Tί γίνεται αντιληπτό ως ''λάθος'' στη φωτογραφία

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Απάντηση: Tί γίνεται αντιληπτό ως ΄΄λάθος΄΄ στη φωτογραφία

Παίδες λίγη βοήθεια παρακαλώ!
Χθες όλη τη μέρα δεν έβλεπα αυτό http://www.avsite.gr/vb/showpost.php?p=1242126&postcount=1458
και έβλεπα αυτό http://www.avsite.gr/vb/showpost.php?p=1242141&postcount=1460
Σήμερα είναι το ανάποδο... :121:
Εσείς τα βλέπετε κανονικά?
Εγώ τα βλέπω κανονικά!:126:

Καλημέρα Νίκο!:128:


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Απάντηση: Tί γίνεται αντιληπτό ως ΄΄λάθος΄΄ στη φωτογραφία

Σα δε dρέπεσαι... :136:
Πηνέλοπη μην τον ακούς... :138:
Μια χαρά τα πας!!! :127:

Reaction score
Σα δε dρέπεσαι... :136:
Πηνέλοπη μην τον ακούς... :138:
Μια χαρά τα πας!!! :127:

Μα τι σχέση έχει η Πηνελόπη βρε αστοιχείωτε!?

Αυτά που έβαλα είναι η μετατροπή παλαιών "adult" movies σε oscar winning flicks!

To Deep Throat γίνεται Strep Throat!
To Νέο σενάριο:
"After a particularly harsh Florida winter in the year 2022, a new super bacteria develops, immune to antibiotics and all treatments. The American government does what it can to quarantine the outbreak but it spreads beyond their control. Other countries initiate a total lockdown and the US is left alone to fend for itself. Communities panic and hospitals collapse as the streptococcal bacteria kills upwards of four victims and inconveniences millions. Those who don't die are forced to contend with fevers, achiness and very very sore throats for at least three days. The country falls into pandemonium.

As doctors throw themselves off buildings, one woman has the courage to stick it out and help. Her revolutionary treatment plan is mocked initially but after she herself is infected and miraculously recovers, it slowly takes hold. She prescribes no medicine but instead teaches the human body to heal itself. Her final hour cure is distilled into a single phrase or mantra that heals the sick all over the nation, "Suck it up and deal, you pussies" she teaches, and the country recovers under her guidance.

Το Debbie Does Dallas γίνεται Debbie Does Taxes.

An unprecedented and exhaustive peak into the world of tax preparation, Debbie Does Taxes follows the life of a young, up and coming tax accountant as she gains moderate renowned for her uncanny ability to find deductions, hidden dependents and write offs for her clients. Debbie knows the ins and outs of every state and federal tax law, but her arrogance threatens to take her too far as the IRS launches an audit of one of her clients.

Now in a race against time, Debbie is forced to help a single mother track down every item purchased, every mile driven and every donation made before it's too late. The action reaches a crescendo when Debbie uncovers a lost loophole tax accountants for decades had written off as myth, but did she find it in time? Debbie Does Taxes brings a new level of suspense and originality to the burgeoning deskwork genre.

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Το Inside SeKa γίνεται Inside Mecca

A famed Russian assassin is forced to flee the country after botching an assignment. Now with her own government as well as the CIA and British Secret Service hot on her heels, she's forced to find the one place none of them would ever look, the holy city of Mecca. Utilizing false documents insisting on her Muslim beliefs, she is allowed entrance into the holy city but finds it difficult to fit into a culture she doesn't understand.

Just as she slowly learns to deal with the harsh treatment toward women and the dogmatic preaching of a single belief, she stumbles onto the biggest dilemma she's ever faced: love. She crosses paths with a handsome, mild-mannered pharmacy owner and the two fall for one another immediately. Now she is torn between keeping up the lie forever, or telling her new love that she's not Muslim, and also that she kills important people for money.


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