
Hidden Guru
Reaction score
Elvis Costello-"If I Could BELIEVE"

If I could believe two and two is five
Two wrongs make a right
Well then, man alive
Lost in my insolence and sneers
That might sound like prayers
If I could believe

If I could believe
You were from heaven sent
Then just losing you
Would be my punishment
But in the hour of disgrace
I might see his face
If I could believe

If I could believe
Then I know I might
Sleep all through the night
But how many times must I wake in fright
Nagging doubts still tugging on my sleeve

If I could believe two and two is five
Two wrongs make a right
Well then, man alive
Lost in my insolence and sneers
That might sound like prayers
If I could believe
If I could believe

Reaction score
Camouflage - The great commandment
Some people suppress you
they partch you
and reap a disaster
Reeducation for the infants
who demanded for an innocent instance

The great commandment
shows the contempt
between the world and their embarrassing pavement
Believe the scholars
read the readings
realize the man who says anything

The great commandment

The needies believe you
they treat you
like survivors of a disaster
Reeducation for the infants
who demanded for an innocent instance

The great commandment

Reaction score
Καλημέρα!Ενα κομμάτι το οποίο είναι άκρως εθιστικό (ιδίως με λάμπα χεχεχε)!

Oh, I got a feelin'
Blues gonna be my only way
Oh, I got a feelin'
Blues gonna be my only way
'Cause when you're lookin' for somebody
Lookin' for somebody

Tell me, woman
How do you see a man like me?
Tell me, woman
How do you see a man like me?
You look so nice
You feel so warm

Oh, I got a feelin'
Blues gonna be my only way
'Cause I got a feelin', people
Blues gonna be my only way
'Cause when you're lookin' for somebody
Lookin' for somebody

Reaction score

"This Mess We're In"

Can you hear them?
The helicopters?
I'm in New York
No need for words now
We sit in silence
You look me
In the eye directly
You met me
I think it's Wednesday
The evening
The mess we're in and
The city sun sets over me

Night and day
I dream of
To you now baby
Impossible dream
And I have seen
The sunrise
Over the river
The freeway
Of this mess we're in and
The city sun sets over me

What were you wanting?
I just want to say
Don't ever change now baby
And thank you
I don't think we will meet again
And you must leave now
Before the sunrise
Above skyscrapers
The sin and
This mess we're in and
The city sun sets over me

Reaction score
Surahn "Watching The World"
I remember a time
When love was real
And the ocean was bottomless

I committed a crime
How I confess
Now the only way
That you
Will ever be lonely again

Cause I took your heart
And I said
You will never be lonely again

Then I gave you love
And you said
That you will never be lonely again

Even in front of the fire
I told you the truth
I say to your face that I love you
But you still need proof

Look into my eyes
We can work it out
None of us (our words?)
Just to count the lies
And let the candles burn out

Tried to find gold from the sea of (words?)
When it should be
Sifting through the dirt

I pinch my nose and hold my breath
And swim my way,
Swim away through the herd

Angels and clouds away
Send the dove off to find you
With a little then fly away

Cause if its not real
Then why did you
Why you walk away

I need, help to
See where I went wrong

It's never enough to walk and want with no return
I need, help to
See where I went wrong

Cause I'm watching the world go by
I'm watching the world go by

Cause if it's not real
Then why did you
Why you walk away?

I need, help to
See where I went wrong

It's never enough to walk and want with no return
I need, help to
See where I went wrong

Cause if it's not real
Then why did you
Why you walk away?
I need, help to
See where I went wrong

It's never enough to walk and want with no return
I need, help to
See where I went wrong

Cause I'm watching the world go by
I'm watching the world go by
Αγαπημένο κομμάτι:)

Reaction score

I walk along the avenue
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
meet a girl like you
With auburn hair and tormy eyes
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
that hypnotize me through
And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran, I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away

A cloud appears above your head
A beam of light comes shining down on you
shining down on you
The cloud is moving nearer still
Aurora borealis comes in you
borealis comes in you
And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran, I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away

Reached out a hand to touch your face
You're slowly disappearing from my view
disappearing from my view
Reached out hand to try again
I'm floating in a beam of light with you
a beam of light with you
And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran, I ran all night and day
And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran
I couldn't get away

Reaction score
Chris Isaak - You Owe Me Some Kind Of Love
Think of all the things we've done and now,
You've decided I'm not the one.
A love like ours just can't go on,
Run away baby have your fun but.

