Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

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Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

babis-gap said:
Τελικά μπορεί να κριθεί μιά συσκευή, από τα γραφόμενα ενός φόρουμ;;; Και αν είναι κατευθυνόμενο από το αντίστοιχο HiTech της Αγγλίας γιά ευνόητους λόγους;;; :lol:
Λες ? :lol: :lol:

Maria Pentagiotissa

Επίτιμο μέλος
Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

Δεν λέει κουβέντα για το θέμα αναπαραγωγής PAL..

Η μόνη αναφορά του άρθρου στο PAL είναι στη δεύτερη σελίδα, όπου αναφέρεται ότι "ακόμη και μικρότερης σημασίας λειτουργίες, όπως είναι η μετατροπή αμερικανικών, μη κωδικοποιημένων music videos από NTSC σε PAL επιτυγχάνονται με τη χρήση ενός αξιόλογου μετατροπέα προτύπων".

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Εγω παντως περιμενω να διαβασω αναλυτικο review απο καποιον απο το AVsite - και οχι απο Ελληνικο ή ξενο περιοδικο...


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Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€


Reaction score
Πάντως παιδιά ας μην τα θέλουμε όλα δικά μας με 129€! Σε παλαιοτέρα χρόνια όταν δεν υπήρχε ο κινεζικός ανταγωνισμός που έφερε κατακόρυφη μείωση τον τιμών τον επώνυμων μηχανημάτων και το ποιο φτηνό μοντέλο ήταν εξαιρετικό σε όλους τους τομείς τώρα η κούρσα του ανταγωνισμού έφερε και την επακόλουθη πτώση στην ποιότητα.

Και να θυμάστε πάντα, άλλο τεχνικές προδιαγραφές και άλλο ποιότητα. :wink:

Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

Sam said:
και σε μένα το κάνει αυτό το dvdp thompson των 69 Ε μεσω hdmi στον tw600. Βγάζει μπάρες (κάνει crop?) και αλλάζει το κεντράρισμα της εικόνας και πρέπει να κάνω διορθώσεις τόσο με τα upscale  του προβολέα όσο και με τη θέση του, ευτυχώς τον έχω σε τραπέζι, αν ήταν σε κανένα ταβάνι δεν ξέρω τι θα γινόταν.
Όσο έπαιζα με component δεν ειχα τε΄τοιο πρόβλημα.

τι φταίει? οι τεχνικές προδιαγραφές, η ποιότητα του dvdp η ποιότητα του dvd, κάτι άλλο? δηλαδή αλλάζοντας αναλύσεις από το dvdp αλλάζει και το κάδρο....!!!!!!!! είναι φυσιολογικό?

Reaction score
Test: DVD-Player Pioneer DV-454

Equipment ¶
Principal item of both new DVD Player is a new video chip with a perfectly linear frequency response into highest image frequencies. ¶Consequence: ¶An again better image definition and above all detail loyalty, besides Pioneer can itself save the use of a Videoequalizers owing to the new chip. ¶This mission succeeded just like with the Dv-350 with the identically constructed Dv-454, sees picture valuation. ¶Only those, which absolutely need possibilities of adaptation to the image output equipment, will miss the Videoequalizer of the Dv-444. ¶In addition likewise a new zoom function with Dv-454 and Dv-350, which received introduction due to the large popularity of this feature, comes. ¶But that is not yet everything: ¶A completely revised user surface to serve graphically more aufwaendiger arranged and still more simply pleases the eye. ¶Here obviously loans were taken with the DVD RW recorder Dvr-7000, which under any circumstances an error was not: ¶The optics of the OSDs pleases and does justice thus the requirement to a High Tech product also. ¶The processing of the Dv-454 is not very tidy, here gives it differences to the Dv-350 - here decides thus the taste of the respective buyer, who Design receives the preference/advantage. ¶In any case one is absolutely appropriate the quality of the preisklasse. ¶The display pleases also here with tidy dissolution. ¶High-quality than with the predecessor the new remote maintenance appears, here is attached to the Dv-454 and the Dv-350 the absolutely identical part. ¶Exactly the same as the Dv-350 naturally also the Dv-454 can spend RGB signals via Scart, and also a s-video-Hosidenausgang is not missing with the Dv-454. ¶

