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Thirteen Senses - Into The Fire

Come on, come on
Put your hands into the fire
Explain, explain
As I turn, I meet the power
This time, this time
Turning white and senses dying
Pull up, pull up
From one extreme to another

From the summer to the spring
From the mountain to the air
From samaritan to sin
And it's waiting on the air
Come on, come on
Put your hands into the fire
Explain, explain
As I turn, I meet the power
This time, this time
Turning white and senses dying
Pull up, pull up
From one extreme to another

From the summer to the spring
From the mountain to the air
From samaritan to sin
And it's waiting on the air
Now I'm low, I'm looking out, I'm looking in
Way down, the lights are dimmer
Now I'm low, I'm looking out, I'm looking in
Way down, the lights are dimmer

Come on, come on
Put your hands into the fire
Come on, come on

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Η κατάσταση των πραγμάτων - 2000

Δημήτρης Αποστολάκης
Δημήτρης Αποστολάκης

1. Χαΐνηδες

Κοίτα που θα τα πλερώσω πάλι όλα τα σπασμένα,
πού `σαι ρε Καραϊσκάκη, για να φας κανένα.

Τραβάτε καραγκιόζηδες να βγειτε στο μπερντέ,
ο γάιδαρος εψόφησε κι εσείς του λέτε ντε.

Όσοι με καταλαβαίνουν, λίγο μέσα μου σκλαβώνουν,
κι όσοι ροδανθούς με ραίνουν, πάντα με σταυρώνουν.

Εσύ που λίγο με μισείς και λίγο μ’ αγαπάς,
ποτέ σου δεν ξεκίνησες και πουθενά δεν πας.

Τον θεό τονε πουλούνε, μα εγώ δε θα πλερώσω,
κάποια μέρα τους εμπόρους θα τους μαστιγώσω.

Ζωή που μας περίμενες μ’ ορθάνοιχτη αγκαλιά,
σε φυλακές, ιδρύματα και πένθιμα σκολειά.

Ήττα μου, γλυκιά δασκάλα και σταυραϊτέ τση νιότης,
η αρρώστια του καιρού μας είναι η σοβαρότης.

Ένα κουνέλι κλέφτουμε και κάνουμε γιορτή,
κι εσείς κουνέλι γράφετε και τρώτε το χαρτί.

Θλίψη μου γλυκιά μου θλίψη, συντροφιά στην κάμαρά μου,
πως φοβούμαι μη σε χάσω, όπως τη χαρά μου.

Άμα ποθάνω ρίξτε με στα όρνια να με φαν,
να πάρουνε τα σπλάχνα μου, στα νέφη να πετάν.

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score

- The lunatic is on the grass
the lunatic is on the grass . . .

. . . γελάκι . . .

. . . and if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Pink Floyd - Brain Damage

. . . ότι πρόγραμμα και αν έχεις κάνει , ότι και να έχει γίνει , ότι . . . ότι . . . ότι . . . κλείνοντας με αυτό το τραγούδι , όλα έρχονται στα ίσια τους . . . ίσως η μεγαλύτερη μπάντα του πλανήτη

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
. . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . . οm . . . om . . . om . . .

Aumgn - Can (1971) 1/2

. . . συντονιζόμαστε στο 04:50 περίπου για κατάδυση στο συλλογικό υποσυνείδητο


Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Reaction score

On Mondays murder children, little girls and boys
I put my hands around their throats till they don't make a noise
Tuesdays torture animals, pluck off small birds wings
Watch them as they bleed to death, then they don't sing
Wednesdays I defecate on the priest's front door
If the priest he does complain, I just do it some more
Thursdays I Molatov the local orphans home
Love those little orphans, charred down to the bone

I'm terrible, terrible, shouldn't be allowed
To sing my songs of filth to a decent crowd

On Fridays sodomize tender virgin nuns
Tie them up, lear at them, and then I have my fun
Saturdays I stand and sing my sad, sad, sick, sick songs
To anyone who listen, who in the head is wrong
Sundays, Sundays, the day I love the best
Rape, murder, pillage while other people rest

I'm terrible, terrible, shouldn't be allowed
To sing my songs of filth to a decent crowd
I'm terrible, terrible, shouldn't be allowed
But when I do offend someone it makes me feel so proud

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
- πολύ καλός και αντισυμβατικός μπλουζίστας . . . εδώ η άγρια πλευρά του west σε ένα τραγούδι . . . :vinsent: . . .

