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Σκηνές απο την ταινία New Moon


[reliops=New moon sneak peek 1 original][youtube]Lyldfq0kQOc[/youtube][/reliops]

[reliops=New moon sneak peek 2 original][youtube]I_EUZWb9CZw[/youtube][/reliops]

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Aν σας αρεσει η επιστημονικη φαντασια εχετε σοβαρο λογο να περιμενετε με ανυπομονησια την νεα τριλογια που ετοιμαζουν οι παραγωγοι Bob Shaye & Michael Lynne της new line cinema.

Προκειται για την τριλογια που εγραψε ο Isaac Asimov - Foundation.

τα νεα για την τριλογια αναφερουν οτι το project ανελαβε τελικα η Columbia Pictures και ο σκηνοθετης Roland Emmerich !!

Διαβαστε τις δηλωσεις του σκηνοθετη απο την comic con !

"'Foundation' is my first attempt to do a series of movies, because we're developing three movies: 'Foundation,' 'Foundation and Empire' and 'Second Foundation,'" he told us. "It took me a long time to actually wait for the moment where the rights were totally free and we got them all, it's like 11 books, and we own the title 'Foundation' and also some of the robot novels and now we can really do these. I just hired a very good writer, the writer of 'Saving Private Ryan' who wrote 'The Patriot' for me and he's incredible. He is the most knowledgeable person I ever met about the 'Foundation' novels. It's great to write with somebody like that because there's no, 'I'll just look in the book and see what's there'... he knows it. I had a certain idea and he had a certain idea and that together I think will make this a movie."


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Ετοιμαζεται το 3ο μερος της cult ταινιας TETSUO με παραγωγο τον tarantino !!!

The film is about an American named Antony working in Tokyo, married to a Japanese woman.

He makes the agonizing transformation into Tetsuo when their son Tom is killed by the same evil driver who creates the Tetsuos in previous films.

Δειτε τα trailer απο την 1η και 2η ταινια !

[reliops=Tetsuo: The Iron Man trailer][youtube]uROMTzJsfOI[/youtube][/reliops]

[reliops=Tetsuo II - Body Hammer][youtube]nUWg8mN01x4[/youtube][/reliops]

Kαι εδω συνεντευξη του σκηνοθετη για την 3η ταινια !

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EA's Dead Space Video Game Being Adapted by D.J. Caruso

O σκηνοθετης των Disturbia & Eagle Eye - D.J. Caruso ανέλαβε την μεταφορα του στη μεγαλη οθονη !!!

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Screenwriter Hired for Roland Emmerich's Foundation Trilogy

Τον σεναριογραφο των ταινιων Saving Private Ryan, The Patriot - Robert Rodat προσελαβε ο Εμμεριχ για να γραψει την τριλογια !!!!

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New King Kong Movie in Development

Variety reports that Spirit Pictures is looking to breathe new life into King Kong and a project initially developed by effects legend Ray Harryhausen.

Producers at the company have picked up the rights to the book "Kong: King of Skull Island," a prequel to the well-known tale of the big ape.

Written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland, the book focuses on the backstory of Skull Island and how the giant gorilla became king there. It introduces other giant gorillas and dinosaurs only hinted at in the previous films.

The plan is to produce the film using motion-capture technology such as Robert Zemeckis used to make The Polar Express, Beowulf and the upcoming Disney's A Christmas Carol.

Spirit also is developing War Eagles a project original King Kong co-director Merian C. Cooper and Harryhausen had developed together and were nearly set to produce before the outbreak of WWII.

The period actioner is set in 1939 and revolves around an ace fighter-pilot who tests a new jet and winds up crash-landing in the arctic, where he encounters a lost civilization that's been thriving there for centuries.

Andy Briggs is working on the scripts for both films.

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Warren Ellis' Sci-Fi Comic 'Ocean' Being Adapted

First published in 2004 and 2005 and written by Warren Ellis, the comic is now being adapted into a feature film. Why is this interesting news?

The concept is ridiculously cool and worth mentioning.

