Καλημέρα, καλησπέρα και καληνύχτα


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Κι επειδή έρχεται ΣΚ, προτείνω την παραπάνω ταινία "The Apartment" σε όσους δεν την έχουν δει, πρόκειται για κόσμημα.

Δημητρης 777

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Βρε τι κορίτσ' ήταν τούτο..? :o

In 1896, Belém became rich by selling Amazonian rubber to the world, making the farmers overnight millionaires who built their rich mansions with European materials, while their wives and daughters sent their clothes to be washed in the old continent and imported mineral water from London for their baths.
The "Theatro da Paz" was the center of cultural life in the Amazon, with concerts by European artists. Among them, one especially caught the public's attention, the beautiful French opera singer Camille Monfort (1869-1896), who provoked indescribable desires in the rich gentlemen of the region and atrocious jealousy in their wives due to her great beauty.
Camille Monfort also caused indignation for her behavior, which was free from the social conventions of her time. Legend has it that she was seen half-naked, dancing in the streets of Belém while refreshing herself in the afternoon rain. Her solitary night walks also aroused curiosity when she was seen in her long, black, and vaporous dresses under the full moon, on the banks of the Guajará River, towards the Igarapé das Almas.
Soon, rumors began to circulate around her, and malicious comments were made. It was said that she was the lover of Francisco Bolonha (1872-1938), who had brought her from Europe and that he bathed her with expensive imported champagnes in the bathtub of his mansion.
It was also said that she had been attacked by vampirism in London, due to her paleness and sickly appearance, and that she had brought this great evil to the Amazon, having a mysterious craving for human blood, to the point of hypnotizing young women with her voice in her concerts, making them fall asleep in her dressing room so that the mysterious lady could reach their necks.
Curiously, this coincided with reports of fainting in the theater during her concerts, which were simply explained as the effect of the strong emotion that her music produced in the audience's ears.
It was also said that she had the power to communicate with the dead and materialize their spirits into dense ethereal mists of ectoplasmic materials expelled from her own body in mediumistic sessions.

In 1896, Belém became rich by selling Amazonian rubber to the world, making the farmers overni...jpg

Κουνητό κρατάει..? :oops:😛


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Δημητρης 777

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Μούφα, φεκιά. :p

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Ναι αλλά το 'ψαξες..
Βγήκε το μεροκάματο.. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::tongue:

Άει μωρέ με τον ξενέρα τον αρθρογράφο που δουλειά δεν έχ' να κάμει κι απομυθοποιεί τα πάντα..
Αει πεστ' να πιάσ' ένα μυστρί να δει τη ζωή αλλιώς.. :tongue:

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