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Del Toro Confirms for Hobbit

3 απο τους ηθοποιους που θα δουμε στο HOBBIT ειναι οι :

Ian McKellen as Gandalf, Hugo Weaving as Elrond, and Andy Serkis as Gollum

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Peter Jackson Pledges to Shoot in 3D From Now On

Aνακοινωσε οτι απο εδω και στο εξης θα γυριζει ολες του τις ταινιες σε 3D.

Δεν ξεκαθαρισε ομως αν θα ειναι και το HOBBIT 3D !!!

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Heavy Metal με 4 σταρ σκηνοθέτες!

Το εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρον πρότζεκτ που αφορά την ταινία που βασίζεται στο Heavy Metal -τη διάσημη sci - fi με σεξουαλικές προεκτάσεις και σκοτεινή φαντασία ανθολογία κόμικ - έκλεψε την καρδιά του Τζέιμς Κάμερον, ο οποίος και όπως όλα δείχνουν θα κάτσει στην καρέκλα με το ταμπελάκι του σκηνοθέτη.

Στην ίδια καρέκλα, σύμφωνα με τα λεγόμενα του Κέβιν Ιστμαν, του συνδημιουργού των Ninja Turtles (Χελωνονιντζάκια) και του τωρινού ιδιοκτήτη του περιοδικού, θα κάτσουν και ο Ντέιβιντ Φίντσερ, και ο Ζακ Σνάιντερ και ο Γκορ Βερμπίνσκι!

Πώς θα γίνει αυτό; Η ταινία θα αποτελείται από διάφορες ιστορίες ακολουθώντας το μοντέλο του Sin City, έτσι ο κάθε σκηνοθέτης θα αναλάβει και μία. Εκτός από τους τέσσερις προαναφεθέντες είναι πολύ πιθανό να δούμε σε μια εξ αυτών τον Μαρκ Οζμπορν (Kung Fu Panda) να σκηνοθετεί και τον Τζακ Μπλακ να πρωταγωνιστεί.

Όπως καταλαβαίνετε, η σκηνοθετική αυτή συνεύρεση, αν τελικά πραγματοποιηθεί, θα προκαλέσει πραγματικό σεισμό στην κινηματογραφική βιομηχανία. Ακούγεται μάλιστα -και μάλλον δεν είναι φήμη- πως ο Κάμερον με τον Φίντσερ θα αναλάβουν από κοινού και την παραγωγή, γεγονός που προσθέτει άλλο ένα εχέγγυο στην ταινία.

Σημειώστε πως υπάρχουν και προηγούμενες Heavy Metal ταινίες, μία το 1981 και μία το 2000 (η τελευταία βγήκε απευθείας σε dvd).


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Λίγο πριν το Ice Age 3 κάνει την έξοδό του και στις δικές μας αίθουσες, η απόφαση για την συνέχεια του sequel είναι γεγονός. Η 20th Century Fox, όχι απλά βρίσκεται σε συζητήσεις, αλλά έχει ήδη προβεί στην έναρξη των γυρισμάτων. Η επιτυχία των 2 προηγούμενων ταινιών ήταν τεράστια και το ίδιο υπολογίζουν και γαι το νούμερο 3 οπότε γιατί να μην το ρισκάρουν;

Η ταινία θα τιτλοφορείται "Ice Age: Th4w" και για πρώτη φορά δεν θα είναι τοποθετημένη στην προϊστορική εποχή.

ι πρωταγωνιστές μας, Manny, Sid, Diego, Ellie and Scrat, θα παγώσουν και από ατύχημα θα βρεθούν σε ένα μουσείο του σήμερα. Χμ... λίγο φευγάτο ακούγεται αλλά μάλλον θα έχει πλάκα.

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Οργίαζαν οι φήμες που ήθελαν τον Ridley Scott να θέλει να είναι στο τιμόνι της σκηνοθεσίας για το prequel του Alien επιστρέφοντας ξανά για να κάνει αυτό που νομίζει καλύτερο. Οι fans της σειράς δηλώνουν ενθουσιασμένοι από την είδηση και απόλυτα ικανοποιημένοι αν κάτι τέτοιο τελικά συμβεί. Όμως ο Ridley Scott έχει την τελευταία λέξη και δεν έχει σκοπό να κάνει κάτι τέτοιο. Για το λόγο αυτό πρότεινε άλλωστε τον σκηνοθέτη διαδημιστικών, Carl Erik Rinsch για την θέση αυτή. Η Fox από την άλλη δείχνει ενθουσιασμένη με την προοπτική να γυρίσει την νέα ταινία των μικρών τεράτων με νέο σκηνοθέτη.

Βέβαια, δεν μπορούμε ακόμα να πούμε ότι το θέμα έχει κλείσει καθώς, η κόρη του Scott ζει μια ρομαντική σχέση με τον Jordan της 20th Century Fox με τον οποίο πιθανολογείται ότι πάνε για γάμο. Αν συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο, μπορεί ο Scott να το κάνει τελικά το βήμα για το χατήρι του γαμπρού του.

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Andrew Stanton's John Carter of Mars Shooting in November!

It feels like just yesterday when Wall-E director Andrew Stanton would answer every John Carter of Mars question with "we're just working on the script right now." A year later and now it looks like the script is ready. Fortunately it won't take four years to make like at Pixar. The news comes from the NBC station KSL in Salt Lake City, Utah (via SlashFilm). They report that thanks to a new tax incentive in the state, Disney will bring 400 cast and crew to Utah and shoot John Carter of Mars for seven months. While we never got any official confirmation, word is that this will be Stanton's first live-action feature.

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Neil Marshall to Direct Robert Rodriguez' Predators Reboot !

