Διάφορα (αυτοκίνητο - μοτοσυκλέτα)

Nick Arvanitakis

Audio Pro
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Απλώς θεωρώ (υποκειμενική μου άποψη πάντα) ότι τα Audi S1 & Peugeot 205 T16 είχαν τον πιό εθιστικό κ πορωτικό ήχο σε κάθε πέρασμα τους..
Raw power φίλε!

Aλλά δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ το ''σφύριγμα'' της Delta S4 .
To άκουγες από μακριά και ξαφνικά περνούσε ο πύραυλος.
The most famous aspect of the S4 is its unique 1,759 cc Turbocharged and Supercharged engine with a maximum of 2bar of boost developing near 600bhp.

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Την τουρμπίνα της την ζήλευε κ Scania 143!!:D
Η θηριώδης S4 είχε απίστευτο ήχο σε σχέση με τις "απλές" μετέπειτα deltona's..
Κρίμα που στέρησε την ζωή στον Τοϊβόνεν κ έτσι έληξε άδοξα αυτό το υπερθέαμα!!
Εμένα πάντως μου έχει μείνει το Peugeot 205 T16 στα απίστευτα περάσματα που έκανε στην ειδική Αγ. Μερκούριο!
Δεν θα ξεχάσω τον ήχο κ τα ξεκολλήματα από στροφή σε στροφή στα διαδοχικά S!!

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Ενα βιντεάκι που κάνει αναφορά σε όλα τα 6κίλυνδρα μηχανάκια που κυκλοφόρησαν..
Ξεχωρίζω την Laverda σαν ποιό γ@μ@το ήχο, την Horex VR6 από νεώτερες , κ εννοείται το τεράστιο ΚΖ1300!..


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BUGATTI VEYRON ανοίγει σε ικανή ευθεία με BMW M5 E34 Turbo (838 PS τροχό) και τον "πίνει" κανονικά & χορταστικά!!:D


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Τεράστια διαφορά η "βελτιωμένη" σε σχέση με την απλή..
Ειδικά μετά τα 200!!


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Ford Patents a Way to Turn Your Pickup Truck Into a Movie Theater

If you’ve always wanted an easy way to turn your pickup truck into an outdoor movie theater, a new Ford patent involving mounts for a screen, speakers, and projector, proposes just that. Check out this incredibly simple idea.

Titled “Portable entertainment support system for a pickup truck box,” the patent, which Ford filed in Aug. 2017 and which was published earlier this year, actually looks extremely basic. It involves two horizontal, telescoping steel or aluminum arms stretching between, and mounted to, the two inside walls of a truck box, but spaced apart in the fore-aft direction.

To one of the horizontal arms—the one closest to the cab—there’s a telescoping arm attached, which points straight up. And to that vertical arm, there’s a horizontal arm to which a projector screen can be fastened as shown below:

Mounted perpendicularly to the other horizontal arm stretching between the inside walls of the bedside—the one farthest from the cab—are speakers a projector:

Here’s how it would look without the video or audio equipment attached:

And here’s how it might look while in use from the top:

In the “background” section of the filing, Ford describes the whole point of all this, writing:

Some truck owners customize the pickup truck box to provide convenient interface points for tie downs that are used to secure tools, motorcycles, recreation vehicles, containers, or other cargo. Some pickup truck owners may drill holes in the pickup truck box or use existing holes or other structural features such as edge flanges or the top end of the bed wall to provide interface points for accessories. Drilling holes in a pickup truck box may increase the extent of corrosion, disrupt the integrity, and reduce the strength of the structure. Using existing structural features to secure objects to a pickup truck box may not meet all of a user’s needs and requirements.

The exact parts shown in this patent, Ford writes, are “merely examples,” and other versions of this idea could look different. This is an important point, because—even though the idea of bed-mounted receptacles for fastening accessories is a fine enough idea—I wouldn’t consider these metal beams holding audio and video equipment particularly elegant.


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Φοβερός ήχος (Χαρακτηριστικό σφύριγμα της τουρμπίνας "Scania"!:D) από το θηρίο του Group B!!.


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VW Golf III με 2 μοτέρ τουρμπάτα και 1.600PS τροχό!!
Το είχε κάνει παλαιότερα κ η AUDI με το κίτρινο ΤΤ αν θυμάστε..


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1958 Golden Sahara II ::: future car had light-up tyres and a remote control

It was packed with incredible features for the time, some of which could be operated via remote control; you could open the doors, start the engine and propel the car forwards, albeit slowly, via the remote.

It also had an electronic steering, braking and accelerating system could be controlled via a an aircraft-style lever or a touchpad on the dashboard, and sensors below the headlights that could automatically activate the brakes if they sensed a pedestrian in the car’s path [...].

The car also featured massaging seats and contained not only a radio but also a telephone and television, and a drinks cabinet between the rear seats.

One of the car’s standout features were the amazing tyres. Developed by Goodyear using Neothane, a translucent form of synthetic rubber, they contained internal lighting, which allowed them to glow.

In 2018 it emerged again, nearly 50 years later, to be sold at auction. It was purchased by Klairmont Kollections, a collector of rare and one-off stars of automotive history, for a reported $350,000. Restoration to its former glory began immediately, with the help of Speakeasy Customs and Classics, in Chicago.

The finished car has just been presented by Klairmont Kollections and Goodyear at the Geneva motor show… on four, newly-built Goodyear translucent tyres, naturally.


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Πω ρε γκάζι.... Αλλά κόφτη στα 367 ρε φίλε; Άστο λίγο ακόμα να τετρακοσαρίσει :roflmao:
Οντως τρελλό εργαλείο, αλλά κ "Χεράς"!!!:hi:

Θεωρώ το συγκεκριμένο setting στο κιβώτιο εξυπηρέτησε καλύτερα την επίτευξη του στόχου για χαμηλό χρόνο.
Ανετα μπορεί να περάσει τα 400+:)

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