Ε-κλαίγοντας Album


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"Glimpses from the Land of the Dead, flashes of serene timeless joy, a Joy an echo as old as suffering and despair. " William S. Mankioughs
Matana Roberts - Coin coin Chapter Five: In the Garden ...

Coin Coin Chapter Five: In the garden… is the latest instalment in composer, improviser, saxophonist, and visual artist Matana Roberts’ visionary project exploring African-American history through ancestry, archive and place. Weaving together elements of jazz, avant-garde composition, folk and spoken word, Roberts tells the story of a woman in their ancestral line, who died following complications from an illegal abortion. At a time when reproductive rights are under attack, her story takes on new resonance. “I wanted to talk about this issue, but in a way where she gets some sense of liberation,” Roberts explains. By unpacking family stories and conducting extensive research in US public archives, Roberts has created a rounded portrait of a woman who is, as their lyrics put it, “electric, alive, spirited, fire and free.”

Each part of Coin Coin explores radically different musical settings, from the free jazz and post-rock eruptions of Chapter One to the solo noise collage of Chapter Three. Featuring a new ensemble steeped in jazz, improvisation, new music and avant-rock, helping to expand the project’s existing sonic palette, Chapter Five is no exception. Roberts is joined by fellow alto saxophonist Darius Jones, violinist Mazz Swift (Silkroad Ensemble, D’Angelo), bass clarinettist Stuart Bogie (TV On The Radio, Antibalas), alto clarinettist Matt Lavelle (Eye Contact, Sumari), pianist Cory Smythe (Ingrid Laubrock, Anthony Braxton), vocalist/actor Gitanjali Jain and percussionists Ryan Sawyer (Thurston Moore, Nate Wooley) and Mike Pride (Pulverize The Sound, MDC). The late, great trumpeter jaimie branch, who was due to play on the album, receives a credit for “courage”. The album is produced by TV On The Radio’s Kyp Malone, who also contributes synths.

As a composer, Roberts draws upon strategies associated with the post-war avant-garde, including John Cage and Fluxus member Benjamin Patterson’s conceptual approaches to scoring and performance. The immersive work of Maryanne Amacher, in which “sound and the body almost collaborate” is another key influence. “That is the foundation for me of the Coin Coin work,” they explain. “It’s not just the alto saxophone as an instrument placed in the jazz canon, it's the alto saxophone as an instrument that can be utilised to affect the body.”

Listeners will be struck by Roberts’ ability to mould diverse sounds into a cohesive whole. The spoken word passages are accompanied by driving modal jazz on “how prophetic”, minimalist synth loops on “enthralled not by her curious blend” and cantering folk forms on “(a)way is not an option”. These are interspersed with instrumental pieces that range from avant-garde abstraction and squalling free jazz, to solo saxophone reflections and Mississippi fife and drums blues. There’s a further evocation of American roots music in the powerful group vocal arrangement of “but I never heard a sound so long”, adapted by Roberts from the plantation lullaby “All The Pretty Horses.”

While this new chapter of Coin Coin focusses on a female-identified protagonist, others haven’t (Chapter Three being from the perspective of a male ancestor) and Roberts intends for future chapters to continue to cover the breadth of the gender spectrum, as well as their Native American heritage. “I'm proud that people say that the Coin Coin work speaks of a woman's story. But I want to make sure that it retains its inclusivity, because what we look like is not always what you see.” This reflects Roberts’ own experiences as a queer person of colour. For the remaining chapters of Coin Coin, Roberts will continue exploring identity and ancestry. “Expect it to keep heading towards a liberation of the human spirit.”
released September 29, 2023

Matana Roberts (composer / horns / harmonicas / aux percussion / vocal / wordspeak)
Mike Pride (drums / aux percussion / vocal)
Matt Lavelle (alto clarinet / pocket trumpet / tin whistle / vocal)
Stuart Bogie (bass clarinet / clarinet / tin whistle / vocal)
Cory Smythe (piano / vocal / tin whistle)
Mazz Swift (violin / vocal/ tin whistle)
Darius Jones (alto sax / tin whistle / vocal)
Ryan Sawyer (drums / aux percussion / vocal)
Gitanjali Jain (text collage)
Kyp Malone (synths)
Jaimie Branch (Courage 1983-2022)

“but I never heard a sound so long” arranged by Matana Roberts from “All the Pretty Little Horses”
a traditional African American plantation lullaby, author unknown

Produced by Kyp Malone
Recorded at Bunker Studios in Brooklyn by Nolan Thies
Mixed at Thee Mighty Hotel2Tango in Montréal by Radwan Ghazi Moumneh
Mastered at Grey Market in Montréal by Harris Newman
Album artwork by Matana Roberts

Recording made possible in part by the Chicago Center for Contemporary Composition at the University of Chicago

Please donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds and the Black Mama's Matter Alliance abortionfunds.org blackmamasmatter.org
all rights reserved


Hidden Guru
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Ό,τι βλέπουμε αυτό παίρνουμε... Ένα διεστραμμένο τρίο με tuba , τρομπόνι και ντραμς να διασκευάζει το πρώιμο πανκ των θρυλικών The Stooges τακτοποιώντας το ασύλληπτο Jazz θηριοτροφείο που φτιάχνεται μέσα από αυτά...

