Μπορείς από το serial number του Technics SL 1210 Mk2 να βρεις τι χρονολογία κατασκευής είναι?

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SER.NO. NH1IJ57399

Πότε να φτιάχτηκε?
θα κανω μια ερευνα στο googleld-format serial number: NHOJF10331 (SL-1200 manufactured 1981) The first digit shows the year when the SL-1200 was manufactured. These serial numbers contain no indication of the month of manufacture. It should be noted that serial numbers in this format contain no letters following digits.
To δικό μου γράφει.

SER.NO. NH1IJ57399

Πότε να φτιάχτηκε?

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How to Tell the Age of a Technics SL-1200 SL-1210 or SL-120 MK2
When buying a used Technics SL-1200 series deck, condition is the most important factor with age being largely irrelevant. However: It is possible to tell the year (and the month) when the SL-1200 was manufactured from the serial number on the back or bottom (for earlier examples) of the deck. There are two different formats of the serial number, the original format and the later format. It is not possible to determine that exact decade the deck was manufactured, as the serial number contains only the last digit of the year. If the year digit is 9, the turntable may have been manufactured in 1979, 1989, 1999 or 2009. If the year digit is 0, the turntable may have been manufactured in 1980, 1990, 2000 or 2010, etc. As a rule of thumb the old-format serial numbers belong to SL-1200s made in the 1970's and 1980's, while new-format serial numbers belong to SL-1200s manufactured during the 1990s or noughties.

Old-format serial number: NHOJF10331 (SL-1200 manufactured 1981) The first digit shows the year when the SL-1200 was manufactured. These serial numbers contain no indication of the month of manufacture. It should be noted that serial numbers in this format contain no letters following digits.

New-format serial number: GE7DC01290R (SL-1200 manufactured April 2007) The first digit shows the year when the turntable was made, while the month of manufacture is indicated by the letter following it. Months are coded as letters from A and L inclusive; A indicates January, B indicates February, and so on. Note that the above serial number is from an actual deck purchased brand new from a retailer in December 2007.

In addition to the above, all the SL-1200MK2s from the 1970's and early 80's have a 4 inch diameter plate where the RCA and ground wires enter the chassis in the rubber base of the unit. The SL-120 omits the plate leaving a 4in hole for easy arm access and the later model SL-1200 and SL-1210s have a smaller hole through which the wires enter the unit (you will probably need to enlarge this hole if fitting a non-Technics arm - a straighforward task).


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Ο αριθμός σου δεν ταιριάζει με κανένα από τα δύο φορμά. Αν ήταν ο "παλιός" δεν θα έπρεπε να έχει νούμερα πριν το Ε. Αν ήταν ο νέος θα έπρεπε να είναι κατασκευασμένο το 1994, ενώ εσύ το έχεις αγοράσει το '80. Οπότε οι αρχικές πληροφορίες είναι ελλειπείς.

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Ενα καινουριο ευρημα:
If you want to find out what region of the world your deck was destined for look at the SERIAL
NUMBER label. This is not the black label on the back. Some of you don't have this info printed
next to your serial # so you'll be out of luck. Next to the serial number is the model number: "SL-
1200MK2-MC" The "MC" part tells you where it was destined for:
• M - USA
• MC - Canada
• E - Scandinavia/Switz.
• EK - UK • XL - Australia
• EG - Germany
• EB - Belgium
• EH - Holland
• EF - France
• Ei - Italy
• XA - The rest of the world (I think they also use XG here)
There are also a few other codes not worth mentioning. An easy way to tell if it is NOT a US
version is to look for the 110/220V switch under the platter. The other giveaway is a Euro-plug with
a US-adapter.

Το δικο μου γραφει SL1200MK2-E αρα προοριζοταν για Σκανδιναβια.

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Dating Technics SL1200's

This is mostly lifted from wikipedia's SL1200 page with some additions by KAB.
The serial number is generally found on a gray label located either on the back of the deck, or on the bottom.

Old-format serial number: NHOJF20765 (SL-1200 manufactured 1982) The first digit shows the year when the turntable was manufactured. These serial numbers contain no indication of the month of manufacture. It should be noted that serial numbers in this format contain no letters following digits.

New-format serial number: GE4FB001154 (SL-1200MK2 manufactured June 2004 or 1994) The first digit shows the year when the turntable was manufactured, while the month of manufacture is indicated by the letter following it. Months are coded as letters between A and L inclusive; A indicates January, B indicates February, and so on, so F indicates June. This was deviated in the last year of production where September production used the letter S for some reason instead of I. The way to tell if it was made in the 90's or the 2000's is to make 2 additional inspections:
1. Check the 3 screws that hold the motor stator, in the 90's these were fine pitch threads, later they were changed to hi speed self tapping threads.
2. Remove the platter and check for a cutout in the chassi in the 9:00 to 11:00 o'clock positions. This cutout also appeared in later models.
In 2009 the interconnect cable was changed to a high capacitance cable which can be identified by the end connector.

There are also at least two other serial number formats that were used by Technics on early SL1200MK2 models. "DA22 17D142" and "MJ7821F287" are examples of serial numbers seen on early production units that both lacked mounting provisions for the internal "bottom base" (Technics part # SFAU122-02) and possessed a different style of dust cover hinges. The old hinge had a receptacle on the back which received the hinge with a thin wide slot. The later and current models feature a hinge receptacle that accepts the hinge with a square opening approx 3/8" square.

In addition to the above, all the SL-1200MK2s from the 1970s and early 1980s have a 4-inch-diameter (100 mm) plate where the RCA and ground wires enter the chassis in the rubber base of the unit. The later models have a smaller hole through which the wires enter the unit. The larger hole size returned in 1997 in the MK4 and 2003 in the M5G models

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