Of course the Dv-454 plays also MP3-CDs, the equipment with MP3-Fatures is perfectly identical to that of the Dv-350. &para;For the administration of the MP3-Files also here again the graphically revised MP3-Navigator stands for M as on screen surface for order. &para;aximal 32 indications of the TRACK name can be represented. &para;We missed an indicator possibility for ID3-Tags. &para;But the Dv-454 can positively be noticeable like the Dv-350 with a programming and to a random Play function also for the MP3-Betrieb. &para;Forward-winding within a title could be still improved, then it is a somewhat ruckelige affair. &para; Great solved with Dv-454 and Dv-350: &para;The Player indicates the first eight indications of the file name also in the display of the equipment, then always the image output equipment does not have to run along, would like one to know, which title it concerns. &para;The expenditure for clay/tone is possible for D with Dv-454 and Dv-350 both on similar and on digital way. &para;IE MP3-Klangqualitaet is very well, freshly and pleasantly clear, as with most Playern the current generation. &para;Misfires do not spoil only rarely the fun, also digital interferences could only in absolute individual cases be heard, likewise cut off the Pioneer TRACK beginnings. for D &para;IE einlesegeschwindigkeit with MP3-CDs goes into order. &para;Still somewhat more briefly to be it could do those, burned after vcdhelp < > the sample, with SVCDs, which is read in likewise by Dv-454 and Dv-350. &para;The drive assembly acts also in our Test-DV-454 sufficiently quietly (here the Panasonic Dvd-rv32 gives itself acoustically still more reservedly) and in the DVD enterprise DVDs also scratched was behaviourless read in reliably, particularly. &para;Only with some "cases of hardness" still improvement potential exists. &para;In the CD enterprise the error correction was somewhat better with our Test-DV-454 than with the Dv-350 tested in former times - absolutely the individual Player is evenly also not identical, certain fluctuations is to be always observed and probably not completely prevented. &para;Very pleasing gives to report it with Dv-454 and Dv-350 about Layerwechsel:&para;It is still view and audibly, but the entire procedure was by far shorter with our test copies than with the predecessor, so that one can live with the ordering very well. &para;Altogether the Dv-454 shows clearly just like the Dv-350 and the Panasonic Dvd-rv32, where the hammer hangs. D &para;enn all devices mentioned do not leave desires open concerning their quality of workmanship, the technical quality and the equipment based on the fair cost price. &para;While the Panasonic works still another trace high-quality from the housing and in addition a practical shuttle control element at the equipment front has, the pion he duo counters with the still better because more extensive and still more troublefree MP3-Funktion and the more beautiful display. &para;Finally thus a matter of taste - all DVD players mentioned cut outstanding off in the first discipline. &para;

Operation &para;
The pion he developers newly conceived the assistance, which is meant for the new A riser, - with the first start-up of the Dv-454 and Dv-350 now the following happens: &para;
Choice of the language for the Player OSDs
&para;Choice of the TV format (4:3 or 16:9)
&para;If one selects the option "Setup assistant" now in the OSD, it continues: &para;
&para;Language attitude DVD language
&para;Audio exits: &para;Player attached to AV aV-Receiver attach/not attached. &para;If "attached" one does not select, is terminated the basis Setup is here.&para;One selects "", it continues: &para;
&para;Audio of exits: &para;Digital exit attach/not attached. &para;With the choice of the option "attached" the basis Setup is not terminated here. &para;Otherwise it continues: &para;
&para;Is AV theaV-Receiver Dolby digitalcompatible? &para;(compatible/not compatible/white not)
&para;Is AV theaV-Receiver DTS compatible? &para;(compatible/not compatible/white not)
&para;Is AV theaV-Receiver MPEG compatible? &para;(compatible/not compatible/white not)
&para;96 kHz transmission: &para;AV aV-Receiver compatible/not compatible/white not
&para;Setup terminates. &para;

