Reaction score
Josep Tero _Quan dic L'Escala


Quan dic l’Escala, dic la barca del meu pare
estavellant-se al sol d’una cala malalta
on ja no va la gent com abans a trobar-se
ni a respirar-hi els pins que hi festejaven l’aire.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic la neu de les muntanyes
del Canigó glaçat que envia tramuntanes
espolsar-nos els blat del pocs camps de la plana
que els pagesos encara sembren any rera altre.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic un camí cap a França
per fugir de l’horror de les guerres d’Espanya
i camins de claror de l’Albera i els aspres
per creuar el Rosselló sense haver d’enyorar-se.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic l’escola on van portar-nos
a aprendre a tenir por a capellans i alcaldes
i de mestres vençuts obligats a ensenyar-nos
a escriure i llegir en una llengua estranya.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic els jocs de cada tarda
i alguns jocs prohibits les tardes de dissabte
Empúries vora el mar, el cel ens ajudava
a sortir de l’infern amb què sempre acabava
el sermó del mossèn, robador de rialles
malson de moltes nits de tots els qui pregàvem
per un món sense mals ni guerres ni esclavatges
a una mare de Déu que poc ens escoltava.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic el menyspreu a la cara
per els qui no volíem ser com tots els altres
per no fer mai com ells, futbol cada setmana
per no batre’s amb ells, ni fer-se amb ells el mascle.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic les dunes i les platges
i els carrers on el sol entrava dins les cases
a escalfar-nos l’hivern que els vents esgarrapaven
i a fer somriure els vells de qui apreníem tantes
paraules que hem perdut i cançons i rondalles
i jocs perquè mai més el fred que ens enrampava
mentre el pare en mar englobi tot calada
perquè no ens faltés mai un bocí de pa a taula.

Quan dic l’Escala, dic la barca del meu pare.

Reaction score

You think you're going to live your life alone
In darkness and seclusion... yeah, I know
You've been out there and tried to mix with those animals
And it just left you full of humiliated confusion
So you stagger back home and wait for nothing
But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back onto the streets
And now you're desperate and in need of human contact
And then you meet me and your whole world changes
Because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
So you drop all you defenses, and you drop all your fears
I'm perfect in every way
'Cause I make you feel so strong and so powerfull inside
You feel so lucky
But your ego obscures reality but you never bothered to
Wonder why things are going so well
You want to know why?

'Cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar
I'll tear your mind out, I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me
'Cause I'm a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar...

I'll hide behind a smile and understanding eyes
And I'll tell you things that you already know so you can say:
I really identify with you, so much
And all the time that you're needing me is just the time
That I'm bleeding you, don't you get it yet?
I'll come to you like an affliction then I'll leave you like an addiction
You'll never forget me... you wanna know why?

'Cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar,
I'll rip your mind out, I'll burn your soul,
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me,
'Cause I'm a liar, a liar, liar, liar, liar, liar...

I don't know why I feel the need to lie and cause you so much pain
Maybe it's something inside, maybe it's something I can't explain
'Cause all I do is mess you up and lie to you
I'm a liar, ooooh, I'm a liar
But if you'll give me another chance I swear I'll never lie to you again
'Cause now I see the destructive power of a lie,
They're stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you, I swear I will never lie to you again, please
Just give me one more chance, I'll never lie to you again, no,
I swear, I will never tell a lie, I will never tell a lie, no, no
Ha ha ha ha ha, ho ho ho! Sucker! Sucker! Ooooh sucker!

I am a liar, yeah, I am a liar, yeah, I like it,
I feel good, ooooh I am a liar... yeah
I lie, I lie, I lie, ooh I lie, I lie, yeah,
Oooooh I'm a liar, I lie, yeah, I like it, I feel good,
I'll lie again, and again, I'll lie again and again and I'll keep lying,
I promise... ha ha ha

Reaction score
Δώσε ένα τέλος - Νότης Σφακιανάκης
Όταν θα μ’αποχαιρετάς
στα μάτια να μη με κοιτάς
οι σκέψεις γίνονται βραχνάς
θυμός και σε σκοτώνει

Όμως να μην με φοβηθείς
είναι θυμός της προσμονής
στα μάτια μου να μην το δείς
φύγε να τελειώνει

Δώσε ένα τέλος να αρμόζει
κάνε μια έξοδο μεγάλη
να σε χειροκροτήσουμε όλοι
τα πλήθη μάγεψε και πάλι

Όταν θα φεύγεις απο ‘δω
να μην το κάνεις τραγικό
καν’το σαν να ‘ναι κάτι απλό
κι ας θέλω να πεθάνω

Φύγε και τίποτα μην πείς
είναι η ώρα της σιωπής,
πνίγω τα λόγια της οργής
κι ας ξέρω πως σε χάνω

