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RL 933K
The Studio Monitor Speaker RL 933K is an active three-way monitor with cardioids characteristic within the frequency range from 35 Hz through 100 Hz. It can universally be applied as the main monitoring speaker for sound and video studios. By this radiating characteristic the reflections on the back walls of listening rooms can be minimized. The loudspeaker RL 933K1 is another variant of the RL 933K. RL 933K1 contains a stand-alone amplifier and is of smaller height of the box so that it is superior suited for the insertion in video walls and outside-broadcasting vans.
ο τροπος "ακτινοβολιας" χαμηλων που εχουν επιτυχει αξιζει να σας προβληματισει...

RL 933K
The Studio Monitor Speaker RL 933K is an active three-way monitor with cardioids characteristic within the frequency range from 35 Hz through 100 Hz. It can universally be applied as the main monitoring speaker for sound and video studios. By this radiating characteristic the reflections on the back walls of listening rooms can be minimized. The loudspeaker RL 933K1 is another variant of the RL 933K. RL 933K1 contains a stand-alone amplifier and is of smaller height of the box so that it is superior suited for the insertion in video walls and outside-broadcasting vans.
ο τροπος "ακτινοβολιας" χαμηλων που εχουν επιτυχει αξιζει να σας προβληματισει...