The story revolves around the discovery of thousands of coffins containing angel-like bodies and a giant weapon of mass destruction beneath the ice on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

A UN weapons inspector is sent to investigate the find, teaming with a space station crew, when a powerful conglomerate moves in to exploit the discovery.

If you're a big sci-fi fan like me, you probably just felt a tingle down your spine. Although no big names have been attached yet, this seems like the beginning of something incredible.

Warner Brothers is developing the adaptation of Ocean with Hollywood Gang's Gianni Nunnari, who produced Alexander, The Departed, and 300. Newcomer Ryan Condal has been hired to write the script. Nunnari is a strong producer and has the right attitude to bring this comic series to the screen in the best way. I'm not even that concerned about staying that close to the story in the comic, because the concept on a whole has so many vast possibilities. I'm really just mesmerized by the story and intrigued by the questions that arise surrounding these coffins. Who are the people in them and why was Europa their graveyard? I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this one and will be sure to report back on any updates I come across.

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Third Narnia Film Starts Principal Photography

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the third in the epic series of films based on the bestselling books by C.S. Lewis, began principal photography on location in Queensland, Australia, on Monday, July 27. The production, a joint venture between Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Walden Media, continues the franchise which commenced with the 2005 release, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and its 2008 follow-up, "Prince Caspian," whose combined global box office gross tops $1.2 billion.

Filming will conclude in November 2009, with a year-long post-production schedule leading to the film's global release in December 2010.

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Ο Bloom εκτός του καστ της νέας ταινίας των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής"

Ο Orlando Bloom σύμφωνα με τα δημοσιεύματα δεν θα συμμετάσχει στην τέταρτη ταινία των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής".

Ο διάσημος ηθοποιός όπως αναφέρουν τα πρόσφατα δημοσιεύματα δεν θα ενσαρκώσει τον Will Turner στην τέταρτη ταινία των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής" καθώς θέλει να αφιερώσει περισσότερο χρόνο στην αγαπημένη του Miranda Kerr. Σύμφωνα με τις φήμες ο Bloom έχει ήδη ζητήσει δύο φορές από την εντυπωσιακή Miranda να τον παντρευτεί, όμως εκείνη έχει απαντήσει αρνητικά και στις δύο προτάσεις γάμου.

O Johnny Depp έχει ήδη συμφωνήσει να ενσαρκώσει ξανά το ρόλο του Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Gears of War Movie Interviews: Cliffy B and Len Wiseman

Δειτε το video απο το παιχνιδι

One of their latest features is an interview set with both Gears of War video game designer Cliff Bleszinski and the director of the upcoming movie, Len Wiseman. We've heard lots about this proposed Gears of War movie, but not that it was actually happening anytime soon. However, from the sounds of it (and this video), it seems like it's creeping along inches at a time, and finally getting close to moving into production. With that said, take a look at what Cliffy B and Wiseman had to say about the project.

Read on!

Obviously neither of these guys reveal too much about the movie, like casting or shooting details, since I'm sure nothing is solid yet. If you're curious to read up more about the story or more details, hit up either of these posts: Locusts in the Movie or Chris Morgan's May Update. I have a feeling that New Line / Warner Brothers still wants this as a 2010 release. I'm with Cliffy B, too, I hope this is one of the first true kick ass video game adaptations. And if it follows up the Prince of Persia movie next summer, that might just be the case. Hopefully we'll hear some new details (and casting) on this soon.

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Sony Adapting the inFAMOUS Video Game into a Movie

Screenwriter Sheldon Turner (The Longest Yard, Up in the Air) will be writing the screenplay. Avi Arad and Ari Arad will produce. "What excited me most about the game was it was the first of which I've come across that had a big idea and a character arc," Turner said. "It is, I believe, the future of gaming. The game, while big and fun, is at its core a love ballad to the underachiever, which is what our hero, Cole McGrath, is." I haven't personally played the game, however the photos from it look pretty cool and it sounds like a good concept.

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Tron Legacy Director Developing Oblivion

Tron Legacy director Joseph Kosinski is developing Oblivion, based on his own concept, as a feature for Radical Pictures.