Regrettably the Pioneer Basissetup forgets exactly the same as with the competition model of Panasonic, the elementarily important question about the kind of the expenditure for picture signal (RGB/S Video/FBAS) to the Dvd-rv32. &para;Otherwise however the operation is simple, besides is the OSDs beautifully to regard. &para;Also, which concerns the graphic quality of the OSDs, take the Pioneer Dv-454/dv-350 as well as the DVD Playern of Grundig and Panasonic the momentary top place, scarcely before the likewise perfect Sony DVD Playern. &para;The good remote maintenance of also fully satisfying range helps to support the good impression further: &para;The central arranged navigation cross, the keys is perfect requires for a quite strong pressure and is with more tender user characters a case for the internal overcoming, if one gives however with a lasting pressure the function instruction, it by the equipment rapidly is thus converted. &para;It is very praise worth that the Pioneer Dv-454 exactly the same as the Dv-350 with the properly functioning chapter jump over also the number of the chapters via OSD indicates. &para;The drive assembly drawer reacts rapidly after pressing the "Open" key. &para;Nicely to regard is the display with its pleasant colour and the good dissolution, only somewhat more contrast would be desirable, because straight during stronger sun exposure (it even this summer rained from time to time gave!) &para;readability leaves to be desired somewhat. &para;

Reaction score
Picture &para;

Also the Pioneer Dv-454 offers visual pleasure on high level. &para;As already observes with the Dv-350, again the image definition and above all now the really towering above detail loyalty rises: &para;This proves the Dv-454 with "Inspector Gadget" (code 2), where also the very good rendition that very strong colors of these Disney DVD fill convince can. &para;Concerning the image definition the Toshiba Sd-220 is the only equipment of the a riser class, which can draw even here. &para;Which concerns the visual overall quality, are likewise different devices on the same high level: &para;Here it is beside the pion he duo of the Panasonic Dvd-rv32, which does not draw perhaps the picture as razor-sharp as Pioneer and Toshiba, but however a maximum of naturalness also at not perfect software to realize white and the best balance of all Einstiegsplayer to the day puts, whereby with the brand-new Denon Dvd-900 with his neutral, homogeneous and clear RGB picture an equal opponent arose. &para;Straight ones with DVDs, on which an older film was put down, prove Denon and Panasonic their large being able, nevertheless because it is again and again amazing, how good the image quality is still with such DVDs, and reaches both Panasonic and Denon at Top software likewise outstanding results. &para;With a similar interpretation as the Dvd-900 and the Dvd-rv32 also the likewise very harmonious Grundig Livance Gdp-3200 can score. &para;But Pioneer would not be Pioneer, if not in a visual partial discipline again a new point of gloss were set: U &para;lp this discipline is the detail loyalty with first-class data processing DS during already the Panasonic Dvd-rv32 and the Denon Dvd-900 with a outstanding detail loyalty and one great plasticity also with fine details to shine could, puts the Pioneer with the Dv-454 and with the Dv-350 still one drauf: &para;What it with "Gladiator" (code 2), e.g.. &para;in the ninth chapter, is extra class, so clearly, carries out sharp and to be differentiated still all-smallest picture details shown, with an impressing plasticity. for A &para;more ber also the exzellente kontrastumfang in the opening battle at the beginning of the DVD documents impressively, what is today already ordered at pictorial quality in the a riser class. &para;Even many more expensive devices can here no more did not decide more into the scale pan to throw. &para;Which concerns the black rendition, then the pion he players the point place with Panasonic, Denon, Toshiba divide and Grundig, the natural, clear color reproduction is likewise own to all devices, whereby the Dv-454 and the Dv-350 adhere particularly akkurat just like the Denon Dvd-900 to the original colour the DVD - here again a maximum performance, whereby that works somewhat warmer picture of the Panasonic Dvd-rv32 tremendously obligingly/pleasingly and stimmig, here arrives it thus also on the individual priorities. E &para;the Dv-454 furnishes xzellente results also with "Shaft", here inspires once more the perfect black rendition and the very good kontrastumfang. &para;Result: &para;With somewhat different emphasis, but a altogether towering above achievement the two Pioneer, the Denon Dvd-900 and the Panasonic Dvd-rv32 sit down to the class point, closely followed from the Toshiba Sd-220 and the Grundig Livance Gdp-3200 as well as the closely used Xenaro Gdp-5100. among themselves cannot one despite the easy superiority of Pioneer, Panasonic and Denon not of serious differences speak, all these devices offer summa summarum a quantity more uer their price, although the pion he and Panasonic devices are particularly favorable for their outstanding quality, the Denon are here nevertheless more expensive. &para;Which equipment is co-ordinated with the own taste in each case best, which only an extensive first check before the purchase can show. &para;All Player mentioned is very recommendable. &para;