I, don't want to hurt you I don't want to see you cry.
I, just want to hold you love tonight.
You owe me some kind of love.

I don't want to see you sad I don't want you,
Feeling down I only want you to say you love me and you need me,
The way I love ya please believe me.

I, don't want to hurt you I don't want to see you cry.
I, just want to hold you love tonight.
You owe me some kind of love.
You owe me some kind of love.

Think of all the things we've done and now,
You've decided I'm not the one.
A love like ours just can't go on,
Run away baby have your fun but.

I, don't want to hurt you I don't want to see you cry
I, just want you back I don't want to fight.
I, just want to hold you love tonight.
You owe me some kind of love.
You owe me some kind of love. help!

Reaction score
Sad Lovers & Giants - Clint
They're marching down the street
With heavy boots upon their feet
I saw you in a doorway
You turned and walked away from me

I thought it was surprising
For friends to say goodbye that way
You looked at me in silence
And then you turned and walked away

And if we meet again someday
I know that you won't be the same
When understanding is betrayed
Just walk away, just walk away


Reaction score
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

Who's watching?
Tell me who's watching
Who's watching me?

I'm just an average man, with an average life
I work from nine to five; hey hell, I pay the price
All I want is to be left alone in my average home
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, and

I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me is it just a dream?

When I come home at night
I bolt the door real tight
People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid
Well, can the people on TV see me
Or am I just paranoid?

When I'm in the shower
I'm afraid to wash my hair
'Cause I might open my eyes
And find someone standing there
People say I'm crazy
Just a little touched
But maybe showers remind me of
"Psycho" too much
That's why

I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me?

Who's watching me?
I don't know anymore
Are the neighbors watching?
Who's watching?
Well, it's the mailman watching me, and I don't feel safe anymore
Tell me who's watching
Oh, what a mess I wonder who's watching me now
(Who?) the IRS?

I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me it is just a trick

I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Who's playing tricks on me?

I always feel like somebody's watching me
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me
Tell me it can't be
I always feel like somebody's watching me

Reaction score

Down, down. Down, down. The star is screaming.
Beneath the lies. Lie, lie. Tschay, tschay, tschay.
[sound of Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
Careful, careful, careful with that axe, Eugene.
[very loud and prolonged scream]
[another very loud and prolonged scream]
[Waters blowing into the microphone]
[light screaming from Waters]
The stars are screaming loud.
[low groaning sound from Waters]


Hidden Guru
Reaction score
Charles Aznavour : "La Boheme"

Je vous parle d'un temps
Que les moins de vingt ans
Ne peuvent pas connaître
Montmartre en ce temps-là
Accrochait ses lilas
Jusque sous nos fenêtres
Et si l'humble garni
Qui nous servait de nid
Ne payait pas de mine
C'est là qu'on s'est connu
Moi qui criais famine
Et toi qui posais nue

La bohème, La bohème
Ça voulait dire on est heureux
La bohème, La bohème
Nous ne mangions qu'un jour sur deux

Dans les cafés voisins
Nous étions quelques-uns
Qui attendions la gloire
Et bien que miséreux
Avec le ventre creux
Nous ne cessions d'y croire
Et quand quelques bistros
Contre un bon repas chaud
Nous prenaient une toile
Nous recitions des vers
Groupés autour du poêle
En oubliant l'hiver

La bohème, La bohème
Ça voulait dire tu es jolie
La bohème, La bohème
Et nous avions tous du génie

Souvent il m'arrivait
Devant mon chevalet
De passer des nuits blanches
Retouchant le dessin
De la ligne d'un sein
Du galbe d'une hanche
Et ce n'est qu'au matin
Qu'on s'asseyait enfin
Devant un café-crème
Epuisés mais ravis
Fallait-il que l'on s'aime
Et qu'on aime la vie