Bloody Disgusting has learned that British filmmaker Neil Marshall, of Dog Soldiers, The Descent, and Doomsday previously, will most likely end up being the director chosen to bring us more Predator mayhem. Rodriguez is still producing and developing the project at Troublemaker Studios with 20th Century Fox overseeing, but apparently Neil Marshall is in negotiations to direct (but hasn't officially signed on). He's very good with creatures and horror, I'll say that, but can he handle big sci-fi action?

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Purvis & Wade to Work on Bond 23!

Producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli of EON Productions Ltd and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures have today announced that Peter Morgan (Frost/Nixon, The Queen), Neal Purvis and Robert Wade (Quantum of Solace, Casino Royale) will be the screenwriters of the 23rd James Bond adventure.

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Bekmambetov Prepares Wanted 2

Talking about the tentatively-titled Wanted 2, Bekmambetov told them, "In July we will start preparation for the film. I think in the late autumn or winter shooting will be performed. The shooting will take place in America, India and Russia."

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Megan Fox replacing Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy ?

Megan Fox is allegedly stealing another franchise role. IGN reports that she's being considered for the reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

Fox is being eyed to play the title role of Buffy Summers in the recently announced big-screen relaunch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The new movie will not involve Joss Whedon or be tied in anyway to either the 1992 film or the TV series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar that followed.

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Warner Bros' Live-Action Akira Movie is Dead as a Doornail!

Bloody Disgusting now confirms via "two separate sources" that the project is "dead as a doornail." Robinson is apparently also off of the project. When it was announced last year, the plan was to actually have shot and ready to debut in theaters this summer.

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Roy Rogers Returning to the Big Screen

Variety reports that Roy Rogers' iconic presence may be riding back onto the big screen in a planned film trilogy to be launched by financier/producer 821 Entertainment.

The Nashville-based company has partnered with the Roy Rogers Family Entertainment Corp. to launch a "King of the Cowboys" film trilogy as well as animated TV, interactive game and merchandising efforts.

Geadelmann said the planned film trilogy will "not be a biopic, and will not be a traditional Western, but rather a family fantasy adventure. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Trigger are quintessential figures of America, and we will introduce this franchise to a new audience while capitalizing on the millions of Roy Rogers fans worldwide."

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Thomas Haden Church Cast in John Carter of Mars, Too?

We've got another bit of casting news related to Andrew Stanton's John Carter of Mars to reveal today. Yesterday it was announced that Wolverine co-stars Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins were cast in the Disney production as the two lead actors. Now today we also learn that Thomas Haden Church might be joining as well. Church appeared on Jeffrey Lyons' show ReelTalk to talk about appearing in Imagine That. When asked about his variety of roles, both comedies and dramas, Church said, "I'm probably going to do a huge science fiction drama at Disney called John Carter of Mars in the spring and that's a very dramatic role."

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Natalie Portman Joins Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan Project

It's looking like the next movie from Darren Aronofsky won't necessarily be RoboCop. THR announced tonight that Natalie Portman has been cast as the lead in Black Swan, a ballet project that Aronofsky has been attached with for a few years. It was originally setup at Universal but has been recently making the rounds at other studios since it never get off the ground there. The script for this was originally written by John McLaughlin, who wrote Man of the House in 2005 and has been working on a Splinter Cell script. Mark Heyman, a development exec at Aronofsky's Protozoa Pictures, did a rewrite of that draft recently.

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Inception Has a $200M Budget, Will Be Shooting in Canada

Not that this is a shocking amount, as The Dark Knight had a budget of $185 million, but it's great to hear nonetheless, especially since a few people might've thought that Nolan's latest wouldn't be a big action movie. The Calgary Sun (via SlashFilm) has an article about Christopher Nolan's Inception shooting up in Canada later this year. Not only do they mention some details about where it'll be shooting and its size and scope, but that the budget will be around $200 million - or closer to $176.5 million if that first amount is actually Canadian dollars.

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Stuart Beattie Adapting and Directing Australia's Tomorrow

Pirates of the Caribbean screenwriter Stuart Beattie will make his directorial debut with an adaptation of Tomorrow, When the War Began. The novel is the first in a popular series of seven books written by Australian John Marsden first published in 1994. The Tomorrow Series, as it is known, details the insurgency efforts of a band of Aussie teenagers fighting off an enemy invasion and foreign occupation of their homeland, similar to Red Dawn. Beattie, who has read and loves the books, is writing the screenplay and is preparing to shoot down in Australia in September. "It's coming of age in a war zone," he explains.

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Finnish Nazis-on-the-Moon Movie 'Iron Sky' Gets Funding

Check out that concept! The project, titled Iron Sky, has finally secured the last bit of funding it needs to moved forward. The Finnish Film Foundation has given them the last $1.1 million that was necessary; other financiers include Walt Disney Finland and Finnish broadcaster YLE as well as co-producers 27 Film Production in Germany and Film & Music Entertainment in the U.K. The movie, as you expected, is a genre spoof about a group of Nazis who escaped to the moon before the end of World War II and are planning a new Fourth Reich. Shooting will start in January with a cast of German second-tier stars for a 2011 debut.

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Shia LaBeouf Says Spielberg is 'Gearing Up' Indiana Jones 5

We all knew it was going to happen - Spielberg would make Indiana Jones 5 whether we wanted it or not. But we haven't heard much about it and I think a lot of people were hoping that they would've just given up by now. But that's not the case. In a recent interview with the BBC, Shia LaBeouf says, "Steven [Spielberg] just said that he cracked a story on it before I left and I think they're gearing that up." He doesn't say much else, except that there are "definitely no special effects in that movie," but it's enough of an update to remind us that this is indeed coming soon, whether you like it or not. Let's hope it's better than the last one.

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