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I'm gonna take you down
Deep down, to the front line
You woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun,
Mama always said you'd be
The Chosen One.
She said: You're one in a million
You've got to burn to shine,
But you were born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.
When you woke up this morning
All that love had gone,
Your Papa never told you
About right and wrong.
But you're
But you're looking good, baby,
I believe that you're a feeling fine, (shame about it),
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes.
So sing it now
Woke up this morning
Got a blue moon
Got a blue moon in your eyes
So sad
God damn
God damned shame about it
woke up this morning
got a blue moon
got a blue moon in your eyes
You woke up this morning
The world turned upside down, (Lord above),
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the Blues walked into town.
But you're
But you're one in a million
Cuz you've got that shotgun shine. (shame about it),
Born under a bad sign,
With a blue moon in your eyes.
Woke up this morning
Got a blue moon
Got a blue moon in your eyes
So sad
God damn
God damned shame about it
woke up this morning
got a blue moon
got a blue moon in your eye
you know it
just cant help your self
just cant help your self
When you woke up this morning everything was gone.
By half past ten your head was going ding-dong.
Ringing like a bell from your head down to your toes,
like a voice trying to tell you there's something you should
know. Last night you were flying but today you're so low
- ain't it times like these that make you wonder if
you'll ever know the meaning of things as they appear to
the others; wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters and
Don't you wish you didn't function, don't you wish you
didn't think beyond the next paycheck and the next little
Well you do so make up your mind to go on, ‘cus
when you woke up this morning everything you had was gone.
Woke up this morning,
Woke up this morning,
Woke up this morning,
You want to be,
You want to be the Chosen One.
Yeah, you know it.
Just can't help yourself, yeah.
Woke up this morning,
Woke up this morning,
Woke up this morning,
Got yourself a gun.
Got yourself a gun.
Got yourself a gun

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Κώστας Χατζής - Τι σήμερα τι αύριο τι χθες

Μου λέει ο ήλιος καλημέρα, Τρίτη να είναι η Δευτέρα
Κι αν είναι Τρίτη τι πειράζει, το σήμερα με τ' αύριο μοιάζει
Θα κάνω όνειρα ξανά, όπως εχθές όπως και πέρσι
τι κι αν δεν βγουν αληθινά, να ονειροπολώ μ' αρέσει.

Τι σήμερα, τι αύριο, τι χθες
γέλα αν θες, κλάψε αν θες
αδέλφια είν' ο πόνος κι η χαρά
τι σήμερα, τι αύριο, τι χθες
πέθανε αν θες, ζήσε αν θες
δεν έχει και μεγάλη διαφορά.

Όποια απόφαση κι αν πάρω, θα την πετάξω σαν τσιγάρο
θάρθει η μέρα θα ξανάρθει, κι εγώ θα κάνω τα ίδια λάθη
περνά η ζωή περνά ο καιρός, κι όλο με σκάβουν οι ρυτίδες
μα δόξα να ΄χει ο Θεός, μπόλικες έχω τις ελπίδες.


Άνοιξη μπαίνει ωχ Θεέ μου, χτυπά αλλιώτικα η καρδιά μου
ίσως αυτό το καλοκαίρι, κάτι ωραίο να μου φέρει
κι αν δε μου φέρει τι μ' αυτό, καινούργια όνειρα θα κάνω
ελπίδες έχω ένα σωρό, μου φτάνουν μέχρι να πεθάνω.


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