Clay/tone &para;

The Dv-454 convinces already before also here like the Dv-350, because the alive, finely drawn and very obliging/pleasing total characteristic of the Pioneer Dv-454 as similar to attached CD Player replacement convince. &para;Surely, concerning which plasticity and the exactly weighted training of fine nuances may do no miracles are expected, but one should always include the price of the equipment also into the evaluation. &para;Who wants more, should not shrink from themselves to place 379 EUR for the Denon Dvd-900 gesegneten with projecting D/A transducers ready. &para;For the favorable purchase prices the pion he players offer an unusually good achievement, which exzellent by the above average clear, developed and dynamic digital clay/tone is confirmed, more still: &para;Concerning the quality of the digital clay/tone to time does not go past at the Dv-454 and at the Dv-350 - on same level acted here still the Denon Dvd-900. even if unite now coldly the backs down-run: &para;There are differences concerning the quality of the digital clay/tone, even if it requires some time, to hear these: &para;Because largely they are actually not, but audible. &para;

Result &para;

The Einstiegsplayer world becomes ever more the two-class company, makes also the test of the 2. &para;Pioneer "Sturmspitze" Dvd-454 clearly. &para;While manufacturers give and impressively show such as Panasonic, Pioneer, Grundig, Denon and Toshiba full power, what is possible for very fair prices today, it other marks leave to the customer to notice too clearly, where and how the red pencil was set. &para;Thus they open the market also for so-called "NO-Name"-manufacturers, whose products some mark equipment from the total quality come ever more near. &para;The buyers of the Dvd-454 it can be all the same exactly the same as those, which decided for the Dv-350, because they receive a DVD player for 269 and/or in the case Dv-350 for 249 EUR from very high quality, which everything can, which a DVD Player should be able to do: &para;It realized together with the Panasonic Dvd-rv32 and the Denon Dvd-900 the best picture in this class, concerning the detail rendition conquer the successful Pioneer more "Brueder" even the point place, likewise with its above average akkuraten color reproduction, here stands the Denon Dvd-900 with completely above on the Treppchen. &para;The competitors of Toshiba and Grundig follow with very scarce distance, already more clearly then the difference to the "remainder of the DVD world". &para;Acoustically the Pioneer Player draws all registers likewise: &para;With a clear, sensitive and dynamic digital clay/tone the Plaxer can inspire likewise as with praise-worth characteristics as similar to attached CD Player replacement. &para;Here offers only the acoustically brilliant, but clearly more expensive Denon Dvd-900 < denondvd900.shtml > audibly more. &para;In addition with both Pioneer DVD players one great MP3-Funktion, which only the representation of ID3-Tags is missing as additional feature. &para;Above all extremely high playing security convinces already now and the alive sound. &para;The operation is simple, those new on screen menu is arranged graphically fastidious. &para;Only the keys of the otherwise good remote maintenance should not be any longer completely so difficult to operate. &para;Thus it remains noting as result that one can still improve only the error correction with CDs and DVDs, because the Dv-454 fared here better than our Dv-350 tested before, but goes here nevertheless still more. &para;Even the Layerwechsel is to be still felt, but by far no longer as long and disturbing as still with the predecessor. D &para;more aher one can summarize: M &para;ission fulfilled, Pioneer ties with the powerful duo Dv-454 and Dv-350 smoothly to the tradition of the house to offer with a model change more than only superficial Kosmetik by far: &para;In the case of the test candidates two outstanding DVD video Player with first-class cost-performance ratio. &para;

Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

Συγγνώμη αν λέω ξαναζεσταμένα νέα, αλλά βρήκα το παρακάτω λινκ που αφορά το 490 (και είμαι σίγουρος πως αφορά και το 696), και είπα να το μοιραστώ μαζί σας. Λίγο δύσκολα τα λέει τα πράγματα, εκτός κι άν κάποιος δεν συνηθίζει να βλέπει PAL!!! :lol:

Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

agapios said:
Συγγνώμη αν λέω ξαναζεσταμένα νέα, αλλά βρήκα το παρακάτω λινκ που αφορά το 490 (και είμαι σίγουρος πως αφορά και το 696), και είπα να το μοιραστώ μαζί σας. Λίγο δύσκολα τα λέει τα πράγματα, εκτός κι άν κάποιος δεν συνηθίζει να βλέπει PAL!!! :lol:
Το 696 δεν εχει απολύτως κανένα πρόβλημα στο PAL. (εχω 2 μηχανακια εδώ και ενα μηνα και παίζουν ΑΨΟΓΑ τα πάντα με εξαιρετικό upscale - ειδικα σε 720p) Για 160 Ευρώ το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα :lol:

Για το 490 το πρόβλημα ισχυει και μαλλον θα βγει συντομα Firmware upgrade (

Reaction score
Βεβαιως ...

Το μηχανημα αγοράστηκε απο την Expert στο Ηράκλειο Αττικής (δεν ηταν ετοιμοπαράδοτο, το παράγγειλα και ήρθε σε 2 μερες). Τιμη μετρητοις 160 Ευρώ.

Το εχω συνδέσει με μια Samsung LE37R72 με HDMI καλώδιο (από το Carrefour - τιποτα το ιδιαίτερο).
Οι πρώτες εντυπώσεις από το 696 είναι πολύ θετικές, δεν εχω δει κανένα πρόβλημα ούτε στην εικόνα(shifting), ούτε pixelιασμα, ούτε θόρυβο σε αρκετά DVDs που έχω δοκιμάσει μεχρι στιγμής. Upscaling γινεται μονο απο HDMI και συνηθως το κλειδώνω σε 720p ή σε 1080i (όπου η εικονα ειναι εξαιρετική κατά τη γνώμη μου ειδικα στις καινούργιες παραγωγές π.χ Star Wars, μονομάχος, Fifth Element, Master & Commander κλπ)

Κανενα προβλημα δεν εχω συναντησει μεχρι στιγμης και με την αναπαραγωγή αρχειων divx/xvid ή οποιουδήποτε αλλου φορμά

Σε ασημι χρώμα (βγαινει και σε μαύρο) ειναι πολύ μικρο κομψό και αθόρυβο.

To 696 ειναι ομως και ενα αξιοπρεπέστατο universal player με πολύ καλο και γεμάτο ήχο (τηρουμένων των αναλογιών και του κοστους του) ώστε να μπορει να επιτελει και το ρολο ενος καλού CD player (σημαντικοτατο για μενα αφού δεν εχω και ουτε θελω ξεχωριστο στερεοφωνικό)

Το εχω συνδέσει με digital coaxial καλώδιο με τον ενισχυτή. Θα δοκιμάσω και οπτικό αν και δεν νομιζω να υπάρχει ουσιαστική διαφορά...