The Hollywood Reporter says Kosinski has signed to direct the action feature and will produce along with Radical principal Barry Levine, filmmaker David Fincher and Anonymous Content's David Morrison.

Oblivion also will become an illustrated novel, Radical Publishing's first venture beyond comic books, done in a format featuring 40 fully painted landscape images that will accompany the prose.

The story is set in post-apocalyptic Earth, where civilization lives above the clouds and scavengers illegally collect artifacts from the polluted and destroyed surface below. When one young scavenger discovers a crashed spacecraft planetside--and a beautiful women within--he rejoices at the find. Little does he realize that his discovery will lead him to a journey filled with romance, adventure and unimaginable danger.

"I was looking to make a science fiction film that I could do on a budget," Kosinski said of the initial concept. "It's grown since then, but it's intended to be a very spare science fiction film, with a small cast but big ideas and big landscapes."

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Rodriguez, Peña and Moynahan Head Into Battle: Los Angeles

Michelle Rodriguez, Michael Peña and Bridget Moynahan are joining Aaron Eckhart in Columbia Pictures' Battle: Los Angeles, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The sci-fi action film, directed by Jonathan Liebesman and produced by Original Film's Neal Moritz, is set to begin production in the fall.

"Battle" revolves around a Marine staff sergeant (Eckhart) and his new platoon's battle against an alien invasion on the streets of Los Angeles.

Rodriguez will play Crpl. Adriana Santos, a member of a radio battalion.

Pena plays the father of a boy the Marines find along the way, and Moynahan plays a veterinarian.

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A group of people are stranded on the lunar mining colony of Ektopos. Fast running out of resources and with no communication from Earth they must make a choice. Do they return home or venture outwards in search of a new but uncertain future?


[reliops=Ektopos teaser][youtube]PeNADH0hLBI[/youtube][/reliops]

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Ο Bloom εκτός του καστ της νέας ταινίας των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής"

Ο Orlando Bloom σύμφωνα με τα δημοσιεύματα δεν θα συμμετάσχει στην τέταρτη ταινία των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής".

Ο διάσημος ηθοποιός όπως αναφέρουν τα πρόσφατα δημοσιεύματα δεν θα ενσαρκώσει τον Will Turner στην τέταρτη ταινία των "Πειρατών της Καραϊβικής" καθώς θέλει να αφιερώσει περισσότερο χρόνο στην αγαπημένη του Miranda Kerr. Σύμφωνα με τις φήμες ο Bloom έχει ήδη ζητήσει δύο φορές από την εντυπωσιακή Miranda να τον παντρευτεί, όμως εκείνη έχει απαντήσει αρνητικά και στις δύο προτάσεις γάμου.

O Johnny Depp έχει ήδη συμφωνήσει να ενσαρκώσει ξανά το ρόλο του Captain Jack Sparrow.
Τι βρ@κάκιας Θεε μου!!!:142::142:

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Ron Howard to Direct Robert Ludlum's Parsifal Mosaic

Variety announces that Ron Howard will direct the movie, with a script being written by David Self (The Haunting, Thirteen Days, Road to Perdition, The Wolf Man). Imagine Entertainment’s Brian Grazer, who has produced almost every single Ron Howard movie to date, will produce The Parsifal Mosaic. Coming off of Angels & Demons, Howard is also attached to direct The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft, The Originals, The Emperor's Children, and other projects.

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Steven Spielberg Interested in Directing a Matt Helm Movie?

An interesting story about the one-and-only Steven Spielberg has popped up today on Variety. They're reporting that Spielberg is "seriously considering" directing a project tentatively called Matt Helm. Helm is based on a series of 27 novels written by Donald Hamilton about a government agent whose mission is to take down enemy agents. While the novels were set in the post-WWII Cold War era, the current script is set in the present. The latest draft of the script, written by Paul Attanasio (Sphere, The Sum of All Fears, The Good German), was what sparked Spielberg's recent interest in the project.

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