Avatar (2009)

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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Ολα τρισδιάστατα

Το «Avatar» εκτός από τρισδιάστατη προβολή, έχει γυριστεί και με τρισδιάστατο τρόπο. Αντί για τον παραδοσιακό τρόπο γυρίσματος με κάμερα που «στοχεύει» σε ένα συγκεκριμένο πλάνο, ο Κάμερον γυρίζει σε ένα χώρο που καλύπτεται ολόκληρος ψηφιακά από κάμερες, με αποτέλεσμα να έχει την ευχέρεια να επιλέγει ποια κάδρα θα χρησιμοποιήσει κατά την επεξεργασία του φιλμ. Είναι μια επαναστατική τεχνική, που ίσως να μην έχει μεγάλη σημασία για τον θεατή, προσφέρει όμως απεριόριστες δυνατότητες στον σκηνοθέτη, αφού τίποτα πια δεν είναι περιοριστικό.

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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

James Cameron Previews 24 Minutes of Avatar!

Source: The Insider

James Cameron screened 24 minutes of his highly-anticipated Avatar at the Cinema Expo in Amsterdam on Tuesday and scooper 'The Insider' witnessed the footage and sent us this exclusive report! The footage utilized the RealD XL Cinema System. The 3D presentation was on a 55-foot screen with nearly 10-foot Lamberts of light, delivering the largest and brightest 3D presentation at Cinema Expo.

I've just returned from a preview screening of James Cameron's hugely anticipated movie "Avatar" at the Cinema Expo in Amsterdam and I'm still feeling the after effects of this jaw-dropping experience. First off, I'm really not a fan of the so called 3-D craze, that's currently taking Hollywood by storm. Before the "Avatar" screening, Fox showed us "Ice Age 3" in 3-D and although the movie is pretty entertaining, I don't understand why it has to be in 3-D. What is the added benefit? I just got a headache from the whole experience. For some reason or another, my eyes just can't get used to the 3-D experience. With it comes the fact that 3-D until now has been used as a gimmick.

Would "Avatar" change my mind? With anticipation I directed my attention to the 20th Century Fox show reel. After some pretty disappointing clips from other movies like "Gulliver's Travels" you could feel the tension in the theater. Then it appeared on the screen: AVATAR. After a brief introduction from cast members Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang and Sigourney Weaver, we were asked to put on the 3-D glasses (really uncomfortable, especially if you already wear a pair). Most of the scenes were from the first half of the movie.

In the first scene we see Sam Worthington's crippled ex-marine Jake Sully, who just arrived on the planet 'Pandora.' He's in a wheelchair and just rolled in to hear Colonel Quaritch, played by the impressive Stephen Lang, talk to the troops. He's giving a classic speech that every military leader gives at the beginning of a battle. Jake listens as an outsider to this speech. A melancholic smile appears on his face. Although the scene is in 3-D, I haven't really noticed it. Finally a director who doesn't feel the need to stick it in the audience's face with cheap tricks like pointing objects at the camera.

In the second scene Sigourney Weaver's Dr. Grace Augustine explains to Jake how the process of transporting your mind into an Avatar works. Although the scene is mostly exposition, we've got a good look at the lab and more importantly we get a first glimpse of the Avatars, the Na'Vi lookalikes. These tall blue creatures lie in water tanks, waiting for their human to 'jump' in their bodies. Besides Weaver and Worthington, the scene introduces Joel Moore's character Norm Spellman. As is usually the case with Moore, his character is the comic relief.

It's the third scene where my heart begins to pound like crazy. Jake and Norm will inhabit their Avatar for the first time. They enter some sort of capsule and - flash – their mind enters the blue creatures, now lying on hospital tables. And not before long Avatar Jake wakes up. And it took my breath away. I thought--just like you guys--that I've seen it all with Gollum, or The Hulk, but Cameron has done it again. These creatures seem so real, that within minutes you forget you're watching an enormous and very blue CGI character. Even the eyes are totally convincing. The characters have real personalities and a soul.

In the fourth scene the Avatars of Jake, Norm and Grace explore the jungle of Pandora. The surroundings remind me of a planet that appears briefly in "Revenge of the Sith." A lot of massive colorful flowers and plants grow everywhere. Jake's unbridled enthusiasm works on Grace's nerves. And not before long they have their first confrontation with some creatures. Some sort of rhino with a flower sticking out of his head looks like he will kill Jake, but he's not scared and he let's out a scream. The 'rhino' runs away, but not because of Jake. A more dangerous creature – a wolf? – jumps at Jake from behind.

