- Μηνύματα
- 41
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- 0
CDMat στα CD (16 eura) και Blue Tack στα nickels των spikes (50 lepta). Ειδικά το τελευταίο -πάτωμα πλακάκι- έκανε δουλειά μιας το ηχείο τώρα στέκεται σ΄ένα μέρος και δεν ποδοβολάει αριστερά-δεξιά.
In one word, yes. Earlier I had read about audiophiles cutting up tennis balls in half, putting them under their cables and claiming that they got improvements. More of this, less of that, always all good. I did not think highly of such claims. I always figured them outcomes of psychology and severe audiophilia nervosa, not real acoustics. Now the time has come to admit that it was -- again -- my own scepticism and doubt that got the better (worse?) of me.
I won't bore you with examples of how the Cable Towers performed with different kinds of music. I simply viewed this assignment as determining one and only one thing: Would they improve the sound or not? My carpet is synthetic and I suspect that the build-up of static electricity is quite high. I shall explain why. When I walk from the sweet spot over to the rack, especially during the winter when the air is drier, I get a little electrical shock whenever I touch the metal chassis of my Manley Labs preamp.
What did I hear? I got the best results in the top octaves. I heard more detail when I raised all my cables off the floor. The dynamics also increased but not much. The noise floor seemed lowered a bit and the sound opened up to a certain extent. I have to confess that I did not hear any differences in soundstage and depth. And believe me, I tried.
όταν ανοίχτηκε από τον reviewer είδε ότι περιείχε ένα power conditioner μιας άλλης εταιρίας καθώς και ένα "μυστηριώδες" chip και μπόλικα υλικά κινεζικής προέλευσης..."A sea of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electrical devices, power lines, computers and wireless signals results in thousands of EMF frequencies containing many billions of electrostatic charged particles disrupting the signal path of every component in any high-end audio/home theater entertainment system. Like a magnet aligning iron filings, the Quantum coherent polarizing field effect "aligns" charged particles associated with EMF frequencies. The resulting coherent field enhances the signal path allowing greater audio/video fidelity."
Αναρωτιέμαι τι άλλο θα βρουν για να μας πάρουν τα λεφτά.
Δεν μπορώ το ψέμα.
Μ' αρέσει που είναι και dedicated audio δηλ. για καλώδια που μετεφέρουν εικόνα δεν κάνει?![]()
Description/Theory: The Magic Ring (Standard size) is a 1 3/4-lb, dark metallic-gray, thick-walled cylinder with OD = 2 7/16 inch, L = 2 1/2 inches and H = 2 13/16 inches (including flat base). The Large Magic Ring weighs 2 1/4 lb, with OD = 2 5/8 inch, L = 2 11/16 inches and H = 2 15/16 inches (including base). The Magic Ring and Large Magic Ring can used with speaker cables, power cords and interconnects, as well as with the system components. The Magic Ring operates on the principle of "energy organization" in materials that conduct "signal" or electricity, as opposed to "conventional" principles such as magnetism or vibration control. The Magic Ring illuminates and expands the soundstage, lowers distortion and improves dynamics, especially micro dynamics.
Retail Prices - Small size ring: $180 Large size ring: $300
Namely the full balanced restoration processor. It is mainly used for improving the reproduction ability of the existing audio systems and improving their audio/video transmission efficiency. According to the technical indexes of different systems, by changing its position, it can improve all kinds of systems with different technical indexes.
και από άλλο site για το ίδιοThe signals in the CDs / DVDs are distorted in the course of pressing. In fact, the codes have not been lost in the pressing. Instead, the digital codes are misplaced. For example, one code should have been in position A and it is not. Then the position is blank. This causes distortion. The code has not been lost in the pressing. Instead, it has been placed in position B. This signal then turns into the background noise. The JS intelligent chip can make the protons of the material that the CD/DVD is made of produce resonance, through which the order of digital codes of the CD/DVD is resumed and the codes are rearranged to their original places. So the upgraded CD/DVD can get back all the things in the master disk. And the background noise will disappear. The upgraded disk will perform just like the master disk.
τιμήDescription/Theory: The Intelligent Chip is a "new generation," high-tech device that corrects a particular problem inherent in all commercial CD/DVD/SACD discs, including movies and video games. This problem is produced by slight fluctuations in the master clock(s) when pressing the disc. This "clock fluctuation" problem (jitter) is one reason why consumer digital discs frequently "don't sound quite right," or have a "high-frequency edge."
The Intelligent Chip is a thin, orange 1x1.5 inch rectangular wafer that automatically upgrades the disc in the player when the Chip is placed momentarily on top of the player above the spinning disc. The upgrade itself is virtually instantaneous - and permanent - the sound and picture of the upgraded disc more closely resembling the original master recording. The Intelligent Chip corrects the clock-fluctuation problem within 2 seconds, resulting in sound that is clearer/less distorted, with a deeper soundstage, more "air" and lower background noise. This improvement is especially apparent on very good discs.
reviewer του stereophile που το άνοιξε διαπίστωσε ότι μέσα περιέχει μόνο ένα κομμάτι waffer (πυρίτιο υψηλής καθαρότητας) της μίας ίντσας...The Intelligent Chip is available in two models - the GSIC10 ($16) upgrades 10 discs; the GSIC30 ($40) upgrades 30 discs.
τα 12ml μόνο $99 !!!Retail price for AVM:
12ml …………. $ 99.00 USD
25ml …………. $199.00 USD
AVM-8 (Satellite version)
100ml …………. $99.00 USD
.Απίστευτα...κβαντικά πεδία, μαγνητικά τούβλα, μαγικές μπογιές...με τι ασχολείται κανείς αν δεν ξέρει τι να κάνει...πρέπει να γράψω στους 'δημιουργούς' ένα "Get a Life!"![]()