Reaction score
Midnight Oil, Beds are Burning
Out where the river broke
The bloodwood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent, now
To pay our share

Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty five degrees

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent, now
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
We'r gonna give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

Reaction score

Πώς το κάνεις,πώς το κάνεις κι εδώ μένω
άλλο απ'τα μάτια σου δεν έχω πιό δικά μου
μα ούτε άλλο από το βλέμμα σου πιό ξένο
πόσα ζητάς για να φωνάξεις τ'όνομά μου

Να με κοιτάς σα να με θέλεις
και να με παίξεις όπως ξέρεις

Ξέρεις τί θέλω να σου πω
κάτι που μάλλον θα γελάσεις
άμα δε μάθεις να χα'ι'δεύεις τις πληγές
δε θα σου φτάσει όλη η ζωή σου για να κλαις

Να με κοιτάς σα να με θέλεις
και να με παίξεις όπως ξέρεις

Σε βλέπω μόνη,λέω δεν είναι στα καλά της
ποιοί σε παράτησαν και θέλεις να τους δείξεις
Μια πεταλούδα που δαγκώνει τα φτερά της
σε πλησιάζω και πεθαίνω να μ'αγγίξεις

Μα η εικόνα σου παγώνει
μετά σε βλέπω πάλι μόνη

Ξέρεις τί θέλω να σου πω
κάτι που μάλλον θα γελάσεις
άμα δε μάθεις να χα'ι'δεύεις τις πληγές
δε θα σου φτάσει όλη η ζωή σου για να κλαις

Πώς το κάνεις,πώς το κάνεις κι εδώ μένω...


Reaction score
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
Have you got color in your cheeks'
Do you ever get the feeling that you can't shift the tide
That sticks around like something's in your teeth
And some aces up your sleeve
I had no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you near me every night this week
How many secrets can you keep'
'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow
When I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee

Do I wanna know?
If this feeling flows both ways
Sad to see you go
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
Baby we both know
That the nights were mainly made for saying
things that you can't say tomorrow day

Crawlin' back to you.

Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?
'Cause I always do
Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I've thought it through

Crawling back to you

So have you got the guts?
Been wondering if your heart's still open and
if so I wanna know what time it shuts
Simmer down and pucker up
I'm sorry to interrupt it's just I'm constantly
on the cusp of trying to kiss you
I don't know if you feel the same as I do
But we could be together, if you wanted to

Do I wanna know?
If this feeling flows both ways
Sad to see you go
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
Baby we both know
That the nights were mainly made for saying
things that you can't say tomorrow day

Crawling back to you

Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? calling when you've had a few
'Cause I always do 'cause I always do
Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I've thought it through

Crawling back to you, do I wanna know?
If this feeling flows both ways
Sad to see you go
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
Baby we both know
That the nights were mainly made for saying
things that you can't say tomorrow day

Do I wanna know?

Too busy being yours to fall
Sad to see you go
Ever thought of calling darling?
Do I wanna know
Do you want me crawling back to you?


Reaction score
Κάντε όλοι στην άκρη--Γιαννης Κότσιρας

Παρανάλωμα, στην ωραία φωτιά
Ενός κόσμου που αλλάζει, θα γίνω
Κι απ’ τη στάχτη μου
Μια καινούργια καρδιά
Θα γεννήσω για να 'χω να δίνω

Θα μοιράζομαι τη μεγάλη αγκαλιά
Που ο πλανήτης στο σύμπαν ανοίγει
Και θα νοιάζομαι για όλα αυτά τα παιδιά
Που ο θυμός και το άδικο πνίγει

Κάντε όλοι στην άκρη
Για να στάξει το δάκρυ
Ενός κόσμου που φεύγει
Ευτυχώς δια παντός
Ένας κόσμος που αλλάζει
Στον καθρέφτη κοιτάζει
Και στην άκρη του τούνελ
Σαν να βλέπει το φως...

Σαν μια έκρηξη στο στομάχι της γης
Θα το δεις, θα το ζήσεις το θαύμα
Μεταμόρφωση της κοινής μας ψυχής
Που επουλώνει και πάλι το τραύμα

Σκέτη ομορφιά, δίχως βία και καρφιά
Καταιγίδα ξεσπάει αλλαγή μας
Κι έτσι διεκδικεί ό,τι άφησε εκεί
Πριν ακόμα ανοιχτεί η πληγή μας

Κάντε όλοι στην άκρη
Για να στάξει το δάκρυ
Ενός κόσμου που φεύγει
Ευτυχώς δια παντός
Ένας κόσμος που αλλάζει
Στον καθρέφτη κοιτάζει
Και στην άκρη του τούνελ
Σαν να βλέπει το φως

Κάντε όλοι στην άκρη
Για να στάξει το δάκρυ
Ενός κόσμου που φεύγει
Ευτυχώς δια παντός
Ένας κόσμος που αλλάζει
Στον καθρέφτη κοιτάζει
Και στην άκρη του τούνελ
Σαν να βλέπει το φως...


