Cargo 200
- Μηνύματα
- 24.143
- Reaction score
- 43.633
7+/10 για μένα....
Wild 5-6 /10
Μου άρεσε πολύ που ήταν καθαρή και διάφανη η ταινία στο τι ήθελε να δείξει, χωρίς bullshits, και κατά τη γνώμη μου σωστά δεμένη από το σκηνοθέτη χωρίς να κουράζουν τα flashbacks και χωρίς να κάνει κοιλιά η ταινία κάπου, βλέπεται όλη πολύ ευχάριστα. Κερασάκια, το ένα στο spoiler για να μην χαλάσω την όποια έκπληξη και το άλλο η όρεξη που σου ανοίγεται για να μάθεις τι είναι αυτό το ρημάδι το PCT trail! αυτά μόνο τα αμερικανά τα κάνουν και για αυτό πάτησαν στο φεγγάρι μισό αιώνα πριν.
Discover the trail
The Pacific Crest Trail spans 2,650 miles (4,265 kilometers) from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington. It reveals the beauty of the desert, unfolds the glaciated expanses of the Sierra Nevada, travels deep forests, and provides commanding vistas of volcanic peaks in the Cascade Range. The trail symbolizes everything there is to love—and protect—in the Western United States.
The PCT has a rich history that stretches back nearly a century. Beginning in the early 1930s, Clinton C. Clarke pushed forward the idea for the trail while battling a government system that couldn’t fathom the idea. The story of the PCT continues to this day.
- 1926 – first known record of a proposal for a trail through California, Oregon and Washington
- 1932 – Clinton Clarke, the “father of the PCT,” begins promoting the trail
- 1930’s – exploration begins
- 1935 – first meeting of the Pacific Crest Trail System Conference
- 1935 – 1938 – YMCA organizes relays to scout the trail’s route
- 1939 – PCT appears on a federal government map for the first time
- 1940’s – work halted due to WWII
- 1950’s – advocacy work continues
- 1968 – designated as National Scenic Trail
- 1971 – Warren Rogers, Clinton Clarke’s protégée, founds the Pacific Crest Trail Club
- 1973 – first Wilderness Press PCT guidebook is released
- 1977 – Pacific Crest Trail Conference incorporated
- 1987 – Pacific Crest Trail Club merges with Pacific Crest Trail Conference
- 1988 – monuments placed at the southern and northern terminuses
- 1992 – Pacific Crest Trail Conference changes its name to Pacific Crest Trail Association
- 1993 – Golden Spike “completion” ceremony, PCTA hires first paid staff
- 1997 – PCTA begins annual advocacy trips to Washington, D.C.
- 2000 – U.S. Forest Service hires full-time PCT Program Manager
- 2001 – U.S. Forest Service signs agreement with National Park Service for PCT land acquisition work
- 2006 – PCTA adopts Strategic Plan
- 2010 – PCTA exceeds 100,000 volunteers hours with the help of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
η ιστορία τελικά είναι αληθινή αλλά το μαθαίνεις στο τέλος