In the next couple of scenes Jake meets Na'Vi Neytiri (Zoe Saldana). Jake finds himself alone at night in the jungle with only a torch as protection against some evil looking dogs. Eager to fight them, Jake says: 'What are you waiting for?' When one of the 'dogs' attacks him he slams the torch in the creature's face. A fight ensues that Jake can't win by himself. Lucky for him, there's Neytiri who with her trusty bow and arrow helps Jake chase away the creatures. Just when Jake wants to offer his gratitude, Neytiri knocks his reached out hand away and says to Jake that killing these creatures is a bad thing. When the scene fades out to black, my mind begins to work overtime. How the hell is it possible that I never once felt like I've been watching a movie where almost everything comes out of a computer?

The most beautiful scene follows directly after the one I've described above. When Jake wants to take his torch with him, Neytiri takes it from him and throws it in the river. Like magic the flowers and plants – even the grassy soil - begin to glow in the night. The beauty completely takes my breath away. Meanwhile we get to learn more about Neytiri and her people. Everybody who knows the story of Native American Pocahontas and John Smith, will recognize a lot of similarities. Before you can sing "Colors of the Wind," Neytiri guides Jake through her world. Mysterious flowing and glowing seeds from a mystic tree appear out of nowhere. To Neytiri's surprise Jake attracts them. She has a look in her eyes like he's the 'chosen one.' And of course she's right. Jake has to lead the Na'Vi into battle against the massive army of Colonel Quaritch.

In the next scene we meet the Banshees. The Na'Vi ride these fierce looking creatures when they hunt. After some exposition, where Neytiri explains to Jake that a Banshee first has to respect you, before you can ride it, she takes flight and another gorgeous scene unspools.

The last scene wasn't completed. What we saw, was sort of a video-game version of the mother of all battles. Countless numbers of Na'Vi riding their Banshees attack Quaritch's fleet. I can't wait to see the battle fully rendered.

Overall I was really impressed by what I saw. The effects are in a league of their own. After some disappointing or even pointless 3-D movies, "Avatar" maybe the first movie where 3-D is properly utilized.

Avatar hits conventional 3D and IMAX 3D theaters on December 18, 2009.

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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Avatar: Θα πάθουμε πλάκα;

Οπτική ψευδαίσθηση ή πραγματική εικόνα; Αυτό αναρωτήθηκαν όσοι τυχεροί παρευρέθησαν στην προβολή ενός εικοσάλεπτου αποσπάσματος του πολυαναμενόμενου Avatar του Τζέιμς Κάμερον, στο πλαίσιο των εκδηλώσεων του Cinema Expo International, στο Άμστερνταμ. Τα πρώτα σχόλια κάνουν λόγο για ασσύληπτης τεχνικής και τεχνολογίας σκηνές, όπου το μάτι δυσκολεύεται να ξεχωρίσει την πραγματικότητα από τα εφέ, τα οποία, με πρωτοφανή για τα δεδομένα του κινηματογράφου λεπτομέρεια, ουσιαστικά σε παρασύρουν σε ένα ηδονικό φωτο-ρεαλιστικό ταξίδι.

Μηνύματα όπως «Έπαθα την πλάκα μου», «Δε συγκρίνεται με τίποτα από όσα έχετε δει μέχρι τώρα και από ό,τι φαντάζεστε», «Μας έπεσαν τα σαγόνια!», «Ακόμα δεν πιστεύω ότι είδα κάτι τέτοιο στην οθόνη» είναι μερικά μόνο από όσα συναντήσαμε στο διαδίκτυο, από κάποιους προνομιούχους που μετά από την προβολή μπορούν ήδη να έχουν άποψη για μια από τις ταινίες που οι υπόλοιποι ακόμα βλέπουμε στον ύπνο μας.

Ειδική μνεία γίνεται για τους χαρακτήρες της ταινίας, αφού τα γεννημένα στο κομπιούτερ πλάσματα του εξωγήινου πλανήτη έχουν κυριολεκτικά γίνει ένα με τους ηθοποιούς, ώστε το αποτέλεσμα να είναι πρωτόγνωρα ρεαλιστικό, ενώ και τα τοπία (όπως φαίνεται και από τις δύο concept art φωτογραφίες που διατέθηκαν στην Expo) σε μεταφέρουν σε ένα μαγικό sc-fi σύμπαν.

