Denon AVR-2307CI Receiver Review

Κώστας Φ.

Truth hurts. Here's a teddy bear.
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Equal Power Amplifiers - 7 channel / 100 Watts per channel
Low Impedance Drive Capability
High-Current/Discrete Amplifiers
Independent Power Supplies
Dolby Digital, dts and DSP Modes – Analog Devices, HammerHead SHARC
24-bit/192-kHz DACs - Analog Devices - AD-1835
Analog-to-Digital Conversion - Bit Depth/Sampling Rate - 24-bit/96kHz
Variable High/Low Pass Crossover Points (12/24dB) 40/60/80/100/120/150/200/250
Built In Time Based Correction
MSRP: $799

"When Denon adds the CI suffix to a model number, I fear most users don’t know what to think. CI? It is more expensive so it must be better right? Well, for the most part the CI (Custom Integration) adds advanced connectivity and control features… whatever they are. RS-232? What does that do again? Just remember this; installers are interested in ease of use. They want the receiver to do more switching, more auto sensing, and assignable, renameable, and multiple inputs. Actually, I want that too. And so should you. The AVR-2307CI can convert everything up to HDMI (including composite video) so you theoretically should be able to run one cable to your display (with some caveats – see below). They have dedicated inputs for iPods and it is XM Radio ready. It’s got an auto EQ and auto calibration (not the famed Audyssey but it is something) and a manual EQ. So, while you may be uninterested in the RS-232 port on the back, don’t think that the CI designation isn’t for you. ‘Cause it is.


If you chose to go with a 5.1 system (rather than 7.1) you have a number of options of what to do with those two unused amplification channels. You can assign them to Zone 2, bi-amp your mains (Front A), or power a separate set of speakers (Front B). I’m not going to get into the debate about whether bi-amping through a receiver is useful – if you’ve got the extra channels and nothing to do with them, try it out and see if you notice a difference. If you have a set of speakers that you prefer for two-channel listening but a different set of speaker for movies, you can use those extra channels to switch between the two to suit your musical tastes. Regardless of the route you choose, it is nice that they provide a number of options. Nothing is worse than having extra channels of amplification and nothing to do with it.


Denon is known for solid offerings and the AVR-2307CI is no different. Plenty of power, great sound, tons of configuration options, HDMI, Auto EQ that almost works right, not stuffed to the gills with DSPs and other stuff you won’t use… This is a pretty great little package. If I was on the market for a new receiver and I didn’t want to break the bank, this one would be at the top of my list. You end up with this receiver and you’ll be sitting pretty for years to come. Just make sure your players can do the HD audio decoding for you."

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Κώστας Φ.

Truth hurts. Here's a teddy bear.
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