- Μηνύματα
- 80.340
- Reaction score
- 102.799
Μήπως αυτό; http://www.atmistique.gr/
ωραίος.Μήπως αυτό; http://www.atmistique.gr/
Παναϊτσα μου, θα πάρω αηφόνι!
Για τους κατοχους iphone 5/5s
μια χαρά φαίνεται.ίσως σε δυσκολέψουν οι βίδες λίγο παραπάνω από κάποιον με τρύπες,δευτερόλεπτα παραπάνω εννοώ.Aυτος κανει για ξεκινημα?
Σύντομα διαθέσιμο λέει.Aυτος κανει για ξεκινημα?
Αυτος ειναι??Καλυτερος για dripping ηταν ο phoenix V1, αλλα και ο κλωνος του ειναι καλος αν περιμενετε...
Οποιος βιαζεται καλυτερα ο Phoenix V5.
Τον κλωνο V1 τον βρηκα και εδω στο atomizer.gr
Ok!Οχι αυτον ,ειπαμε τον V1 http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004437/1627800
η αν τον εχει το atomizer.gr
Εχω και τον V5 RDA ,καλουτσικος ειναι αλλα δεν συγκρινεται με τον V1
In tackling the question of whether e-cigarette use is helping or harming the nation’s tobacco control efforts, the authors analyzed 84 research studies on e-cigarettes and other related scientific materials.
They concluded that e-cigarettes should be prohibited wherever tobacco cigarettes are prohibited and should be subject to the same marketing restrictions as conventional cigarettes.
Furthermore, most adults and youths who use e-cigarettes are engaging in “dual use” – smoking both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes.
While most youth using e-cigarettes are dual users, up to a third of adolescent e-cigarette users have never smoked a conventional cigarette, indicating that some youth are starting use of the addictive drug nicotine with e-cigarettes.
“E-cigarettes do not burn or smolder the way conventional cigarettes do, so they do not emit side-stream smoke; however, bystanders are exposed to aerosol exhaled by the user,” said the authors. Toxins and nicotine have been measured in that aerosol, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetic acid and other toxins emitted into the air, though at lower levels compared to conventional cigarette emissions.
One study of e-cigarettes was conducted to resemble a smoky bar: the researchers found that markers of nicotine in nonsmokers who sat nearby was similar for both cigarette smoke and e-cigarette aerosol exposure. Short-term exposure studies of e-cigarette use show a negative impact on lung function and bystanders absorb nicotine from passive exposure to e-cigarette aerosol, the authors report.