Το Avatar, όπου οι παραδοσιακές τεχνικές κινηματογράφησης συνδυάζονται με ό,τι πιο σύγχρονο στον τομέα της φωτογραφίας και των ψηφιακών CGI τεχνολογιών, ώστε το κοινό να απολαύσει ένα υπερσύγχρονο και μοναδικό φουτουριστικό θέαμα, αναμένεται να σηματοδοτήσει μια νέα εποχή για το μέλλον του σινεμά στην τρίτη διάσταση (3-D).

Το σενάριο της ταινίας (όπου πρωταγωνιστούν οι Σαμ Γουόρδιγκτον, Σίγκουρνι Γουίβερ, Ζόε Σαλντανα και Στέφεν Λανγκ) είναι επίσης του Κάμερον ο οποίος βασίστηκε σε μία ιδέα που υπήρχε στο μυαλό του εδώ και μία δεκαετία περίπου, για έναν παραπληγικό πρώην πεζοναύτη που μεταφέρεται σε έναν μακρινό πλανήτη πλούσιο σε κάθε είδους χλωρίδα και πανίδα, όπου ως Avatar -με ανθρώπινο εγκέφαλο μέσα σε εξωγήινο σώμα- βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο της μάχης των ιθαγενών του πλανήτη για επιβίωση απέναντι στην απειλή των γήινων εισβολέων.

Μετά από τέτοια σχόλια, το ερώτημα δεν είναι τι να περιμένουμε, αλλά γιατί (Θεέ μου) να περιμένουμε μέχρι το Δεκέμβριο.


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Στο παραπανω ποστερ εμφανιζεται η Νavi η οποια ειναι full cgi ηθοποιος και απο οτι ακουγεται δεν θα ξεχωριζει απο τους κανονικους ηθοποιους !!!

Περιμενω με αγωνια το trailer το οποιο μαλλον θα δειξει στην φετινη comicon που αρχιζει σε 3 βδομαδες !!!

υπομονη !!!!!

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Re: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Να μας έλεγε και τίποτα το παληκάρι καλά θα ήτανε. Τεσπα, απλά περιμένουμε εναγωνίως.

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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Photos απο την comic-con 2009 η οποια ανοιγει σημερα !!!

Ολοι περιμενουν το trailer της ταινιας που συμφωνα με πληροφοριες θα παρουσιαστει στην εκθεση !


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Πεμπτη 23/7/2009

3:00-4:15 τοπική ώρα

20th Century Fox and James Cameron present Avatar In this first public screening of footage in 3D from his much-anticipated action/adventure/fantasy, James Cameron, producer Jon Landau, and cast members take you to a spectacular new world beyond imagination. Conceived 14 years ago and over four years in the making, Avatar breaks new ground in delivering a fully immersive, emotional story and reinvents the movie-going experience.

Ελπιζω αυριο να εχουμε μπολικο υλικο !!!

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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)


James Cameron Presents Avatar

This is the moment we've all been waiting for and it's 10 years in the making. James Cameron is coming to Comic-Con to finally present the first ever glimpse at Avatar, his first movie since Titanic in 1997. We obviously won't be able to take any photos or really explain in complete detail any of what we're about to see, but we'll do our best to provide some quotes from Cameron and our own reaction to what we're shown. With that introduction, let's get on with this, as we're waiting for the panel to start and things to kick off. Follow on below as we live blog the panel and head directly into a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Read on!

3:08PM - We're still waiting for the panel to start here in Hall H, so stay tuned.

3:13PM - Still waiting to pack this in and get the show on the road… I am getting very nervous, very anxious, and very excited.

3:22PM - Well our host for the evening is the infamous Tom Rothman. And his introductory speech was obviously not written by him. "Pack your bags," he says, we've got a one way ticket to Pandora!

3:24PM - "There has been much talk today about the technology invented to make this possible." "But I can tell you that this is being used in the service of story and character." Rothman says that although this should be experienced in 3D, it is also going to be shown in 2D as well everywhere. Introduces the legendary James Cameron to the stage!

3:26PM - Cameron is "honored" to be able to unveil the first footage here at Comic-Con. I share with you my love for science fiction and fantasy and other worlds. He's not going to "waste our time" because we're here to see stuff. We're going to see 24 or 25 minutes of stuff and he says the clips are relatively self-explanatory and beyond that, they don't want us to know until December.

3:28PM - He's closing this introduction with two questions that we need to answer loudly so that others out there in the universe know we exist. They are:

-How many of you have ever wanted to go to another planet?

-Are you ready to go to Pandora?