La bohème, La bohème
Ça voulait dire on a vingt ans
La bohème, La bohème
Et nous vivions de l'air du temps
Quand au hasard des jours

Je m'en vais faire un tour
A mon ancienne adresse
Je ne reconnais plus
Ni les murs, ni les rues
Qui ont vu ma jeunesse
En haut d'un escalier
Je cherche l'atelier
Don't plus rien ne subsiste
Dans son nouveau décor
Montmartre semble triste
Et les lilas sont morts

La bohème, La bohème
On était jeunes, on était fous
La bohème, La bohème
Ça ne veut plus rien dire du tout

Reaction score
Θα μου επιτρέψετε να μην βάλω το πρωτότυπο,αλλά την κανιβαλική διασκευή του.

Take a little walk to the edge of town
and go across the tracks
Where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
As it shifts and cracks

Where secrets lie in
the humming wires and
the border fires
well you know you're never comin back
Past the square, past the bridge
past the mills, past the stacks

On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
a red right hand

He'll wrap you in his arms
and tell you that you've been a good boy
He'll rekindle all of those dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy

He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
And there won't be a single thing
That you can do
He's a god, he's a ghost,
he's a man, he's a guru

They're whispering his name
Across this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
is a red right hand

You haven't got no money?
He'll get you some
If you haven't got no car,
He'll get you one
You've got no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
Well don't you worry buddy,
cause here he comes
Through the ghetto and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
A shadow is cast wherever he stands
Stacks of green paper in his
red right hand

You'll see him in your nightmares,
you'll see him in your dreams
He'll appear out of nowhere but
he's not what he seems
You'll see him in your head and
on the TV screen
hey buddy, I'm warning
you to turn it off
He's a ghost, he's a god,
he's a man, he's a guru
You're one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
Designed and directed by
his red right hand

Reaction score
"Αν υπάρχει λόγος" Χάρης & Πάνος Κατσιμίχας

Πώς ξεχαστήκαμε μονάχοι εδώ πέρα
πέρασαν κιόλας τέσσερις χειμώνες
αγάπη μου αφηρημένη αγάπη
απόψε με βαραίνουν σαν αιώνες

Λέω να βγω να πάω να μεθύσω
να ξαναπαίξουμε για λίγο να χαθούμε
να σε σκεφτώ και να σε νοσταλγήσω
και αν υπάρχει λόγος να γυρίσω

Αχ πώς ξεχάστηκα μαζί σου εδώ πέρα
με την αγάπη σου να με εξαφανίζει
αγάπη μου αφηρημένη αγάπη
ακούω μέσα στη σιωπή το σπίτι να βουίζει

Λέω να βγω να πάω να μεθύσω
να ξαναπαίξουμε για λίγο να χαθούμε
να σε σκεφτώ και να σε νοσταλγήσω
και αν υπάρχει λόγος να γυρίσω

Reaction score

"Where is My Mind"

Oh - stop

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind? [3x]

Way out in the water
See it swimmin'

I was swimmin' in the Caribbean
Animals were hiding behind the rocks
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
Tryin' to talk to me, to me, to me.

Where is my mind? [3x]

Way out in the water
See it swimmin'

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind? [3x]

Way out in the water
See it swimmin'

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah

Reaction score

"Jump Around"

Pack it up, pack it in
Let me begin
I came to win
Battle me that's a sin
I won't tear the sack up
Punk you'd better back up
Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up
Get up, stand up, come on!
Come on, throw your hands up
If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling
Mugs is a funk fest, someone's talking junk
Yo, I'll bust em in the eye
And then I'll take the punks home
Feel it, funk it
Amps in the trunk
And I got more rhymes than there's cops at a "Dunkin Donuts" shop
Sure enough I got props from the kids on the Hill
Plus my mom and my pops

I came to get down [2x]
So get out your seats and jump around
Jump around [3x]
Jump up, jump up and get down.
Jump [18x]