Faidros Barlas

Φρομ δε ρίβερ του δε ση
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Νέα συλλογή "τραγουδιών" εν έτει 2023 από τον Adi Newton (η μόνη σταθερά στο όχημα που ακούει στο όνομα Clock Dva και μετράει ήδη παρουσία 40 και πλέον χρόνων στο χώρο) στο γνώριμο σκοτεινό ηλεκρονικό ύφος που καθιέρωσε από τα τέλη του '80/αρχές του ΄90 και που λίγη σχέση με τους αρχικούς post punk πειραματισμούς της μπάντας έχει. Προσωπικά, τον προτιμώ σε αυτό το ύφος, αν και ένας δίσκος σαν το Thirst του 1981 διατηρεί αναλλοίωτη την αίγλη του ακόμα και σήμερα.

Το ιδανικό soundtrack μίας ολοένα και πιο δυστοπικής καθημερινότητας ίσως.

Ελλείψη διαθεσιμότητας του άλμπουμ στο σύνολο του σε streaming, μία τριπλέτα κομματιών αλιευμένων από το youtube και δη από το πολύ καλό κανάλι AFallingBird.



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Το ιδανικό soundtrack μίας ολοένα και πιο δυστοπικής καθημερινότητας ίσως.
Όπως και τα παρακάτω αλλά με πλήρη διαθεσιμότητα σε streaming πλατφόρμες:
Σε παντελώς διαφορετικό ύφος βέβαια.

Musical style
Health has been described as having "artfully crafted noise and raw synth, haunting monotone vocals, and drum skills that are borderline insane."[27] The band's unusual sound can be partially credited to the use of the Zoothorn, which is a permutation of microphone and guitar pedal and an occasional atonal sound without a symmetrical structure.[28] Lyrically, the band describes the role of lyrics as being "purposely kept vague for the listener" "...[Lyrics] sort of begin to bring out this more individual quality to the whole thing like, ‘These are the lyrics, and this is the guy is singing them, so I can relate to that.’ Which is really not something we want. We wanted the vocals to have an even, unaffected feel. A softness, like a Zombies melody, or even a Gregorian chant. We aren't just interested in being a noisy screaming band."[29]


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Τι γνωστό Corroboree του John Antill πιστεύω ότι ανήκει εδώ και θα βρεί την ανάλογη εκτίμηση απο τους αναγνώστες του νήματος. (εάν δεν έχει ήδη ποσταριστεί).

His most famous work, Corroboree, was first performed as a concert suite in 1946, conducted by Eugene Goossens. He based his composition on a real corroboree, which he witnessed in 1913 at La Perouse in Sydney.[4] He had intended the work as a ballet, but it was not performed as such until 1950.


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Μου θύμισες τα νιάτα μου. Εκτός απο πάνκ ακούγαμε και Joe jackson το 1985. Αμ, τι νόμιζες ; :D Ακόμα τον έχω τον δίσκο (σε amtos βινυλίου :D:D). Και οι μέλισσες καλές είναι βέβαια για το κεντρικό. 😍

Άλλο αλλά εξίσου καλό. Έχει και πνευστά για τον Κο Χρήστο και τον κο Μάρκου. χα χα.

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Για τους φίλους του Phillip Glass και της αβάντ γκαρντ που είναι πολλοί στο site αλλά και ιδιαίτερα στο νήμα αυτό, πιστεύω ότι και αυτό ανήκει κατά κάποιο τρόπο εδώ. Ακόμη και για τους φίλους του Iggy Pop (youtube βίντεο).

In 2012, Meijer released a Super Audio CD album, produced by Channel Classics Records, entitled, "Metamorphosis / The Hours" with works from Philip Glass, transcribed for harp by Meijer, and approved by Glass. The album immediately rose to the top of the Dutch rock charts


Σταύρος Λαγκαδιανός

Το αγοράκι με τα σπίρτα
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Για τα γενέθλια του θείου Πέτρου, το προτελευταίο του με την μπάντα που ίδρυσε.
Τώρα, τι παρουσίαση περιμένετε, όταν μιλάει η μουσική?
Μπροστά σε κάποια έργα (όχι μουσικής αποκλειστικά) νιώθω μικρός για να περιγράψω.
Επισημαίνω μόνο το το καταπληκτικό σόλο του Στέφανου (περί το 18:00΄) στο καλύτερο άσμα τους.


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