3:55PM - Just finished watching a full 25 minutes and holy shit it was phenomenal, just amazing. It does indeed look like nothing you've ever seen, it is groundbreaking, it looks incredible. Every single second in this looked real. And most of it was a completely CGI created universe that does not at all look CGI. It is truly amazing!

3:56PM - Sigourney Weaver: "This is the movie you've been waiting for." Describing her character in the movie:

1000 foot tall trees, mountains, creatures, some beautiful, some terrifying. Grace loves Pandora with all its heart and hopes to protect the Na'vi from "industrial Earth." And to do this, they project their consciousness into their Avatars, which are living, breathing biological bodies which resemble the Na'vi.

3:58PM - Just brought out Zoe Saldana as well plays the primary lead character named… well I don't know how to spell her name. Her character is the "most physically demanding role" she's ever done. I want her to be a female action character at least equal to the others in Jim's movies. She hates the humans and what they're doing in their world but finds herself completely fascinated by Jake.

4:01PM - "Working with Jim is not like anything else I've ever experienced because no one cares as much as he does," Sigourney says.

4:02PM - Zoe says the "language was amazing." It was hard, like picking up French. "It was very interesting." It sounds like she can't exactly describe how hard it was to speak a lanaguage that doesn't exist and even learn to speak with an accent in English as well.

4:04PM - Dr. Paul Frommer (of USC) spent two years working on developing the language. They learned about various things to "de-humanize" themselves to become a part of the Na'vi culture, like simple things like saying yes and no.

4:06 - First question from the attendees for a Q&A. Do you have any projects in mind for Arnold when he's out of office? "Well Arnold and I have discussed the possibility of him returning to action, I wouldn't rule that out." But he'll let him do the announcing.

4:08PM - What sparked the idea of creating this movie? The "super honest answer" is that I was the CEO of the visual effects company Digital Domain at the time and we were really good at 2D composite but not good at 3D characters. So I decided to write a story full of creatures and characters that would push the art of 3D. So I stuck the treatment in a drawer and got it our four years ago and it's now more timely than ever. References how Gollum looked in Lord of the Rings and that was the "door opening" on the possibility of making this movie. But we had a lot of work to develop the performance technology to capture the work. "Our technology needs to live up to what they can do."

4:14PM - About knowing this was the right time. "Knowing that the rain cloud is ready to rain," Cameron says. It has all the action and all the adventure and also do something that has a conscious. And while enjoying it, also makes you think about interacting with nature. "We make science fiction as human beings for human consumption." The humans in the film kind of represent that part of ourselves that is trashing the world and taking us to a grim future.

4:16PM - Cameron wanted to do something special unveiling the film so he chose to do that at Comic-Con. So he is wondering how he can get this out to the international audiences not at Comic-Con.

Going to take over IMAX 3D and digital 3D theaters worldwide on August 21st and let a global audience come to see 15 minutes of Avatar for free. "Avatar Day"

4:19PM - Unfortunately they have to wrap things up due to time constraints so that's all from the world of Pandora today!


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)


AVATAR DAY - 21/8/2009

Θα παρουσιαστει το τραιλερ της ταινιας και 15 λεπτα με επιπλεον σκηνες !!!!

At the very highly anticipated presentation for James Cameron's Avatar this afternoon at Comic-Con, the master filmmaker himself announced an unprecedented marketing campaign unlike anything you've ever seen before - which is just like what you'll see on the screen that very day. On August 21st, Fox will take over "as many" IMAX 3D and digital 3D theaters as they can and screen 15 minutes from Avatar for free to whoever wants to see it. He's been waiting to show the world what this looks like and this is the perfect way to introduce everyone to Pandora. Having just seen footage, I can assure you, you won't want to miss this!

For those who were lucky enough to get into Hall H today in San Diego, they were treated to roughly 25 minutes of select scenes from Avatar. It started out with an introduction to Sam Worthington as Jake and then an introduction to what we'll be seeing for the remainder of the movie - his Avatar body. The bodies are actual biological beings and Jake's mind becomes a part of theirs and he, essentially, becomes this animal. These Na'vi are 10 foot tall creatures who are a pale blue color yet glow at night. This is the kind of footage you'll see on August 21st and this is the truly only way to get immersed into Cameron's amazing new world.


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

James Cameron's Avatar Presentation

Tι ειδαν οσοι τυχεροι ηταν στην παρουσιαση !!

Though recording was prohibited and laptops had to be closed, here's a glance at what was shown, based on rapidly scrawled notes:

The first scene has Sam Worthington entering a military briefing. There are quite a few soldiers and he's in a wheelchair. The drill seargant-type is telling the group that his job is to keep them all alive. Then he tells that he won't succeed, not for all of them.