I'll serve your ass like John McEnroe
If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the ho
Word to your moms I came to drop bombs
I got more rhymes than the Bible's got psalms
And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned
Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned
'Cause I got lyrics but you ain't got none
If you come to battle bring a shotgun
But if you do you're a fool, 'cause I duel to the death
Trying to step to me you'll take your last breath
I got the skill, come get your fill
'Cause when I shoot to give, I shoot to kill


I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top
I never eat a pig 'cause a pig is a cop
Or better yet a terminator
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Trying to play me out like as if my name was Sega
But I ain't going out like no punk bitch
Get used to one style and you know I might switch
It up up and around, then buck buck get down
Put out your head then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead
I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya
Spitting out lyrics homie I'll wet ya

Jump [32x]

Reaction score

Έτσι χωρίς εισαγωγή αρχίζω με τη μια
έχει ήδη ανεβεί στα υψη η θερμοκρασία
κόβω την ανάσα προκαλώ κάψα
στα συγκροτηματάκια που πουλάνε κλάψα
σε φέρνω σε επαφή με την πραγματικότητα
έχω αποκτήσει αυτήν την ιδιότητα
κι όλα τα πρότυπα
που προσπαθούσες να μου επιβάλεις ύπουλα
φτύνω κατάμουτρα χτυπάω σε όλα τα επίπεδα
δε βγάζω την ενέργειά μου μες τα γήπεδα
κινούμαι πάντα αντίθετα σε σχέση με τις μάζες
έχω βγάλει από τα μάτια μου τις γάζες
εδώ και χρόνια
αρνούμαι να κινούμαι με τα πιόνια
δεν περιμένω να καλύψω τις ανάγκες μου συλλέγοντας κουπόνια
τις ψάχνω με νέες μεθόδους,με νέους τρόπους
μου λες ότι δε μοιάζω μ'όλους τους άλλους τους ανθρώπους
επειδή δεν είμαι λογικός
μα εγώ πιστεύω ότι απλως δεν μπαίνεις μες στη λογική μου
στη ψυχοσύνθεσή μου
τρελαίνεσαι με τον τρόπο ζωής μου
με βλέπεις και κάνεις λες και είδες εξωγήινο
το στυλ μου για τα μούτρα σου είναι άκρως ανθυγειινό

Δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
όχι δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
έχω ένα πρόβλημα για κάθε σου λύση

Τ'όνομά μου γραμμένο σε μαύρες λίστες
επικυρηγμένος από τις αρχές κι από φασίστες
διαγράφω τις παλιές σάπιες ιδέες φέρνω νέες
αηδιασμένος από όλες τις νεολαίες κομμάτων
δεν θέλω να ανήκω σε καμια γενιά πτωμάτων
γι'αυτό αντιδρώ καθε λεπτο μ'όποιο τρόπο μπορώ
και προσπαθώ
όσο γίνεται να δουλεύω για την πάρτυ μου
κανένα μαλάκα δε θέλω να έχω πάνω από το κεφάλι μου
όχι δεν έχω σκοπό τον κόσμο να αλλάξω
αυτό όμως δεν σημαίνει ότι θα κάτσω και αθα αράξω
με τα χέρια σταυρωμένα
καταστρέφω ένα-ένα
όλα τα σχέδια τα προκατασκευασμένα
που γίνανε για το καλό μου χωρίς όμως να ρωτηθώ από κανένα
κι αν ακόμα δεν έχεις μάθει αρκετά για μένα
είμαι 50/50
Ραπ και γκραφίτι
MC και bomber μέσα στη ομίχλη
βρίσκοντας την άκρη δίχως τη βοήθεια κανενός
είν'ένας εναντίον όλων κι όλοι εναντιόν ενός
μα τόσα χρόνια δεν κατάφεραν να αλλάξουν τα μυαλά μου
δεξιοί και αριστεροί τώρα χαθείτε από μπροστά μου