I had two uncles, two brothers, and my father did get killed in chicago
That's why i don't like living there, it's too rough a place

People, going up down the street shooting, killing peoples, which it done it everywhere but they been doing it there a long time you know, and that's a sad thing

Well uhh, my brother, he was a doctor, i think he been, i'm not for sure but i think he been selling, some dope to him and he, i reckon quit, and they killed him

And my uncle, one of them they killed him, another guy killed him about his wife. he, with his wife, and about two years after, he killed him. he he, stayed with his lived with his wife

And my other uncle, i don't know the what reason he got killed, but i know he, got killed and my dad they killed him and robbed him, he, he got his, check you know his, and uhh, somebody, ganged up on him and stabbed him oh lord dang, twenty-five thirty times. and nobody never went to to jail for it cuz they never found out who it was

Ahh, then i was, that was in uhh, uhh, fifties, yeah cuz i lived there in the forties, and my uhh, soon as i left there, 'bout uhh, eleven months after i left there, my father got killed, then about a week later, my both of my brothers got killed the same day. and then uhh, one of my uncles got killed about three months later, and it was about, six or eight months 'fore my other uncle got killed; but they all got killed in a year's time...

...yeah, i'm glad i i made it out man

Yeah both of my brothers got killed the same day

But uhh, my uncle my daddy got killed, when he drawed some money back you know his, time, and somebody, he went out and get him a drink i imagine, the whiskey store not too far from his house. about, a block and a half and somebody killed him umm, between there and there before he got there, he was just at the, other side of the next house from where he lived but uhh and he killed him there, and took his money

And one of my uncles they, the guy, killed him about his wife he caught him there with his wife, and he killed him. and i don't know what happened to my other uncle but he got killed you know i don't know just what happened

Naw, no no done nobody ever went to jail, cuz they ain't, don't know who did nothing

Well uhh, yeah, i share-cropped, down at senatobia, and then uhh, i moved down to, tunica, i stayed down there a, couple years at uhh, hollywood, and uhh, i came from there back to coldwater, oounce and stayed there, two years and went back to memphis, we stayed, two or three years and we came back, stayed here a year and went back to memphis and stayed a couple years, then we come back and we ain't been back since

R.L. Burnside - R.L.'s Story

. . . κάτι σαν Ry Cooder στην κόλαση

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
. . . Little Nick wasn't happy -
He felt sick inside
One day he jumped from the window
Into the arms of a Wagnerian bride . . .

. . . And then there's old Uncle Charlie
He don't speak any more
He lives one side of a mirror
A refugee from the chemical wars
A critical disposition
He likes to eat his own hands
His principle motivation
Is a special secretion from a secret gland . . .

Underwaterboys - Shriekback




- πολύ καλός και αντισυμβατικός μπλουζίστας . . . εδώ η άγρια πλευρά του west σε ένα τραγούδι . . . :vinsent: . . .

I had two uncles, two brothers, and my father did get killed in chicago
That's why i don't like living there, it's too rough a place

People, going up down the street shooting, killing peoples, which it done it everywhere but they been doing it there a long time you know, and that's a sad thing

Well uhh, my brother, he was a doctor, i think he been, i'm not for sure but i think he been selling, some dope to him and he, i reckon quit, and they killed him

And my uncle, one of them they killed him, another guy killed him about his wife. he, with his wife, and about two years after, he killed him. he he, stayed with his lived with his wife

And my other uncle, i don't know the what reason he got killed, but i know he, got killed and my dad they killed him and robbed him, he, he got his, check you know his, and uhh, somebody, ganged up on him and stabbed him oh lord dang, twenty-five thirty times. and nobody never went to to jail for it cuz they never found out who it was

Ahh, then i was, that was in uhh, uhh, fifties, yeah cuz i lived there in the forties, and my uhh, soon as i left there, 'bout uhh, eleven months after i left there, my father got killed, then about a week later, my both of my brothers got killed the same day. and then uhh, one of my uncles got killed about three months later, and it was about, six or eight months 'fore my other uncle got killed; but they all got killed in a year's time...

