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Ξαναδιάβασα τα παλιά μου posts σχετικά με τα Era300. Δεν άλλαξε κάτι.

Τα Era300 σε θέση surround, για αναπαραγωγή atmos υλικού, είτε μουσικής είτε ταινιών, ως σύνολο με Arc + 2x Subs, είναι αχτύπητα.

Για δικάναλο, για μένα παραμένουν κορυφαία, και με διαφορά, τα Five.

Για μονοκάναλο, πάλι Five.


A/V Επαγγελματίας
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Αν θέλετε κάτι μικρό ή "παλιό", θα τρέξουν προσφορές στα

Sonos Ace (όχι παλιό :D ) ==> 399€
Sonos Roam SL** ==> 99.9€
Sonos Move** ==> 299€
Sonos Arc (Gen1) ==> 799€
Sonos Sub (Gen3) ==> 699€

**Μέχρι εξάντλησης του αποθέματος... για όποια καταστήματα έχουν, μιας και δεν υπάρχει νέο στοκ στον προμηθευτή.
Με άλλα λόγια, αν θέλετε κάτι από αυτά, αν τα δείτε σε κάποιο κατάστημα, τα παίρνετε, αλλιώς πιθανότατα δεν θα τα βρείτε ξανά αλλού (δεν θα υπάρξει restocking).

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Σιγά μη σκίσουν κάνα καλσόν με τέτοιες τιμές.

Περιμένουμε τις σωστές προσφορές, όπως πέρσι τον Γενάρη.
425€ έβγαινε η Arc πέρσι με αγορά συσκευής >850€.

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Νέο αφεντικό στη Sonos:
Tom Conrad

Το γράμμα του στους υπαλλήλους της Sonos:


Nearly 18 years ago, in May of 2007, I stepped onto the stage at SFMOMA to launch Pandora for Sonos to an audience of tech journalists. I was 37 years old and my love of Sonos was in its earliest days. Over the decade that immediately followed, and through many ups and downs, we built Pandora into a streaming phenomenon. In those same years Sonos became the most beloved way to enjoy music throughout my home and millions of others.

Eight years ago, I was honored to be asked to join the Sonos board. Five months ago, as the team worked through the app recovery, I was lucky enough to get to know a wider swath of you personally – and to see firsthand your dedication to setting things right.

Last week, I was asked to step in as interim CEO.

Perhaps the most important thing for you to know today is that I’m here because I love this company, this product family and this brand. For nearly two decades, I’ve listened to music throughout my home on Sonos every day. In the last decade, I’ve binged every streaming phenomenon with dazzling surround from our Sonos soundbars. In recent years and when I was traveling, it was a Sonos Roam that made its way into my backpack. These days, every night I’m careful not to wake my sleeping family by watching audio-swapped television on my Sonos Ace.

I know as well as anyone the incredible power of what we can do. A Sonos Move was playing in the delivery room when my daughter (11 months just last week!) was born. Sonos provides a similar soundtrack for millions of lives throughout the world every single day. When it all works, it’s absolute magic.

It’s also true that when it doesn’t work, our customers are taken out of the moment and are right to feel that we’ve let them down. I think we’ll all agree that this year we’ve let far too many people down. As we’ve seen, getting some important things right (Arc Ultra and Ace are remarkable products!) is just not enough when our customers’ alarms don’t go off, their kids can’t hear their playlist during breakfast, their surrounds don’t fire, or they can’t pause the music in time to answer the buzzing doorbell.

I’m here to get us back on track. But is getting back on track enough?

I think the answer is clearly no. Getting back to basics is necessary, but clearly not enough to unlock the future we all envision for Sonos. So as delighted as I’ll be when every Sonos customer I meet tells me “You work at Sonos!? I love my Sonos!”, what really gets me up in the morning is the idea that we can expand the Sonos platform well beyond “out loud audio at home.”

I’ve heard from many of you about your own frustrations about how far we’ve drifted from our shared ideals. There’s a tremendous amount of work in front of us, including what I’m sure will be some very challenging moments, decisions, and trade-offs, but I’m energized by the passion I see all around me for doing right by our customers and getting back to the innovation that is at the heart of Sonos’ incredible history.

While I’m here today as “interim” CEO, please make no mistake: I’m here to move us forward. This is not a time for Sonos to be stuck in limbo. I’ve relocated to Santa Barbara and my family will join me here shortly. I’m in the office today and for as long as the job is mine. I’m counting on your help in making today the first day in our collective future. I’ll greet you all live tomorrow (see calendars for the meeting invite). It will be recorded and shared with those who aren’t able to attend. I’ll also be visiting our offices outside of California in the coming weeks. I can’t wait to meet all of you and start building towards a new chapter for Sonos.



PS: As you get to know me in the coming weeks and months, you’ll find that I have many of the clichéd interests of an aging technology hipster, including an arm full of tattoos (see also: “Can I tell you about my interest in light roast espresso, vinyl records and Leica photography?”). While all of this rightfully might inspire some eye rolls (including from my wife), I hope it will make at least some of you smile to know that my most prominent tattoo is a pair of Sonos Ace on my left forearm.

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Προσωπικά ποτέ δεν κατάλαβα τι συνέβη με το app. Ό,τι κι αν έγινε πάντως, αν έγινε για να βγουν τα Ace μια ώρα αρχύτερα, άξιζε!

Όπως το περίμενα, game changer στην καθημερινότητά μου το swap μέσω της Arc. Τέρμα η ταλαιπωρία μέσω του bluetooth της tv. Πατάω το κουμπάκι στα ακουστικά, ερχεται ο ήχος στα ακουστικά, το ξαναπατάω, παίζει η Arc. Όνειρο!

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Έχω ένα ζευγάρι ηχεία δαπέδου focal aria 926
Σκεφτόμουνα να αγοράσω τον Sonos amp,
Αξίζει; Μήπως να πήγαινα σε Yamaha r-n 800;

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Για όποιον έχει αρκετά Sonos και διάθεση να παίζει, βγήκε πρόσφατα η εφαρμογή SonoSequencr, διαθέσιμη για την ώρα μόνο σε iOS. Ανάμεσα σε αυτά που κάνει είναι να επιτρέπει συνδυασμούς ηχείων που δεν προβλέπονται από την επίσημη της Sonos, μιας και οι προγραμματιστές της βρήκαν το API της Sonos και μπορούν να διαχωρίζουν αριστερό και δεξιό κανάλι.

Πολλοί την χρησιμοποιούν μαζί με ARC για να βάζουν δύο ηχεία να παίζουν L & R και την ARC να παίζει μόνο τα περιφερειακά κανάλια.

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