Reaction score
HIM - It's all tears

Open your arms and let me show you what love can be like
It's all tears and it will be 'til the end of your time
Come closer my love
Will you let me tear your heart apart?
Now all hope is gone so drown in this love

I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love

So my love your laughter is finally turning into tears
And you're begging for more though the end is getting near
come closer my love
I'll violate you in the most sensual way... until you drown in this

I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
και το original
I'm waiting for you to drown in
my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
So open your arms
I'm waiting for you to open your arms
And drown in this love...


Hidden Guru
Reaction score
Monkey see and monkey do
Making babies, eating food
Smelly things, pubic hair
Words of love, in the air
Sparks fly, shooting out
Making sure that every thing is working
I can't turn you down
We are programmed happy little children
Matter over mind
We cannot resist so I won't fight it
Love is a machine
Love is a machine without a driver
The facts of life
The facts of life
A masterpiece
Smokey water
Air conditioned
Boys 'n' girls
And automation
Designer jeans
And human beings
Machines of love
Machines of love
Strong in body, strong in mind
A love machine with the facts of life
The facts of life
The facts of life
So much sex 'n' violence
Must be a bad design
We're stupid to be fighting
Every night
The monsters we create
They welcome us aboard
The best in advertising
From coast to coast
The girls and boys combine
Like monkeys in the zoo
The clouds have silver linings
Looks pretty good
People fall in love like in fairy tales
I'm not sure I like, what they can do
I'm afraid that God has no master plan
He only takes -- what he can use
Factory life, ice cream & pie
Factory life
Someday we'll live on venus
And men will walk on mars
But we will still be monkeys
Down deep inside
If chimpanzees are smart
Then we will close our eyes
And let our instincts guide us
Oh oh oh oh no
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Hidden Guru
Reaction score
The Jam:"That's Entertainment"

A police car and a screaming siren
Pneumatic drill and ripped up concrete
A baby wailing, a stray dog howling
The screech of brakes and lamplights blinking

That’s entertainment, that’s entertainment

A smash of glass and the rumble of boots
An electric train and a ripped up phone booth
Paint splattered walls and the cry of a tom cat
Lights going out and a kick in the balls

I say that’s entertainment, that’s entertainment

Days of speed and slow time Mondays
Pissing down with rain on a boring Wednesday
Watching the news and not eating your tea
A freezing cold flat and damp on the walls

I say that’s entertainment, that’s entertainment

Waking up at 6 a.m. on a cool warm morning
Opening the windows and breathing in petrol
An amateur band rehearse in a nearby yard
Watching the telly and thinking 'bout your holidays

That’s entertainment, that’s entertainment

Waking up from bad dreams and smoking cigarettes
Cuddling a warm girl and smelling stale perfume
A hot summers day and sticky black tarmac
Feeding ducks in the park and wishing you were far away

That’s entertainment, that’s entertainment

Two lovers kissing amongst the scream of midnight
Two lovers missing the tranquillity of solitude
Getting a cab and travelling on buses
Reading the graffiti about slashed seat affairs

I say that’s entertainment, that’s entertainment


Hidden Guru
Reaction score
The Jam:"Going Underground"

Some people might say my life is in a rut,
But I'm quite happy living with what I got
People might say that I should strive for more,
But I'm so happy I can't see the point.
Somethings happening here today
A show of strength with your boy's brigade and,
I'm so happy and you're so kind
You want more money - of course I don't mind
To buy nuclear textbooks for atomic crimes

And the public gets what the public wants
But I want nothing this society's got -
I'm going underground, (going underground)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground, (going underground)
Well let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow

Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Me, I've enough already on my plate
People might need some tension to relax
[Me?] I'm too busy dodging between the flak

What you see is what you get
You've made your bed, you better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies put you down and their promises rust
You'll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns

And the public wants what the public gets
But I don't get what this society wants
I'm going underground, (going underground)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground, (going underground)
[So] let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout for tomorrow

We talk and we talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
Braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!

Going underground, I'm going underground!

Costas Coyias

Reaction score

lo so ritornerai
e quando tu
sarai con me
tutte le cose che
tu non volevi
vedere intorno a te
e scoprirai
che nulla e' cambiato
che sono restato
l'illuso di sempre

E riderai
quel giorno riderai
ma non potrai
lasciarmi piu'
ti senti solo
con la tua liberta'
ed e' per questo che tu
ritornerai, ritornerai...
ti senti solo
con la tua liberta'
ed e' per questo che tu
ritornerai, ritornerai
ritornerai, ritornerai...