...yeah, i'm glad i i made it out man

Yeah both of my brothers got killed the same day

But uhh, my uncle my daddy got killed, when he drawed some money back you know his, time, and somebody, he went out and get him a drink i imagine, the whiskey store not too far from his house. about, a block and a half and somebody killed him umm, between there and there before he got there, he was just at the, other side of the next house from where he lived but uhh and he killed him there, and took his money

And one of my uncles they, the guy, killed him about his wife he caught him there with his wife, and he killed him. and i don't know what happened to my other uncle but he got killed you know i don't know just what happened

Naw, no no done nobody ever went to jail, cuz they ain't, don't know who did nothing

Well uhh, yeah, i share-cropped, down at senatobia, and then uhh, i moved down to, tunica, i stayed down there a, couple years at uhh, hollywood, and uhh, i came from there back to coldwater, oounce and stayed there, two years and went back to memphis, we stayed, two or three years and we came back, stayed here a year and went back to memphis and stayed a couple years, then we come back and we ain't been back since

R.L. Burnside - R.L.'s Story

. . . κάτι σαν Ry Cooder στην κόλαση
Λίαν επιεικώς ΣΥΓΚΛΟΝΙΣΤΙΚΟ τραγούδι (και εξαιρετικό άλμπουμ συνολικά). :hi:

Όπως και αυτό που ακολουθεί:

John Campbell - Tiny Coffin

It takes a tiny coffin for a six year old,
It takes a small hole in the ground.
It takes a tiny coffin for a six year old,
It takes a small hole in the ground.
You could fill it up with my tears and rage,
As they lowered Billy down.

Shotgun blast from a moving car,
It just don't make no sense.
Shotgun blast from a moving car,
It just don't make no sense.
They say they were aiming for someone else,
But they put Billy in the past tense.

I knelt by his mama as she weeped in pain.
I asked her what could I do?
I knelt by his mama as she weeped in pain.
I asked her what could I do?
She said, "Pray for me and the neighborhood,
And pray the next time it ain't you."

They piled in the Chevy - five angry young men,
It's the law of the jungle for them.
They piled in the Chevy - five angry young men,
It's the law of the jungle for them.
They know where to find the gunman,
And Billy has to be revenged.

It takes a tiny coffin for a six year old,
It takes a small hole in the ground.
It takes a tiny coffin for a six year old,
It takes a small hole in the ground.

Tiny coffin
Tiny coffin



Άντε να ΄ρθει το καλοκαιράκι να πάμε δγιακοπές... :spiteful: Ήντα λες κυρ Σποκ;

Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia

So you've been to school for a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car thinking you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl

Play ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Bragging that you know how the niggers feel cold
And the slum's got so much soul

It's time to taste what you most fear
Right Guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear
Brace yourself, my dear

It's a holiday in Cambodia
It's tough, kid, but it's life
It's a holiday in Cambodia
Don't forget to pack a wife

You're a Star-Belly Sneetch, you suck like a leech
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch, so you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you

Well, you'll work harder with a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers till you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake

Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
What you need, my son
What you need, my son

Is a holiday in Cambodia
Where people dress in black
Need a holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll kiss ass or crack

Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot

It's a holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll do what you're told
Holiday in Cambodia
Where the slum's got so much soul

Pol Pot

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
. . . & λίγο από αντρικό Σπηλιά . . . με αυτό βγήκε στον Λυκαβηττό το 2006

And her breasts rise and fall
Her breast rise and fall
Her breast rise and fall
Her breast rise and fall
And just when I’m about to get my hands on her
Just when I’m about to get my hands on her
Just when I’m about to get my hands on her
Just when I’m about to get my hands on her
You are beautiful! O dove!
Hard on for love hard on for love
Hard on for love hard on for love