Είν'η στιγμή να συνεχιστεί η καταστροφή
στην 3η στροφή
κοιτάς τον ουρανό μα βγαίνω από τη γη με οργή
διατηρώντας τη γνωστή σντικανονική πορεία
ρίχνω ακόμα μια Hardcore μελωδία
στο πρόσωπο σου
παγώνω το σαδιστικό χαμόγελό σου
τώρα πια τα όνειρά σου για το μέλλον δε συμμερίζομαι
επειδή πάντα κάποια βρώμα μέσα τους μυρίζομαι
ελίσομαι και μεταλλάσομαι
γι'αυτό και ακόμα ακούγομαι
τον ευατό μου σέβομαι
με το στρατό δεν ψήνομαι
έξω με clubs με face-control ποτέ δε στήνομαι
και πάντα ευθύνομαι για την αγανάκτηση των πολιτών
είμαι της Σχολής Κακών Τεχνών
και πάω γυρεύοντας
συνεχίζω να δημιουργώ καταστρέφοντας
και στο '97 ρίχνω λάδι στη φωτιά
κι όλα αυτά που λέω πάρτα προσωπικά

Δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
όχι δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
δεν είμαι ο Έλληνας που έχεις συνηθίσει
έχω ένα πρόβλημα για κάθε σου λύση

Reaction score

If you didn't look, you won't know
Outside it's not 4 a.m.
Those trucks won't be there
Around, around again

But it is alright
It was just a night
And another way to turn your back
Your back to me

Hearts with love like water
Hearts with love that goes
If you're gonna turn
Turn back to me

Eyes that sigh in my sleep
Naked and black on the floor
You should cooperate
When I need love some more

But it is alright
Ever since the night
And another way to turn your back
Your back on me

Hearts with lonely sounds like
Hearts with love that beats me so
If you're gonna go
Don't look at me

Hearts like lovely burning fields
Love that goes
If you're gonna go
Don't look at me

But it is alright
Ever since the night
And another way to turn your back
Your back to me

Hearts with lonely sounds like
Hearts with love that goes
If you're gonna go
Don't look at me

Hearts like lovely burning
Hearts with love that goes
If you're gonna go
Go back on me

Hearts like lovely burning
Hearts with love that beats me so
If you're gonna turn
Turn back, back, back, back on me

If you're gonna turn
Turn back, back, back, back on me

Reaction score
Chris Cornell - Seasons

Summer nights and long warm days
Stolen as the old moon falls
And the mirror shows another face
Another place to hide it all

And I'm lost behind
The words I'll never find
And I'm left behind
As seasons roll on by

Sleeping with a full moon blanket
Sand and feathers for my head
Dreams have never been the answer
The dreams have never made my bed

And I'm lost behind
The words I'll never find
And I'm left behind
As the seasons roll on by

Well, I wanna fly above the storm
But you can't grow feathers in the rain
And the naked floor is cold as hell
The naked floor reminds me

That I'm lost behind
The words I'll never find
And I'm left behind
As the seasons roll on by

If I should be short on words
And long on things to say
Could you crawl into my world
And take me worlds away?
Should I be beside myself
And not even stay?

And I'm lost behind
The words I'll never find
And I'm left behind
As the seasons roll on by

Reaction score
Μικρή Πατρίδα - Παντελής Θεοχαρίδης
Δεν έκανα ταξίδια μακρινά
τα χρόνια μου είχαν ρίζες ήταν δέντρα
που τα `ντυσε με φύλλα η καρδιά
και τ’ άφησε ν’ ανθίζουν μες την πέτρα

Δεν έκανα ταξίδια μακρινά
οι άνθρωποι που αγάπησα ήταν δάση
οι φίλοι μου φεγγάρια ήταν νησιά
που δίψασε η καρδιά μου να τα ψάξει

Το πιο μακρύ ταξίδι μου εσύ
η νύχτα εσύ το όνειρο της μέρας
μικρή πατρίδα σώμα μου κι αρχή
η γη μου εσύ ανάσα μου κι αέρας

Δεν έκανα ταξίδια μακρινά
ταξίδεψε η καρδιά κι αυτό μου φτάνει
σε όνειρα σ’ αισθήματα υγρά
το μυστικό τον κόσμο ν’ ανασάνει

Το πιο μακρύ ταξίδι μου εσύ
η νύχτα εσύ το όνειρο της μέρας
μικρή πατρίδα σώμα μου κι αρχή
η γη μου εσύ ανάσα μου κι αέρας

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