The film launches into narration by Jake Sully (Sam Worthington). He's talking about reporting for duty.

The scene moves to a lab where Jake is being told about the Avatar program. The programs combines human DNA with the alien race, the Na'vi and allows a mental connection to the artificial bodies. There are tanks in the room and Jake is introduced to his duplicate. "It looks like him," he says to the scientist. "It looks like you," the scientist responds, "This is your Avatar now, Jake."

The next scene has Jake in a lab with Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver). He's about to go into the Avatar machine, which looks sort of like an MRI. There's playful ribbing back and forth between Grace and Jake; he makes fun of her being a doctor and not being able to save his ability to walk. and she makes fun of him being soldier.

Jake goes into the device and there's a "Sliders"-like tunnel effect of a synaptic nerve. When he wakes up, he's still in a lab, but he's in the Na'vi body.

The Na'vi itself is sort of like a mix between a human, a horse and a cat but blue with zebra-like stripes. They're tall -- about 10 feet and Jake tries to stand, despite the doctors trying to stop him, so excited to be able to walk. They shout at him to lay down, but he's up and literally breaks out of the room, running down the hall and knocking things over with his tail.

Next, Jake is in the jungle on the planet Pandora with a number of other soldiers, one of which is Grace. They're Na'vi, but dressed in military fatigues. The scenery obviously has a lot of influence from Cameron's underwater films; There's a ton of sea anemone-like plants that, when Jake touches them, instantly retract to a tiny bud. He's sort of excited to see it happens and touches more and more until they all close, revealing a gigantic rhino-like creature with the nose of a hammerhead shark.

Grace shouts at him to not shoot it and he, instead, faces it down, stopping it from charging. Then another creature shows up, sort of reminiscent of the Samael design, but bigger and on four legs. It chases him and he runs through the jungle, underneath a gigantic stump, shooting at it from inside. He runs again, and it grabs him by his backpack, which me manages to slip out of.

The next bit has Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, a female Na'vi who is dressed in jungle-girl style garb. She's watching Jake's Na'vi from a tree. She pulls out a bow and arrow, but hesitates before shooting. A tiny butterfly/anemoe creature floats down, pausing on the blade of her arrow. She stops, doesn't shoot and lets the creature drift away.

The next scene has Neytiri and Jake in a big, fluorescent jungle. There are mushrooms that light up when Jake touches them. There are wolf-like lizard things that Neytiri saves Jake from. He tries to thank her, explaining that he knows she can't understand. It turns out she can, though, and speaks english back to him, telling him that he's a child and that it's tragic that the creatures had to die for his ignorance. He asks why she saved him and she tells him that it's because his heart is strong and that he has no fear.

The last scene has Jake as part of a Na'vi tribe. His clothes are gone, replaced with a jungle-loincloth. He also has painted markings on his face. The tribe leader obviously doesn't like him and says that he has to go first, pointing a rock path underneath a waterfall. Jake follows it, coming out on a mountaintop filled with dragon/pterodactyl things. With bits of guidance from Neytiri, Jake swings a sling-like device, approaching one of the (dozens) of creatures. He fights it, getting it to the ground and holds the sling to its face. Suddenly the creature calms and he loosens the sling like a harness, pulling it through the creature's mouth. Sitting on it's back, Jake rides the creature, right off the edge of the cliff, flying high above the mountains.

Overall, the special effects are pretty breathtaking and, despite bizarre, colorful images, it's pretty easy to imagine that it's practical effects. The 3D is as good or better than things we've seen in the past, but it's easy to imagine this film doing just fine on its own in just 2D.


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)


Update: Fox posted a full press release regarding this announcement and included a few more details.

The official trailer will also arrive (online) on August 21st as part of this big promotion.

"The worldwide trailer launch will be presented in all formats, including IMAX 3-D, IMAX 2-D, digital 3-D, digital 2-D, and 35mm 2-D. The trailer will also be available online. The extended (15 minute) look at Avatar will unspool only on August 21 – and only in 3-D – in select theaters and IMAX. Details on locations and reserving tickets for this extraordinary and unprecedented experience will be announced soon.


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Απάντηση: Avatar - 3D (2009)

Και εδω η συνεντευξη του ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY με τους James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver and Zoe Soldana

[reliops=James Cameron's AVATAR Entertainment Weekly Interview][youtube]r6hNibe5_uU[/youtube][/reliops]

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