Nick Cave - Hard on for Love



Reaction score
Κι αν βγω απ’ αυτή τη φυλακή κανείς δε θα με περιμένει
οι δρόμοι θα `ναι αδειανοί κι η πολιτεία μου πιο ξένη
τα καφενεία όλα κλειστά κι οι φίλοι μου ξενιτεμένοι
αέρας θα με παρασέρνει κι αν βγω απ’ αυτή τη φυλακή
Κι ο ήλιος θ’ αποκοιμηθεί μες στα ερείπια της Ολύνθου
θα μοιάζουν πράγματα του μύθου κι οι φίλοι μου και οι εχθροί
μαρμαρωμένοι θα σταθούν οι ρήτορες κι οι λωποδύτες
ζητιάνοι εταίρες και προφήτες μαρμαρωμένοι θα σταθούν
Μπροστά στην πύλη θα σταθώ με τις κουβέρτες στη μασχάλη
κι αργοκουνόντας το κεφάλι θα χαιρετήσω το φρουρό
χωρίς βουλή χωρίς Θεό σαν βασιλιάς σ’ αρχαίο δράμα
θα πω τη λέξη και το γράμμα μπροστά στην πύλη θα σταθώ...
Μετά από μια τρομακτική κίνηση που είχε στο Σύνταγμα,
που είχε κοπάσει πλέον,
πάνω σ’ ένα πεζοδρόμιο ξεμείνανε δύο άτομα,
το μεν ένα, ήταν ένας δωδεκάχρονος,
κρατούσε στα χέρια του ένα κοφίνι,
μέσ’ στο κοφίνι είχε κουλούρια και τα πούλαγε βεβαίως,
πιο εκεί απ’ το μικρό, κάπου 4 -5 μέτρα,
ήταν μια κυρία που περίμενε
κι επειδή έκανε κρύο, φορούσε ένα παλτό πολύ ακριβό,
πολύ, πολύ, πολύ,
ήταν από "αστρακά.
Κρατούσε και στα χέρια της ένα σκυλάκι μικρό,
αυτό ήτανε σγουρό - σγουρό,
κι είχε ένα χρώμα, έτσι, πράσινο με άσπρο,
μπλε, κόκκινο και κομμάτι μαύρο.
Το `χε βάψει η κυρία για να είναι παντού μέσα
κι από `δώ κι από `κεί, παντού.
Παρ’ όλο που ανήκανε σε δύο διαφορετικές κοινωνικές τάξεις,
όμως είχανε την ίδια ανάγκη
κι αυτή η ανάγκη φαίνεται στο τέλος του τραγουδιού
που αρχίζει ως εξής το τραγούδι.

Η κυρία χαϊδεύει το σγουρό της σκυλάκι,
για ταξί περιμένει, μένει στο Κολωνάκι,
ο μικρός παραπέρα που κουλούρια πουλάει,
ένα μόνο μπλουζάκι τρυπημένο φοράει.
Και η ώρα περνάει αλλά καρτερούν με γινάτι,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη.
Προσπερνούν οι διαβάτες, η κυρία προσμένει,
είναι θυμωμένη, αρκετά νευριασμένη,
ο μικρός παραπέρα που κουλούρια πουλάει,
ένα μόνο μπλουζάκι τρυπημένο φοράει.
Και η ώρα περνάει αλλά καρτερούν με γινάτι,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη.
Ο χιονιάς δυναμώνει, η κυρία κρυώνει,
τα ταξί, λέει, χαθήκαν; το σκυλί της κι αυτό κρυώνει,
ο μικρός, τα κουλούρια τα κοιτάει λυπημένα,
ούτε ένας δεν παίρνει και είναι πια παγωμένα.
Και η ώρα περνάει αλλά καρτερούν με γινάτι,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη,
για ταξί η κυρία, ο μικρός για πελάτη.
Είν’ η φτώχεια κι ο πλούτος που παγώνουν αντάμα
και οι δυο μουρμουρίζουν, η ζωή είναι δράμα
Last edited:



S.R.V. Tribute - 08/10 - Six Strings Down :hi:

Alpine valley
In the middle of the night
Six strings down
On the heaven-bound flight
Got a pick, a strap, guitar on his back
Ain’t gonna cut the angels no slack
Heaven done called
Another blues-stringer back home
See the voodoo chile
Holding out his hand
I’ve been waitin’ on you brother
Welcome to the band
Good blues-stringin’
Heaven-fine singin’
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Been lis’nin’ to your playin’
Heaven done called
Another blues-stringer back home
Lord they called
Another blues-stringer back home
Albert Collins up there
Muddy an’ Lightnin’ too
Albert King and Freddy
Playin’ the blues
T-Bone Walker, Guitar Slim
Little Son Jackson and
Frankie Lee Sims
Heaven done called
Another blues-stringer back home
Lord they called
Another blues-stringer back home
Lord they called
Another blues-stringer back home
Heaven done called
Another blues-stringer back home
Lord they called
Another blues-stringer back home
Heaven done called
Another blues-stringer back home
They called
Another blues-stringer back home
Back home

Reaction score

There's a girl lying at my door
I would die just to taste her blood some more
I knew a girl dying at my door
For another hit she gave me her soul

Now I know that my time has come
And yet I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling through the scenery

In my bed as I lie undead
Making love to the snake inside my head
On the floor like a beautiful whore
What you love never comes till you run and love it some more

Now I know that my time has come
And yet I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling through the scenery

Now I know that my time has come
And yet I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling through the scenery

Seem unwell
Look like hell
But I don't play
I've come a long way
I've come a long way
I've come a long way
Since Sunday
Girl, get running

Take a drive where your mind will cease to feel
Stay alive if you feel you can't stand still
Come on, baby, while it's light outside
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling on a who ride

'Cause I know that my time has run
And yet I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling through the scenery

Now I know that my time has run
And now I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you know what I don't come on over here and teach me

Take a drive where your mind will cease to feel
Stay alive if you feel you can't stand still
Come on, baby, while it's light outside
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling on a who ride

'Cause I know that my time has run
And yet I know that my trial goes on and on
Come on, baby, let me set you free
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling through the scenery

And take a drive where your mind will cease to feel
Stay alive if you feel you can't stand still
Come on, baby, while it's light outside
If you're up for it knock and we're rolling on a who ride

'Cause I know that my time has run
'Cause I know that my time has run

Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
Every night I hope and pray
Well that your lovin' baby
Will come my way
I go to sleep With one though on my mind
I love you baby And I'm gonna make you mine
Now yes I'm gonne make you mine
Well no matter what you do I'm gonna love you pretty baby
Til you like my love is true

Now if you want me
You know just what you gotta do
You gotta show me that you love me
You gotta prove your love is true
Well if you leave me Now don't come back again
'Cause if you leave me I'd want this misery to end
I'm gonna love ya Love you baby
all the time I'm gonna love you little girl Yes I'm gonna make you mine
Now yes I'm gonna make you mine
Well no matter what you do I'm gonna love you pretty baby Til you like my love is true




Reaction score
Every night I hope and pray
Well that your lovin' baby
Will come my way
I go to sleep With one though on my mind
I love you baby And I'm gonna make you mine
Now yes I'm gonne make you mine
Well no matter what you do I'm gonna love you pretty baby
Til you like my love is true

Now if you want me
You know just what you gotta do
You gotta show me that you love me
You gotta prove your love is true
Well if you leave me Now don't come back again
'Cause if you leave me I'd want this misery to end
I'm gonna love ya Love you baby
all the time I'm gonna love you little girl Yes I'm gonna make you mine
Now yes I'm gonna make you mine
Well no matter what you do I'm gonna love you pretty baby Til you like my love is true


...με αυτο ξεκινησα τη προηγουμενη βδομαδα την εκπομπη, βεβαια..παιγμενο απο τις Meanie Genies!
Και ενα απιθανο φεστιβαλ...πριν μερικα χρονια..

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