43.000! Άμα σταματάει και στο σουβλατζίδικο στην επιστροφή, super!

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πλάκα έχει. Απευθύνεται στους αναλογικάριους που θέλουν να κάνουν την κίνηση προς το cd αλλά τους τρομάζει η ιδέα της άδειας θέσης του πικαπ στο ρακ τους.
Ε, με αυτό τη γεμίζουν μια χαρά.
Δεν παίζει να το έβλεπα σε σπίτι και να το περνούσα για cd player...
Είναι όντως αστείο. Και το κόστος το κάνει λίγο τραγελαφικό.

και δεν έχει καν ψηφιακή είσοδο...

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Ίσως και να τραγουδά καλά .. ΟΜΩΣ αν από το 60 το design είναι κάπως έτσι , δίνεις και κάτι για το σιρόπι . Όλοι όσοι διαθέτουν 43000 δεν είναι απαραίτητα κανγκουρες …θα μου πείτε , όσα δεν φτάνει η αλεπού τα κάνει κρεμαστάρια ..


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Music is our (Supernatural) friend!
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Από την άλλη, υπάρχουν κι αυτά που η αλεπού δεν θέλει να τα φτάσει, ακριβώς επειδή είναι αλεπού.

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