Στα αρνητικα που εχω δει μεχρι στιγμής ειναι οτι το player σχετικα αργό στην απόκριση εντολών (δεν με πολυαπασχολει) και οτι το συρταρακι του δισκου δεν συνάδει με την υπόλοιπη καλη κατασκευή του μηχανήματος (καλά δεν το συγκρινω με το Pioneer 545 που εχω εδώ και 5 χρονια και δουλεύει αψογα παρότι εχει παιξει 24ώρα και έχει φάει 2 καρφώματα στο πάτωμα απο την κόρη μου - :D :D)..

Για οτιδήποτε αλλο just ask....

Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

Θα ηθελα να ρωτησω τον imagine εαν εχει δοκιμασει να παιξει δισκακια με ταινιες divx που να εχουν μεσα και τους αντιστοιχους υποτιτλους (σε οποιοδηποτε format). Προσωπικα ψαχνω για ενα DVD player που να υποστηριζει ελληνικους υποτιτλους σε divx video αλλα δοκιμαζοντας σε ενα καταστημα τα SONY NS76 και NS92 δεν καταφερα να δω κανεναν υποτιτλο. Στο manual του Pioneer που ειδα, δεν αναφερει οτι υποστηριζει ελληνικους υποτιτλους.

Επισης θα ηθελα να μαθω αν υπαρχει καποιας μορφης ελεγχος στους υποτιτλους (δηλαδη να αλλαζεις μεγεθος γραμματοσειρας, θεση κλπ).

Ευχαριστω προκαταβολικα.

Reaction score
Re: Pioneer+ HDMI + Scaler =129€

vaggoul said:
Θα ηθελα να ρωτησω τον imagine εαν εχει δοκιμασει να παιξει δισκακια με ταινιες divx που να εχουν μεσα και τους αντιστοιχους υποτιτλους (σε οποιοδηποτε format). Προσωπικα ψαχνω για ενα DVD player που να υποστηριζει ελληνικους υποτιτλους σε divx video αλλα δοκιμαζοντας σε ενα καταστημα τα SONY NS76 και NS92 δεν καταφερα να δω κανεναν υποτιτλο. Στο manual του Pioneer που ειδα, δεν αναφερει οτι υποστηριζει ελληνικους υποτιτλους.

Επισης θα ηθελα να μαθω αν υπαρχει καποιας μορφης ελεγχος στους υποτιτλους (δηλαδη να αλλαζεις μεγεθος γραμματοσειρας, θεση κλπ).

Ευχαριστω προκαταβολικα.

Φιλε μου δεν το εχω δοκιμάσει αλλά θα το κανω στην πρώτη ευκαιρία και θα σου πώ...

Reaction score
Φίλτατε Imagine...αξίζει κατά την γνώμη σου...κάποιος (ποιός)....να αλλάξει το 585Α του με ένα 696;
Ή να κάτσει στα αυγά του; :)

Έχεις σχηματίσει ασφαλή άποψη;

Reaction score
Το 585Α δεν το ξέρω πολύ καλά για να μπορώ να το συγκρίνω με το 696. Απο τα reviews που εχω δεί πιθανόν το 585Α να ειναι καλύτερο στον ήχο. Εξαρτάται από τις ανάγκες. Εγώ ήθελα ενα καλό ισορροπημένο μοντέλο με δυνατότητες upscaling ώστε να απολαμβάνω τα DVD μου και καλή ποιότητα ήχου και νομιζω το 696 ειναι μια πολύ καλή επιλογή . Δεν θα έδινα περισσότερα λεφτά αυτή την περίοδο για dvd player μεχρι να δουμε τι θα γινει με blue ray/hd dvd

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