(Bruno Lauzi)
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Reaction score
What it's like - Everlast

We've all seen a man at the liquor store beggin' for your change
The hair on his face is dirty, dread-locked, and full of mange
He asks a man for what he could spare, with shame in his eyes
"Get a job you fucking slob," is all he replies
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues

Then you really might know what it's like...
Then you really might know what it's like...
Then you really might know what it's like...
Then you really might know what it's like...

Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom that said he was in love
He said, "Don't worry about a thing, baby doll
I'm the man you've been dreaming of."
But 3 months later he say he won't date her or return her calls
And she swear, "God damn, if I find that man I'm cuttin' off his balls."
And then she heads for the clinic and
she gets some static walking through the door
They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner
and they call her a whore
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose

I've seen a rich man beg
I've seen a good man sin
I've seen a tough man cry
I've seen a loser win
And a sad man grin
I heard an honest man lie
I've seen the good side of bad
And the downside of up
And everything between
I licked the silver spoon
Drank from the golden cup
And smoked the finest green
I stroked the fattest dimes at least a couple of times
before i broke their heart
You know where it ends, yo, it usually depends on where you start

I knew this kid named Max
who used to get fat stacks out on the corner with drugs
He liked to hang out late
he liked to get shit-faced and keep the pace with thugs
Until late one night there was a big gun fight and Max lost his head
He pulled out his chrome .45, talked some shit, and wound up dead
Now his wife and his kids are caught in the midst of all of this pain
You know it comes that way
at least that's what they say when you play the game
God forbid you ever had to wake up to hear the news
'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to lose

Then you really might know what it's like...
Then you really might know what it's like...
Then you really might know what it's like...to have to lose


Reaction score

Caetano Veloso - Você É Linda

Fonte de mel
Nos olhos de gueixa
Kabuki, máscara
Choque entre o azul
E o cacho de acácias
Luz das acácias
Você é mãe do sol
A sua coisa é toda tão certa
Beleza esperta
Você me deixa a rua deserta
Quando atravessa
E não olha pra trás

E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz
Você é linda
Mais que demais
Vocé é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim

Você é forte
Dentes e músculos
Peitos e lábios
Você é forte
Letras e músicas
Todas as músicas
Que ainda hei de ouvir
No Abaeté
Areias e estrelas
Não são mais belas
Do que você
Mulher das estrelas
Mina de estrelas
Diga o que você quer

Você é linda
E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz
Você é linda
Mais que demais
Você é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim

Gosto de ver
Você no seu ritmo
Dona do carnaval
Gosto de ter
Sentir seu estilo
Ir no seu íntimo
Nunca me faça mal

Mais que demais
Você é linda sim
Onda do mar do amor
Que bateu em mim
Você é linda
E sabe viver
Você me faz feliz
Esta canção é só pra dizer
E diz


Hidden Guru
Reaction score

Kisha no mado kara te wo nigiri
Okutte kureta hito yori mo
Ho-omu no kage de naite ita
Kawaii anoko ga wasurare nu
Zun zun zun zun zun zundoko

Hana wa sakuragi hito bushi
Kalatte kureta hito yori mo
Minato no sumi de naite ita
Kawaii anoko ga me ni ukabu
Zun zun zun zun zun zundoko

Genki de iruka to iu-u taiori
Okutte kureta hito yori mo
Namida no moji ni fude no ato
Itoshi anoko ga wasurare nu
Zun zun zun zun zun zundoko


Hidden Guru
Reaction score
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds:"Push the Sky Away"

I was ridin', I was ridin', oh
The sun, the sun, the sun was rising from the field

I got a feeling I just can't shake
I got a feeling that just won't go away
You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

And if your friends think that you should do it different
And if they think that you should do it the same
You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

And if you feel you got everything you came for
If you got everything and you don't want no more
You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

And some people say it's just rock 'n' roll
Aw, but it gets you right down to your soul
You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

You've got it, just keep on pushing and, keep on pushing and
Push the sky away

Reaction score
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake

La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)

See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate? try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make

La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)

This is a happy end
Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong

This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away

I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake

New soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...

New Soul - Yael Naim


Reaction score
Bastille – Things We Lost In The Fire

These are the things, the things we lost
The things we lost in the fire fire fire
These are the things, the things we lost
The things we lost in the fire fire fire

Do you understand that we, will,
Never be the same again?
Do you understand that we, will,
Never be the same again?

The future's in our hands and we will,
Never be the same again!
The future's in our hands and we will,
Never be the same again!

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