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Part of a Bowers and Wilkins 802 midrange enclosure – made from a solid billet of aluminium.
Οχι ακριβως:

What distinguishes the larger 800 series models is that head unit, which houses the midrange drive unit. In the previous incarnation, this was made of synthetic stone called Marlan, a very hard material indeed, but one that, like all materials, has a particular resonance frequency, in that case 2kHz. That isn’t a problem for a kitchen work surface, but for a midrange driver it’s quite inconvenient. This didn’t stop earlier 800s from sounding remarkably revealing, but this time around B&W were keen to eliminate any source of noise from the cabinet, so they started to investigate alternative materials. As a result, the new so-called Turbine head is made of cast aluminum with internal radial fins for extra stiffness and a longer, slimmer form that doesn’t taper as much as its forebear. In order to minimize any chance of ringing, the entire head is damped with thermoplastic polymers. The reason for this change of material is that B&W has started to use measurement technology created for developing drive units to look at the behavior of cabinets as well. This has allowed their engineers to see the weaknesses in the 800-series cabinets and come up with better designs. It is likewise behind the reversal of the wrap on the main body of the 802 D3.
The tweeter retains the diamond dome introduced over the last two generations of the 800 series, but it has a new enclosure called "the solid body." This is machined out of billet aluminum to provide maximum stiffness. The surround that supports the dome has a gel decoupling system designed to isolate it from any energy that does manage to excite the pod. But given that the tweeter body is itself decoupled from the Turbine head by a compliant mounting, that energy can’t be very great.

Αν ηταν ολη η μπαλα απο μασιφ αλουμινιο, μονο η κατεργασια της θα κοστιζε οσο ενα ζευγαρι ηχεια. Γι’αυτο μου εκανε εντυπωση και το κοιταξα.

costas EAR

Δόκτωρ ΔιαXύσιος
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Οχι ακριβως:

What distinguishes the larger 800 series models is that head unit, which houses the midrange drive unit. In the previous incarnation, this was made of synthetic stone called Marlan, a very hard material indeed, but one that, like all materials, has a particular resonance frequency, in that case 2kHz. That isn’t a problem for a kitchen work surface, but for a midrange driver it’s quite inconvenient. This didn’t stop earlier 800s from sounding remarkably revealing, but this time around B&W were keen to eliminate any source of noise from the cabinet, so they started to investigate alternative materials. As a result, the new so-called Turbine head is made of cast aluminum with internal radial fins for extra stiffness and a longer, slimmer form that doesn’t taper as much as its forebear. In order to minimize any chance of ringing, the entire head is damped with thermoplastic polymers. The reason for this change of material is that B&W has started to use measurement technology created for developing drive units to look at the behavior of cabinets as well. This has allowed their engineers to see the weaknesses in the 800-series cabinets and come up with better designs. It is likewise behind the reversal of the wrap on the main body of the 802 D3.
The tweeter retains the diamond dome introduced over the last two generations of the 800 series, but it has a new enclosure called "the solid body." This is machined out of billet aluminum to provide maximum stiffness. The surround that supports the dome has a gel decoupling system designed to isolate it from any energy that does manage to excite the pod. But given that the tweeter body is itself decoupled from the Turbine head by a compliant mounting, that energy can’t be very great.

Αν ηταν ολη η μπαλα απο μασιφ αλουμινιο, μονο η κατεργασια της θα κοστιζε οσο ενα ζευγαρι ηχεια. Γι’αυτο μου εκανε εντυπωση και το κοιταξα.
Ταυτόχρονα, όλη αυτή η τρομερή και φοβερή ακαμψία, δεν έχει κανένα νόημα, ούτε σε μιντ, ούτε σε τουιτερ. Αηδιες...

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Κατόπιν προτροπής εξέχοντος μέλους του avsite, ανεβάζω κάποιες φωτό από τα δικά μου B&W.....801 serries III
Τα 805 matrix...
To κεντρικό CM S2
Και το μόνο ηχείο που αγα´πησαν οι γυναίκες...το PV1


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Εγώ την φωτό του κεντρικού με τον βουλιαγμένο θόλο δεν θα την έβαζα. :lolsign:
Έχεις δίκιο. Δεν το πρόσεξα καν. Να δω τώρα πως θα φτιαχτεί αυτό....Σε ευχαριστώ για την παρατηρητικότητά σου...

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Πάλι καλά που την τηλεόραση δεν την έβαλε πάνω απτό κουρτινόξυλα.
Ήθελα να ξέρω,πως σηκωνουν τέτοιες φωτό καποιοι

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Πάλι καλά που την τηλεόραση δεν την έβαλε πάνω απτό κουρτινόξυλα.
Ήθελα να ξέρω,πως σηκωνουν τέτοιες φωτό καποιοι
Όταν καθεσαι στα 6+ μέτρα για δεις τηλεόραση και το έπιπλο που ήδη ειχες αγορασει πριν 20 χρόνια έχει αυτό το ύψος, συμβιβάζεσαι μέχρι να το αλλάξεις, ακόμα κι αν αυτο είναι εις βάρος της αισθητικής....


Not in the mood Mod
Super Moderator
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Όταν καθεσαι στα 6+ μέτρα για δεις τηλεόραση και το έπιπλο που ήδη ειχες αγορασει πριν 20 χρόνια έχει αυτό το ύψος, συμβιβάζεσαι μέχρι να το αλλάξεις, ακόμα κι αν αυτο είναι εις βάρος της αισθητικής....
Δεν χρειάζεται να απολογείσαι στον κάθε αγενή.

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Να δω τώρα πως θα φτιαχτεί αυτό....
Κάποτε......... αυτά τα λακουβάκια στα τουίτερ τα επαναφέραμε με μια καρφίτσα που τρυπούσαμε στο μέσον της ζημιάς του θόλου και υπό γωνία τραβούσαμε προς τα έξω και ερχότανε :)

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Έχεις δίκιο. Δεν το πρόσεξα καν. Να δω τώρα πως θα φτιαχτεί αυτό....Σε ευχαριστώ για την παρατηρητικότητά σου...
προσπαθώντας με σελοτέιπ ή κάποια κολλητική ταινία να το τραβήξεις το βαθούλωμα προς τα έξω;

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